Pastor Allen Jackson's mission is to help people become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.
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Allen Jackson Ministries | Allen Jackson - When God Intevenes (Part 2) | December 27, 2024
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- Allen jackson: i put a little paradigm at the top of
- 00:00:06.899 --> 00:00:08.901
- Your outline.
- 00:00:09.034 --> 00:00:09.268
- We really began using that during covid, in the midst of
- 00:00:10.436 --> 00:00:13.972
- Some of the craziness that began to emerge in that season.
- 00:00:13.972 --> 00:00:18.410
- Really, as a means of avoiding deception so that we could
- 00:00:18.410 --> 00:00:22.781
- Fulfill god's purposes.
- 00:00:22.781 --> 00:00:24.116
- And it's proved useful, far beyond the covid narrative.
- 00:00:24.116 --> 00:00:28.654
- I think it's helpful--one of the most consistent warnings
- 00:00:28.654 --> 00:00:31.523
- Jesus gave us about this time in history was about the
- 00:00:31.523 --> 00:00:35.527
- Prevalence, the increase, of deception.
- 00:00:35.527 --> 00:00:38.497
- And that little tool will help, a great deal.
- 00:00:38.497 --> 00:00:40.432
- If you'll cultivate the habit of watching, and listening, not
- 00:00:40.432 --> 00:00:44.403
- Just being present, but actually watch, and listen, and then
- 00:00:44.403 --> 00:00:46.905
- Think, but then don't stop there.
- 00:00:46.905 --> 00:00:52.578
- Then you have to be willing to act.
- 00:00:52.578 --> 00:00:55.247
- You wanna watch, and listen, and think, and act.
- 00:00:55.247 --> 00:00:59.017
- We're gonna talk about that a bit more as we move through the
- 00:00:59.017 --> 00:01:02.955
- End of this year and begin a new year.
- 00:01:02.955 --> 00:01:04.690
- I had the radio on, this week, in my car and i didn't catch the
- 00:01:04.690 --> 00:01:08.594
- Introduction of the person who was being interviewed, but he
- 00:01:08.594 --> 00:01:10.629
- Was some sort of highly celebrated economist, very
- 00:01:10.629 --> 00:01:18.804
- Well-educated, very well-respected, you could tell
- 00:01:18.804 --> 00:01:21.874
- By the tone of the interview.
- 00:01:21.874 --> 00:01:23.742
- It just happened to be foolish, in my opinion.
- 00:01:23.742 --> 00:01:30.249
- But i grew up in a barn so you can watch, and listen, and think
- 00:01:30.249 --> 00:01:34.353
- For yourself.
- 00:01:34.353 --> 00:01:35.721
- But the premise that he kept asserting, repeatedly, over and
- 00:01:35.721 --> 00:01:38.390
- Over and over, again, was that, "economically," he would say.
- 00:01:38.390 --> 00:01:41.860
- And he would have-- "economically, there's really
- 00:01:41.860 --> 00:01:44.663
- Absolutely no difference whatsoever between legal and
- 00:01:44.663 --> 00:01:47.833
- Illegal immigration."
- 00:01:47.833 --> 00:01:51.036
- Oh, don't heckle, but i suppose he made the assertion more than
- 00:01:51.036 --> 00:01:56.508
- A dozen times and he would, "economically--" and i'm--i
- 00:01:56.508 --> 00:02:01.547
- Start talking to my radio, which is really not a good practice.
- 00:02:01.547 --> 00:02:08.687
- They're one-way.
- 00:02:08.687 --> 00:02:10.088
- Now, google can hear you, but your radio can't.
- 00:02:10.088 --> 00:02:14.660
- And i said, "well, you know, if i use that theory, if i use your
- 00:02:14.660 --> 00:02:18.397
- Premise, as far as purchasing power, there's no difference in
- 00:02:18.397 --> 00:02:23.936
- The money i earned than if i robbed a bank!"
- 00:02:23.936 --> 00:02:27.906
- I mean, if we're just talking purchasing power, there's
- 00:02:27.906 --> 00:02:32.010
- No difference!
- 00:02:32.010 --> 00:02:33.912
- I mean, there's that little inconvenience of one's legal and
- 00:02:33.912 --> 00:02:36.815
- One's illegal, and if you wanna set aside the law, and you wanna
- 00:02:36.815 --> 00:02:44.089
- Give complete license to lawlessness, then there's really
- 00:02:44.089 --> 00:02:48.126
- No difference than earning something and
- 00:02:48.126 --> 00:02:51.863
- Stealing something.
- 00:02:51.863 --> 00:02:55.334
- Well, if you're just kind of, sort of not paying attention,
- 00:02:55.334 --> 00:02:59.805
- And you're not really listening, and you're not watching, and
- 00:02:59.805 --> 00:03:02.608
- You're not thinking, you'll be deceived by knuckleheads!
- 00:03:02.608 --> 00:03:07.379
- People who have an agenda that they don't fully disclose, and
- 00:03:07.379 --> 00:03:12.251
- We don't have a tremendous number of places where the truth
- 00:03:12.251 --> 00:03:16.355
- Is celebrated, so you have to be a bit more wary as a consumer.
- 00:03:16.355 --> 00:03:23.829
- I wanna encourage you to continue to watch, and to
- 00:03:23.829 --> 00:03:26.732
- Listen, to think, and to act on the truth that you can see.
- 00:03:26.732 --> 00:03:33.639
- If you'll combine that with reading your bible, and learning
- 00:03:33.639 --> 00:03:36.942
- To listen to the spirit of god, i believe the lord will lead us
- 00:03:36.942 --> 00:03:41.780
- Through, no matter how confusing, or deceiving, the
- 00:03:41.780 --> 00:03:44.916
- Messaging around us.
- 00:03:44.916 --> 00:03:47.286
- If you're not doing that, you will be deceived, because the
- 00:03:47.286 --> 00:03:54.059
- Messaging is confusing.
- 00:03:54.059 --> 00:03:55.427
- I don't think we have to be frightened, in fact, it's kind
- 00:03:55.427 --> 00:03:57.029
- Of exciting.
- 00:03:57.029 --> 00:03:58.563
- God's preparing a people for, i believe, the greatest experience
- 00:03:58.563 --> 00:04:05.737
- In the kingdom of god that the world has ever seen.
- 00:04:05.737 --> 00:04:08.774
- I believe we'll see more people come to faith in the season
- 00:04:08.774 --> 00:04:11.276
- Ahead than any time the world has ever known.
- 00:04:11.276 --> 00:04:14.846
- Now, some of that has to do with the population growth, in all
- 00:04:14.846 --> 00:04:17.649
- Fairness, but it also has to do with an explosion of technology
- 00:04:17.649 --> 00:04:22.020
- That makes it affordable for a little country church in
- 00:04:22.020 --> 00:04:23.922
- Tennessee to turn on the lights and we can talk to people in
- 00:04:23.922 --> 00:04:27.693
- Anywhere on the planet, which is truly remarkable.
- 00:04:27.693 --> 00:04:31.797
- Now, we will also see the greatest opposition to the
- 00:04:31.797 --> 00:04:34.466
- Gospel that the world has ever known.
- 00:04:34.466 --> 00:04:36.935
- And that will grow in intensity.
- 00:04:36.935 --> 00:04:39.705
- So you don't want to allow the fact that there's opposition to
- 00:04:39.705 --> 00:04:42.574
- Be the component that would cause you to stand for the
- 00:04:42.574 --> 00:04:47.746
- Truth, or not.
- 00:04:47.746 --> 00:04:49.548
- We'll be advocates for the truth, where the--where it
- 00:04:49.548 --> 00:04:52.651
- Seems to be celebrated, and we'll be advocates for the truth
- 00:04:52.651 --> 00:04:55.253
- Where it is less so.
- 00:04:55.253 --> 00:04:56.755
- We have chosen to be advocates for the truth, amen?
- 00:04:56.755 --> 00:05:00.125
- So watch, listen, think, and act, you've got the tools, now.
- 00:05:00.125 --> 00:05:04.930
- We'll keep taking some looks through that window and see if
- 00:05:04.930 --> 00:05:07.432
- Somebody else shows up with something absurd.
- 00:05:07.432 --> 00:05:09.935
- They are still releasing productions on a very regular
- 00:05:09.935 --> 00:05:13.872
- Basis, from the theater of the absurd, in case you
- 00:05:13.872 --> 00:05:17.542
- Have forgotten.
- 00:05:17.542 --> 00:05:19.478
- Remember, when we started this a moment ago, we said that
- 00:05:19.478 --> 00:05:21.813
- Breakthroughs bring with them, sometimes, a sense of being
- 00:05:21.813 --> 00:05:24.416
- Set apart?
- 00:05:24.416 --> 00:05:26.785
- So one of the questions i will ask you, and i'll ask you
- 00:05:26.785 --> 00:05:28.954
- Repeatedly: are you willing to be set apart for the purposes of
- 00:05:28.954 --> 00:05:32.457
- God or do you just wanna blend in?
- 00:05:32.457 --> 00:05:38.163
- If we used a little bit of a contemporary example: would you
- 00:05:38.163 --> 00:05:39.998
- Just like to say you're a college football fan?
- 00:05:39.998 --> 00:05:43.435
- Or are you a ut fan?
- 00:05:43.435 --> 00:05:46.805
- If you choose one, it's gonna set you apart, particularly if
- 00:05:46.805 --> 00:05:48.940
- You go south of here.
- 00:05:48.940 --> 00:05:52.944
- I mean, this year you go proudly, stay humble.
- 00:05:52.944 --> 00:06:01.453
- Are you willing to be set apart?
- 00:06:01.453 --> 00:06:02.888
- You see, we want delivered, we want healing, we want what
- 00:06:02.888 --> 00:06:05.323
- We want.
- 00:06:05.323 --> 00:06:07.292
- We want our kids to get what we want them to have, or whatever
- 00:06:07.292 --> 00:06:09.561
- It is we're seeking the lord for.
- 00:06:09.561 --> 00:06:11.196
- Are we truly willing to say, "lord, i'm gonna respond
- 00:06:11.196 --> 00:06:15.667
- To you"?
- 00:06:15.667 --> 00:06:17.969
- Well, the time simeon's done with this interaction, it's not
- 00:06:17.969 --> 00:06:20.939
- All just a group hug.
- 00:06:20.939 --> 00:06:23.875
- Very next verse, that's verse 35 and verse 36, luke goes on.
- 00:06:23.875 --> 00:06:28.713
- He said, "there was also a prophetess, anna, the daughter
- 00:06:28.713 --> 00:06:33.084
- Of phanuel, of the tribe of asher.
- 00:06:33.084 --> 00:06:34.719
- She was very old; she had lived with her husband seven years
- 00:06:34.719 --> 00:06:41.526
- After her marriage, and then was a widow until she was 84.
- 00:06:41.526 --> 00:06:45.831
- She never left the temple but she worshiped night and day,
- 00:06:45.831 --> 00:06:49.434
- Fasting and praying.
- 00:06:49.434 --> 00:06:50.769
- Coming up to them at that very moment, she gave thanks to god
- 00:06:50.769 --> 00:06:53.305
- And spoke about the child of all who were looking forward to the
- 00:06:53.305 --> 00:06:56.641
- Redemption of jerusalem."
- 00:06:56.641 --> 00:07:00.011
- It's a fascinating little window.
- 00:07:00.011 --> 00:07:01.613
- It says that "anna never left the temple,"
- 00:07:01.613 --> 00:07:05.283
- That "she worshiped night and day, fasting and praying that
- 00:07:05.283 --> 00:07:12.123
- God gives her a revelation of the messiah."
- 00:07:12.123 --> 00:07:16.761
- But it wasn't just because she was having a good hair day, or
- 00:07:16.761 --> 00:07:21.533
- Because the weather happened to be particularly beautiful on
- 00:07:21.533 --> 00:07:24.836
- That morning, and so she decided she would go to temple.
- 00:07:24.836 --> 00:07:29.307
- It wasn't because she didn't have a better invitation.
- 00:07:29.307 --> 00:07:33.411
- It says, "she never left the temple,
- 00:07:33.411 --> 00:07:36.047
- That she worshiped god night and day."
- 00:07:36.047 --> 00:07:38.850
- I'm enough of a literalist, i believe she worshiped night
- 00:07:38.850 --> 00:07:44.122
- And day.
- 00:07:44.122 --> 00:07:46.291
- I believe she sought the lord with fasting and prayer.
- 00:07:46.291 --> 00:07:52.664
- And because of that, god gave her the insight, gave her
- 00:07:52.664 --> 00:07:55.500
- A breakthrough.
- 00:07:55.500 --> 00:07:56.835
- There was an intervention on her behalf.
- 00:07:56.835 --> 00:07:58.537
- That's the child.
- 00:07:58.537 --> 00:08:02.040
- Maybe she heard simeon.
- 00:08:02.040 --> 00:08:06.645
- I'm gonna try to wrap this up.
- 00:08:06.645 --> 00:08:08.713
- I played with labels for this, because i'm gonna put the
- 00:08:08.713 --> 00:08:11.683
- Segments in several of the lessons, god willing.
- 00:08:11.683 --> 00:08:14.553
- For the moment, i like "breakthrough hacks."
- 00:08:14.553 --> 00:08:19.691
- Some of you prefer "travel tips."
- 00:08:19.691 --> 00:08:22.861
- I know, i got a whole list and then i'll decide which one
- 00:08:22.861 --> 00:08:24.763
- Sticks, over time.
- 00:08:24.763 --> 00:08:27.299
- But between the narrative that we're given in scripture, and
- 00:08:27.299 --> 00:08:30.201
- The reality of our lives, we've got to mesh this into a set of
- 00:08:30.201 --> 00:08:33.605
- Behaviors that increase our possibility of participation.
- 00:08:33.605 --> 00:08:38.109
- We do that with, "let's pray."
- 00:08:38.109 --> 00:08:40.345
- You forfeit a tremendous amount, if you never pray with others.
- 00:08:40.345 --> 00:08:45.317
- We do that with reading our bible, if you don't read your
- 00:08:45.317 --> 00:08:47.152
- Bible, you forfeit a tremendous amount of spiritual stability,
- 00:08:47.152 --> 00:08:51.323
- And understanding, and insight.
- 00:08:51.323 --> 00:08:55.694
- And there's some other choices that we make that can either
- 00:08:55.694 --> 00:08:58.063
- Facilitate god's engagement in our lives, or they'll
- 00:08:58.063 --> 00:09:01.600
- Diminish it.
- 00:09:01.600 --> 00:09:04.569
- And one that i can take from the lives of these two individuals,
- 00:09:04.569 --> 00:09:07.772
- Is that breakthroughs frequently involve god keeping a promise.
- 00:09:07.772 --> 00:09:12.277
- For both simeon and anna, what they were looking forward to,
- 00:09:12.277 --> 00:09:15.280
- What they were anticipating was god keeping his word.
- 00:09:15.280 --> 00:09:18.183
- That he will do what he said he would do.
- 00:09:18.183 --> 00:09:19.584
- "he told me he would let me see the messiah.
- 00:09:19.584 --> 00:09:22.654
- And i may be 84, but if i have to, i'll be 184, i'm going to
- 00:09:22.654 --> 00:09:26.124
- See the messiah.
- 00:09:26.124 --> 00:09:28.760
- Now i'm going to the temple every day, and i'm gonna worship
- 00:09:28.760 --> 00:09:32.163
- God night and day, and i'll fast and pray, i'm not just mailing
- 00:09:32.163 --> 00:09:35.166
- This in.
- 00:09:35.166 --> 00:09:36.534
- I'm all in, but i'm gonna see the messiah."
- 00:09:36.534 --> 00:09:42.641
- And the breakthroughs in our lives, most frequently, will be
- 00:09:42.641 --> 00:09:47.278
- About god keeping his promise.
- 00:09:47.278 --> 00:09:51.349
- In the case of simeon and anna, there's a sense of the
- 00:09:51.349 --> 00:09:53.718
- Completion and of assignment, and this is really a pretty
- 00:09:53.718 --> 00:09:57.055
- Important biblical principle.
- 00:09:57.055 --> 00:09:58.456
- You know, we make a journey through time, it's linear.
- 00:09:58.456 --> 00:10:02.460
- In fact, the whole story of the bible, the first verse of the
- 00:10:02.460 --> 00:10:05.296
- Bible, i bet you know what it is.
- 00:10:05.296 --> 00:10:06.631
- What's the first phrase in the bible?
- 00:10:06.631 --> 00:10:09.167
- "in the beginning."
- 00:10:09.167 --> 00:10:11.202
- The beginning, the beginning of what?
- 00:10:11.202 --> 00:10:14.873
- Well, it's not the beginning of the earth and everything that's
- 00:10:14.873 --> 00:10:16.975
- In it, because when the spirit of god hovers over the face of
- 00:10:16.975 --> 00:10:20.011
- The deep, something's here, it's just chaotic.
- 00:10:20.011 --> 00:10:25.050
- We're not really introduced to the very beginning, it's just in
- 00:10:25.050 --> 00:10:28.353
- The beginning of what's going to--the opening chapters of
- 00:10:28.353 --> 00:10:31.156
- Genesis introduce us to adam, the pinnacle of god's creation.
- 00:10:31.156 --> 00:10:38.396
- It's the story of adam and his descendants and how, if they so
- 00:10:38.396 --> 00:10:42.033
- Choose, how they might have a relationship with the almighty
- 00:10:42.033 --> 00:10:45.437
- God, the creator of the heavens and the earth.
- 00:10:45.437 --> 00:10:48.807
- And it starts, "in the beginning," and it takes us to
- 00:10:48.807 --> 00:10:50.775
- The book of revelation, which is the conclusion of this
- 00:10:50.775 --> 00:10:53.645
- Present age.
- 00:10:53.645 --> 00:10:55.013
- It's not the end of god's people, it's not the end of god,
- 00:10:55.013 --> 00:10:57.916
- It's not the end of god's activity on this earth.
- 00:10:57.916 --> 00:11:02.620
- There's gonna be a new heaven and a new earth, but it's the
- 00:11:02.620 --> 00:11:06.891
- End of this present world order.
- 00:11:06.891 --> 00:11:09.360
- It's a linear progression.
- 00:11:09.360 --> 00:11:11.329
- And we get a hint of that in the story of simeon and anna,
- 00:11:11.329 --> 00:11:14.966
- There's a completion of assignment, there was a
- 00:11:14.966 --> 00:11:17.368
- Beginning and ending.
- 00:11:17.368 --> 00:11:18.703
- "now you have fulfilled your promise, i'm good.
- 00:11:18.703 --> 00:11:22.674
- I have seen the consolation of israel.
- 00:11:22.674 --> 00:11:26.544
- I have seen the redeemer of jerusalem."
- 00:11:26.544 --> 00:11:30.215
- It also invites us into this awareness that there's another
- 00:11:30.215 --> 00:11:32.484
- Dimension of our life-- beyond time.
- 00:11:32.484 --> 00:11:35.453
- If we're really gonna get into the weeds on breakthroughs,
- 00:11:35.453 --> 00:11:37.889
- Folks, they have something to do with more than just our journey
- 00:11:37.889 --> 00:11:40.325
- Through time.
- 00:11:40.325 --> 00:11:43.128
- It has to do with our impact, what our life does with our
- 00:11:43.128 --> 00:11:46.364
- Journey through time.
- 00:11:46.364 --> 00:11:49.033
- We have, tragically, been coached towards some very
- 00:11:49.033 --> 00:11:53.071
- Mediocre ideas around our faith.
- 00:11:53.071 --> 00:11:54.672
- "pastor, i just want to go to heaven."
- 00:11:54.672 --> 00:12:00.578
- May i suggest what you wanna do is be as fully obedient to the
- 00:12:00.578 --> 00:12:03.882
- Lord as you're capable of?
- 00:12:03.882 --> 00:12:07.652
- You want to fulfill what you were created for.
- 00:12:07.652 --> 00:12:11.823
- In fact, if you'll focus on that, your destination is
- 00:12:11.823 --> 00:12:14.659
- A non-issue.
- 00:12:14.659 --> 00:12:16.961
- If you're not interested in those things and all you want is
- 00:12:16.961 --> 00:12:18.897
- The destination, you're likely to forfeit all the above.
- 00:12:18.897 --> 00:12:23.134
- I would invite you to think of yourself not as totally defined
- 00:12:23.134 --> 00:12:26.871
- By your journey through time.
- 00:12:26.871 --> 00:12:31.543
- Allen: 2024 has almost slipped past us.
- 00:12:35.413 --> 00:12:38.683
- Thank you for your partnership, this year.
- 00:12:38.683 --> 00:12:40.785
- It's been the most remarkable season we've ever
- 00:12:40.785 --> 00:12:42.921
- Known, together.
- 00:12:42.921 --> 00:12:44.255
- And i thank you for your faithful investment of time,
- 00:12:44.255 --> 00:12:46.891
- Energy, and prayers in our ministry.
- 00:12:46.891 --> 00:12:49.027
- Change is taking place in the earth, we're seeing in our own
- 00:12:49.027 --> 00:12:52.330
- Nation, god responded to us with tremendous mercy and grace.
- 00:12:52.330 --> 00:12:56.801
- We have leaders that are headed to washington dc to enact
- 00:12:56.801 --> 00:12:59.838
- Changes to restore a set of values that have brought
- 00:12:59.838 --> 00:13:02.307
- Strength to our nation.
- 00:13:02.307 --> 00:13:03.775
- It's a time of great optimism, and hope, and anticipation, and
- 00:13:03.775 --> 00:13:07.712
- I believe that's true in the church, as well.
- 00:13:07.712 --> 00:13:09.814
- Folks, we can't stand on the sidelines and expect somebody
- 00:13:09.814 --> 00:13:12.584
- Else to be the change.
- 00:13:12.584 --> 00:13:14.319
- We need the presence of god to emerge in our schools, on our
- 00:13:14.319 --> 00:13:17.422
- College campuses, back in our churches.
- 00:13:17.422 --> 00:13:20.592
- And so i think it's a critical time that we bring the message
- 00:13:20.592 --> 00:13:23.394
- Of the truth of jesus christ.
- 00:13:23.394 --> 00:13:25.129
- It's a hopeful message.
- 00:13:25.129 --> 00:13:26.464
- It's a message of wholeness, and healing, and deliverance, and
- 00:13:26.464 --> 00:13:29.367
- Freedom that we desperately need in our cities, in our
- 00:13:29.367 --> 00:13:32.871
- Communities, wherever god's people gather.
- 00:13:32.871 --> 00:13:35.373
- Join us.
- 00:13:35.373 --> 00:13:36.741
- Let's be a part of what god is doing in the earth and we will
- 00:13:36.741 --> 00:13:39.444
- Celebrate his faithfulness to the people of our generation.
- 00:13:39.444 --> 00:13:43.114
- Thank you for being a part.
- 00:13:43.114 --> 00:13:45.083
- Female announcer: god has uniquely blessed us.
- 00:13:46.384 --> 00:13:48.853
- The best is yet to come.
- 00:13:48.853 --> 00:13:51.623
- God has heard our prayers.
- 00:13:51.623 --> 00:13:54.192
- God has delivered us from oppression.
- 00:13:54.192 --> 00:13:58.096
- We live in a season of shaking, but together we stand.
- 00:13:58.096 --> 00:14:03.601
- United in heart and purpose to accomplish the will of god, in
- 00:14:03.601 --> 00:14:07.772
- Our generation.
- 00:14:07.772 --> 00:14:10.275
- We will not stop.
- 00:14:10.275 --> 00:14:14.345
- Allen: i wanna ask you to make a sacrificial investment in
- 00:14:14.345 --> 00:14:17.115
- Our ministry.
- 00:14:17.115 --> 00:14:18.483
- We have a generous partner who will match every gift between
- 00:14:18.483 --> 00:14:20.551
- Now and the end of the year.
- 00:14:20.551 --> 00:14:21.920
- We're making plans for the year ahead with a boldness and a
- 00:14:21.920 --> 00:14:24.889
- Courage, unlike anything we've done in the past.
- 00:14:24.889 --> 00:14:27.892
- We wanna make as clear a statement for the gospel of
- 00:14:27.892 --> 00:14:30.495
- Jesus christ.
- 00:14:30.495 --> 00:14:31.863
- We wanna strengthen the church.
- 00:14:31.863 --> 00:14:33.464
- We want to tell the truth in a way that people can rally
- 00:14:33.464 --> 00:14:36.501
- Around it.
- 00:14:36.501 --> 00:14:37.869
- God is moving in the earth and we intend to participate
- 00:14:37.869 --> 00:14:40.471
- With him.
- 00:14:40.471 --> 00:14:41.839
- I hope you'll join us as we look forward to the new year.
- 00:14:41.839 --> 00:14:44.809
- Thank you, in advance, for your generous investments in what god
- 00:14:44.809 --> 00:14:48.046
- Is doing.
- 00:14:48.046 --> 00:14:49.380
- God bless you.
- 00:14:49.380 --> 00:14:50.748
- Female announcer: as we step into this new season, let's be
- 00:14:50.748 --> 00:14:52.917
- Faithful to seek god.
- 00:14:52.917 --> 00:14:55.253
- Let's make room for him to refine our hearts, so we can
- 00:14:55.253 --> 00:14:58.323
- Join him in what he's doing.
- 00:14:58.323 --> 00:15:00.658
- Pastor allen's new 90-day devotional journal called,
- 00:15:00.658 --> 00:15:04.662
- "set apart for his purposes," can help.
- 00:15:04.662 --> 00:15:07.432
- Each day brings a new scripture, teaching, prayer, and a
- 00:15:07.432 --> 00:15:11.202
- Journaling prompt.
- 00:15:11.202 --> 00:15:12.537
- We'll also send custom page markers so you can flag anything
- 00:15:12.537 --> 00:15:15.974
- You want to revisit.
- 00:15:15.974 --> 00:15:17.508
- Request your copy of "set apart for his purposes" when you
- 00:15:17.508 --> 00:15:20.211
- Donate $50 or more today, at
- 00:15:20.211 --> 00:15:24.582
- Or call...
- 00:15:24.582 --> 00:15:32.557
- Allen: there's another dimension of our service, there's another
- 00:15:36.794 --> 00:15:39.030
- Dimension of our person.
- 00:15:39.030 --> 00:15:40.898
- Time is not your enemy.
- 00:15:40.898 --> 00:15:45.403
- I'll give you an example in your notes, because i think it
- 00:15:45.403 --> 00:15:47.672
- Highlights this for us, so beautifully and i don't wanna
- 00:15:47.672 --> 00:15:51.342
- Stay here long, but in deuteronomy 34, this is moses,
- 00:15:51.342 --> 00:15:54.679
- The greatest leader in the bible until we get to jesus.
- 00:15:54.679 --> 00:15:57.148
- And he starts out with this group of people who were slaves,
- 00:15:57.148 --> 00:16:01.119
- And they're delivered, and the red sea, and the man of the
- 00:16:01.119 --> 00:16:04.255
- Whole deal, and now he's at the end of his journey through time,
- 00:16:04.255 --> 00:16:07.859
- And they didn't make it into the promised land.
- 00:16:07.859 --> 00:16:12.096
- What was discussed at that bush that was burning, way back in
- 00:16:12.096 --> 00:16:14.932
- Exodus chapter 3 has not become a part of his experience,
- 00:16:14.932 --> 00:16:18.236
- Because of the unbelief of the people.
- 00:16:18.236 --> 00:16:19.904
- God said, "you can't go in there.
- 00:16:19.904 --> 00:16:22.540
- You can't have a land that flows with milk and honey, you're
- 00:16:22.540 --> 00:16:25.543
- Gonna wander in a circle for a long time, for decades."
- 00:16:25.543 --> 00:16:29.313
- And moses had to lead them.
- 00:16:29.313 --> 00:16:33.985
- A faithless, rebellious group of people--
- 00:16:33.985 --> 00:16:36.988
- That is not a wonderful assignment.
- 00:16:36.988 --> 00:16:45.430
- But now god said, "you're done.
- 00:16:45.430 --> 00:16:48.833
- Let's go up the mountain and i will show you the land."
- 00:16:48.833 --> 00:16:54.005
- Moses got a fly-over, and then it simply says--i put it in
- 00:16:54.005 --> 00:16:59.610
- Your notes, it's deuteronomy 34, that "moses, the servant of the
- 00:16:59.610 --> 00:17:02.113
- Lord died there in moab.
- 00:17:02.113 --> 00:17:04.482
- As the lord had said, he buried him in moab--" the lord
- 00:17:04.482 --> 00:17:07.318
- Buried him.
- 00:17:07.318 --> 00:17:09.087
- "in the valley opposite beth peor, but to this day, no one
- 00:17:09.087 --> 00:17:13.424
- Knows where his grave is."
- 00:17:13.424 --> 00:17:16.627
- But i wanted to give you another window because moses didn't step
- 00:17:16.627 --> 00:17:19.063
- Out of the narrative, we're not done with moses.
- 00:17:19.063 --> 00:17:22.600
- He's mentioned all through the new testament.
- 00:17:22.600 --> 00:17:25.536
- But not just as a record of history, in luke chapter 9, it's
- 00:17:25.536 --> 00:17:29.907
- The transfiguration.
- 00:17:29.907 --> 00:17:31.375
- Jesus is on the mount of transfiguration with his most
- 00:17:31.375 --> 00:17:35.079
- Trusted disciples.
- 00:17:35.079 --> 00:17:36.414
- And it says, "as he was praying, the appearance of his face
- 00:17:36.414 --> 00:17:38.249
- Changed, and his clothes became as bright as a flash
- 00:17:38.249 --> 00:17:41.052
- Of lightning.
- 00:17:41.052 --> 00:17:42.420
- And two men--" two men.
- 00:17:42.420 --> 00:17:45.389
- Two men.
- 00:17:45.389 --> 00:17:48.626
- Not ghosts, not apparitions.
- 00:17:48.626 --> 00:17:53.164
- There are words for those things, those aren't the words
- 00:17:53.164 --> 00:17:55.633
- That are used.
- 00:17:55.633 --> 00:17:57.101
- "two men, moses and elijah, appeared in glorious splendor,
- 00:17:57.101 --> 00:18:06.344
- Talking with jesus."
- 00:18:06.344 --> 00:18:10.148
- Now the next sentence fascinates me, because at some point after
- 00:18:10.148 --> 00:18:14.752
- The event, somebody had to talk about what they talked about.
- 00:18:14.752 --> 00:18:20.525
- Because luke records that they spoke about "jesus's departure,
- 00:18:20.525 --> 00:18:25.496
- Which he was about to bring to fulfillment at jerusalem."
- 00:18:25.496 --> 00:18:28.799
- It sounds like he's gonna catch a flight.
- 00:18:28.799 --> 00:18:33.104
- Moses and elijah showed up to talk to jesus about his passion,
- 00:18:33.104 --> 00:18:41.779
- About the suffering that awaited him in jerusalem.
- 00:18:41.779 --> 00:18:46.617
- They'd made a journey of their own.
- 00:18:46.617 --> 00:18:50.054
- They stood before pharaoh and said, "let my people go."
- 00:18:50.054 --> 00:18:54.091
- They stood before rebellious mobs that said, "we don't like
- 00:18:54.091 --> 00:18:57.195
- Your leadership."
- 00:18:57.195 --> 00:18:59.697
- Elijah stood on mount carmel and said, "how long will you worship
- 00:18:59.697 --> 00:19:03.100
- The idols?"
- 00:19:03.100 --> 00:19:04.435
- And nobody would say anything.
- 00:19:04.435 --> 00:19:06.470
- Those might be helpful phrases if you're about to stand in
- 00:19:06.470 --> 00:19:09.073
- Front of an angry mob in jerusalem that are gonna scream
- 00:19:09.073 --> 00:19:11.742
- At you, "crucify him."
- 00:19:11.742 --> 00:19:15.947
- We don't know the specifics, all we know is that they talked to
- 00:19:15.947 --> 00:19:20.451
- Him about his departure, which he was about to bring to
- 00:19:20.451 --> 00:19:25.056
- Fulfillment in jerusalem.
- 00:19:25.056 --> 00:19:28.893
- Moses had died and been buried by god, hundreds of years ago.
- 00:19:28.893 --> 00:19:34.031
- But moses, a man, appeared and spoke to jesus about the
- 00:19:34.031 --> 00:19:37.902
- Tribulations which were before him.
- 00:19:37.902 --> 00:19:41.405
- My opinion, it's a dimensional awareness that will strengthen
- 00:19:41.405 --> 00:19:44.375
- Our resolve to serve the lord.
- 00:19:44.375 --> 00:19:46.143
- There's something to this, that's about more than just
- 00:19:46.143 --> 00:19:48.145
- My timeline.
- 00:19:48.145 --> 00:19:51.782
- We are a part of the unfolding purposes of almighty god.
- 00:19:51.782 --> 00:19:58.189
- Now, that's an investment worth thinking about.
- 00:19:58.189 --> 00:20:01.559
- That's a lifestyle worth adopting.
- 00:20:01.559 --> 00:20:04.295
- That's more than, "well, i'm just going to church.
- 00:20:04.295 --> 00:20:06.197
- You know, i've said the sinner's prayer and i've been baptized,
- 00:20:06.197 --> 00:20:12.603
- Sometimes i read my bible.
- 00:20:12.603 --> 00:20:14.272
- You know, they just keep harping on it, and those awful
- 00:20:14.272 --> 00:20:20.011
- Commitment cards are always slipping those in, ice rink, and
- 00:20:20.011 --> 00:20:27.218
- Those chair--tables filled with toys, trying to shame me when i
- 00:20:27.218 --> 00:20:32.790
- Come and go from church."
- 00:20:32.790 --> 00:20:37.795
- You know, we can get some pretty rotten attitudes, and there's
- 00:20:37.795 --> 00:20:41.899
- Enough stumbles and missteps by organized churches that
- 00:20:41.899 --> 00:20:44.535
- We contribute.
- 00:20:44.535 --> 00:20:47.104
- The reality is, the invitation is to serve an almighty god
- 00:20:47.104 --> 00:20:52.209
- That will bear benefits that will bring a reward for
- 00:20:52.209 --> 00:20:54.912
- All eternity.
- 00:20:54.912 --> 00:20:57.448
- Wherever you are on your timeline, don't think this is
- 00:20:57.448 --> 00:21:00.117
- An--not a significant time for your relationship with the lord.
- 00:21:00.117 --> 00:21:03.521
- If you're young, give your youth to the lord.
- 00:21:03.521 --> 00:21:07.391
- If your kids are young, give that season of your life to
- 00:21:07.391 --> 00:21:10.428
- The lord.
- 00:21:10.428 --> 00:21:12.863
- If they've all left and you've got your calendar back, and
- 00:21:12.863 --> 00:21:17.468
- They're not draining your bank account, it's not just your
- 00:21:17.468 --> 00:21:22.707
- Time, and your life, and your money.
- 00:21:22.707 --> 00:21:24.542
- Give that season of your life to the lord.
- 00:21:24.542 --> 00:21:30.381
- There's a second observation: breakthroughs involve
- 00:21:30.381 --> 00:21:33.451
- Generational opportunity for those who are listening,
- 00:21:33.451 --> 00:21:37.455
- Respectful, open, and aware.
- 00:21:37.455 --> 00:21:39.156
- The breakthroughs often involve more than just yourself, they'll
- 00:21:39.156 --> 00:21:42.093
- Impact the generations around you.
- 00:21:42.093 --> 00:21:45.896
- There's no life-season where breakthroughs are not necessary.
- 00:21:45.896 --> 00:21:49.567
- The exodus generation needed the power of god to get them out of
- 00:21:49.567 --> 00:21:52.336
- The brick pits of egypt.
- 00:21:52.336 --> 00:21:54.071
- The wilderness generation needed the power of god to get them to
- 00:21:54.071 --> 00:21:57.174
- Be able to occupy the promised land.
- 00:21:57.174 --> 00:21:59.377
- In both circumstances, two very different generations, but they
- 00:21:59.377 --> 00:22:02.146
- Were powerless to accomplish what god had said he would do in
- 00:22:02.146 --> 00:22:05.649
- Their life.
- 00:22:05.649 --> 00:22:07.585
- But the breakthrough of one informed the other.
- 00:22:07.585 --> 00:22:10.454
- Simeon and anna, they qualified for social security, but the
- 00:22:10.454 --> 00:22:14.458
- Message that they delivered was directed towards a young family
- 00:22:14.458 --> 00:22:17.461
- That needed the strength, that needed to be galvanized in what
- 00:22:17.461 --> 00:22:21.432
- They had undertaken, because they're gonna have to head to
- 00:22:21.432 --> 00:22:24.902
- Egypt, very soon.
- 00:22:24.902 --> 00:22:27.071
- And the affirmation that came to them, from two people with a bit
- 00:22:27.071 --> 00:22:30.574
- More life experience, that were in the temple, on their behalf,
- 00:22:30.574 --> 00:22:33.778
- That day,
- 00:22:33.778 --> 00:22:35.212
- I could imagine, made an enormous difference.
- 00:22:35.212 --> 00:22:39.183
- In fact, anyone listening and open to god's purposes could
- 00:22:39.183 --> 00:22:42.153
- Have benefited from what simeon and anna had to say.
- 00:22:42.153 --> 00:22:45.556
- You see, when you choose to honor the lord, when i choose to
- 00:22:45.556 --> 00:22:48.058
- Honor the lord, it opens doors for many, for any who are
- 00:22:48.058 --> 00:22:51.896
- Willing to learn and respond.
- 00:22:51.896 --> 00:22:53.864
- Breakthroughs have generational impact.
- 00:22:53.864 --> 00:22:58.402
- How about determining to be one of those people?
- 00:22:58.402 --> 00:23:03.541
- And, thirdly: breakthroughs provide a glimpse of god's plan
- 00:23:03.541 --> 00:23:06.377
- Or his purpose.
- 00:23:06.377 --> 00:23:08.179
- Jeremiah 29:11, i love the verse.
- 00:23:08.179 --> 00:23:10.114
- He said, "'i know the plans i have for you,' declares the
- 00:23:10.114 --> 00:23:12.283
- Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give
- 00:23:12.283 --> 00:23:16.587
- You hope in the future.'"
- 00:23:16.587 --> 00:23:18.956
- Here's the awkward reality, folks: our awareness of god's
- 00:23:18.956 --> 00:23:22.026
- Plans is very limited.
- 00:23:22.026 --> 00:23:24.962
- We know what our plan is, we know what we want god--we want
- 00:23:24.962 --> 00:23:27.364
- God to work our plan.
- 00:23:27.364 --> 00:23:29.533
- I mean, we're usually a little more subtle in how we say it,
- 00:23:29.533 --> 00:23:31.635
- But that's the bottom line.
- 00:23:31.635 --> 00:23:35.473
- And we're asked to be faithful, or to persevere, or to
- 00:23:35.473 --> 00:23:38.375
- Endure, or to overcome, i began to complain.
- 00:23:38.375 --> 00:23:44.348
- "god, i don't wanna do this."
- 00:23:44.348 --> 00:23:46.217
- "well, this is my plan."
- 00:23:46.217 --> 00:23:47.551
- "yeah, yeah, yeah, but have you seen mine?
- 00:23:47.551 --> 00:23:49.119
- Mine did not require perseverance and endurance."
- 00:23:49.119 --> 00:23:56.994
- The best response i know on this one is to do what you know.
- 00:23:56.994 --> 00:24:00.564
- Fully engage your current understanding, walking all the
- 00:24:00.564 --> 00:24:05.135
- Lights you've got, serve the lord with joy and enthusiasm to
- 00:24:05.135 --> 00:24:10.774
- The point that you understand what that means.
- 00:24:10.774 --> 00:24:13.177
- Do what you know.
- 00:24:13.177 --> 00:24:17.481
- I know it's not a new expression, at all, and it has
- 00:24:17.481 --> 00:24:19.783
- Very little to do with church, but i think it captures the
- 00:24:19.783 --> 00:24:21.919
- Spirit of this.
- 00:24:21.919 --> 00:24:23.387
- Fight like you're the third monkey on the ramp to the ark
- 00:24:23.387 --> 00:24:26.123
- And it's beginning to rain.
- 00:24:26.123 --> 00:24:31.695
- Do not send me a note.
- 00:24:31.695 --> 00:24:35.466
- Stop this passive notion about your faith.
- 00:24:35.466 --> 00:24:39.236
- "well, it's harder then i thought--" no kidding!
- 00:24:39.236 --> 00:24:43.474
- Making an impact for eternity, who told you that was easy?
- 00:24:43.474 --> 00:24:49.246
- Why would you invest more effort, more discipline, more
- 00:24:49.246 --> 00:24:52.216
- Sacrifice, more dollars, and more time in pursuing your
- 00:24:52.216 --> 00:24:55.619
- Hobby, than you do in pursuing the lord?
- 00:24:55.619 --> 00:24:59.657
- What's happened to us, church?
- 00:24:59.657 --> 00:25:02.126
- I'm not opposed to hobbies and enjoying those, and pursuing
- 00:25:02.126 --> 00:25:05.963
- Those, but don't relegate them to--you know what, the technical
- 00:25:05.963 --> 00:25:08.532
- Word for that is "idolatry."
- 00:25:08.532 --> 00:25:11.502
- We think there's fulfillment someplace other than the lord, a
- 00:25:11.502 --> 00:25:13.971
- Greater fulfillment, a more lasting fulfillment, a greater
- 00:25:13.971 --> 00:25:17.274
- Refreshment, a more purposeful refreshment.
- 00:25:17.274 --> 00:25:19.310
- So we relegate serving the lord to some secondary position.
- 00:25:19.310 --> 00:25:24.148
- Do what you know to do.
- 00:25:24.148 --> 00:25:27.017
- Why?
- 00:25:27.017 --> 00:25:28.385
- Because breakthroughs provide a glimpse of god's plan
- 00:25:28.385 --> 00:25:29.720
- And purpose.
- 00:25:29.720 --> 00:25:31.088
- Every time you have another breakthrough, you get a bit
- 00:25:31.088 --> 00:25:32.423
- More clarity.
- 00:25:32.423 --> 00:25:33.791
- Simeon and anna left the temple that day saying, "the messiah
- 00:25:33.791 --> 00:25:38.262
- Is here.
- 00:25:38.262 --> 00:25:40.831
- He's here.
- 00:25:40.831 --> 00:25:43.801
- He's here!
- 00:25:43.801 --> 00:25:46.537
- We've seen the child.
- 00:25:46.537 --> 00:25:49.707
- Now we know something of the timeline, we know what's coming.
- 00:25:49.707 --> 00:25:53.377
- He's here!"
- 00:25:53.377 --> 00:25:56.347
- See, a breakthrough changes your understanding of the unfolding
- 00:25:56.347 --> 00:26:00.351
- Purposes of god.
- 00:26:00.351 --> 00:26:02.353
- "that's what--we don't want that.
- 00:26:02.353 --> 00:26:03.687
- I just want out of pain!
- 00:26:03.687 --> 00:26:05.756
- I just want what i want."
- 00:26:05.756 --> 00:26:08.092
- And god said "no, if you'll cooperate, i'm gonna invite you
- 00:26:08.092 --> 00:26:11.395
- Into the narrative."
- 00:26:11.395 --> 00:26:14.698
- Breakthroughs.
- 00:26:14.698 --> 00:26:16.967
- Breakthroughs!
- 00:26:16.967 --> 00:26:21.205
- I brought you a prayer.
- 00:26:21.205 --> 00:26:23.374
- Why don't you stand with me?
- 00:26:23.374 --> 00:26:33.417
- We'll come out of this with a whole series of breakthrough
- 00:26:33.484 --> 00:26:35.285
- Prayers, but we can start with this one.
- 00:26:35.285 --> 00:26:41.492
- "heavenly father, help us to complete the assignment which is
- 00:26:41.492 --> 00:26:45.629
- Before us.
- 00:26:45.629 --> 00:26:46.997
- Grant us understanding hearts-- may we be aware of your spirit
- 00:26:46.997 --> 00:26:52.302
- And his direction, illumine our path that we may walk
- 00:26:52.302 --> 00:26:56.874
- In obedience.
- 00:26:56.874 --> 00:26:58.242
- Give us the courage and boldness necessary to follow each day.
- 00:26:58.242 --> 00:27:03.247
- Renew our strength, provide daily all that is needed,
- 00:27:03.247 --> 00:27:07.551
- Deliver us from evil...
- 00:27:07.551 --> 00:27:09.687
- May we be pleasing in your sight, in jesus's name, amen."
- 00:27:09.687 --> 00:27:14.892
- Hallelujah, god bless you.
- 00:27:14.892 --> 00:27:18.729
- ♪♪♪
- 00:27:18.729 --> 00:27:26.370