Dr. Tony Evans is known as a relevant expositor and is a pastor of pastors and a father in the faith.
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Dr. Tony Evans | Tony Evans - The Seal | January 19, 2025
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- 00:00:00.633 --> 00:00:01.317
- Tony evans: if you're a believer,
- 00:00:01.785 --> 00:00:02.986
- You got a little bit of heaven already in you.
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- That's where you get to experience him
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- At work in your life.
- 00:00:06.156 --> 00:00:07.490
- You're no longer to be dependent upon your own human ingenuity.
- 00:00:07.490 --> 00:00:11.094
- You have the spirit of god.
- 00:00:11.094 --> 00:00:12.462
- The holy spirit is sealed within you.
- 00:00:12.462 --> 00:00:14.330
- God wants to unfold knowledge of himself to you,
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- But only as you walk in dependency on the spirit
- 00:00:18.134 --> 00:00:21.438
- That you already have.
- 00:00:21.438 --> 00:00:24.307
- ♪♪♪
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- Tony: i want to talk to you today
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- About the name of the holy spirit, the seal.
- 00:00:35.051 --> 00:00:42.092
- In ephesians chapter 1, verses 13 and 14,
- 00:00:42.092 --> 00:00:46.062
- We read these words.
- 00:00:46.062 --> 00:00:47.464
- "in him you also after listening to the message of truth,
- 00:00:47.464 --> 00:00:53.303
- The gospel of your salvation, having also believed,
- 00:00:53.303 --> 00:00:59.242
- You were sealed in him with the holy spirit
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- Of promise."
- 00:01:04.214 --> 00:01:05.548
- You were sealed with the holy spirit of promise.
- 00:01:05.548 --> 00:01:09.686
- Verse 14, "who is given as a pledge of our inheritance,
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- With a view to the redemption of god's own possession
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- To the praise of his glory."
- 00:01:19.629 --> 00:01:23.066
- Verse 13 calls the holy spirit the seal.
- 00:01:23.066 --> 00:01:28.872
- Now, there are three concepts tied to the sealing presence
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- Of the holy spirit in the life of a believer.
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- One is that guarantees security.
- 00:01:38.848 --> 00:01:43.520
- Two, it establishes ownership.
- 00:01:43.520 --> 00:01:47.590
- And three, it is reflective of authority.
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- Security, ownership, and authority.
- 00:01:51.561 --> 00:01:54.531
- When you are sealed with the holy spirit,
- 00:01:54.531 --> 00:01:59.035
- He provides you, first of all, security.
- 00:01:59.035 --> 00:02:03.973
- We're gonna look at it more in a moment,
- 00:02:03.973 --> 00:02:05.375
- But ephesians 4:30 says, "you were sealed
- 00:02:05.375 --> 00:02:09.045
- Till the day of redemption."
- 00:02:09.045 --> 00:02:11.514
- In other words, the seal cannot be broken
- 00:02:11.514 --> 00:02:14.784
- Until redemption has occurred.
- 00:02:14.784 --> 00:02:17.954
- So there is a permanency to the seal.
- 00:02:17.954 --> 00:02:22.492
- In other words, you can't lose your salvation.
- 00:02:22.492 --> 00:02:25.862
- Isn't it good to know that you don't have to
- 00:02:25.862 --> 00:02:29.866
- Keep yourself saved?
- 00:02:29.866 --> 00:02:31.634
- Once you have accepted jesus christ,
- 00:02:31.634 --> 00:02:35.338
- You have been birthed into the family of god.
- 00:02:35.338 --> 00:02:38.708
- He has linked you to union with christ
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- And union with the family of god,
- 00:02:42.345 --> 00:02:45.515
- And it is a seal that cannot be broken.
- 00:02:45.515 --> 00:02:48.518
- When a person is born into a family,
- 00:02:48.518 --> 00:02:52.355
- That biological connection can never be undone,
- 00:02:52.355 --> 00:02:57.961
- Because it's a birth issue.
- 00:02:57.961 --> 00:03:00.463
- When you are born again, that spiritual connection
- 00:03:00.463 --> 00:03:06.236
- Can never be undone.
- 00:03:06.236 --> 00:03:08.972
- I love the way that paul talks about this permanency
- 00:03:08.972 --> 00:03:14.377
- In the book of romans chapter 8 when he asked the question
- 00:03:14.377 --> 00:03:20.216
- In verse 35, "who will separate us
- 00:03:20.216 --> 00:03:23.620
- From the love of christ?"
- 00:03:23.620 --> 00:03:25.822
- And then he asked about tribulation, distress,
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- Persecution, and famine, nakedness, peril, or sword.
- 00:03:28.658 --> 00:03:33.229
- He says, "in all these things," verse 37,
- 00:03:33.229 --> 00:03:35.765
- "we are overwhelmingly conquerors
- 00:03:35.765 --> 00:03:38.868
- Through him who loved us."
- 00:03:38.868 --> 00:03:40.637
- He concludes in verse 39, "height nor depth,
- 00:03:40.637 --> 00:03:44.207
- Nor any other created thing will be able to separate us
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- From the love of god which is in christ jesus
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- Our lord."
- 00:03:53.783 --> 00:03:55.118
- So if it's been created, it can't separate you
- 00:03:55.118 --> 00:03:59.255
- Once you've come to jesus christ.
- 00:03:59.255 --> 00:04:02.158
- You can live with the assurance and the security of the seal.
- 00:04:02.158 --> 00:04:09.299
- You have been sealed into the family of god,
- 00:04:09.299 --> 00:04:14.270
- And nobody, not even you, nor the devil,
- 00:04:14.270 --> 00:04:19.242
- Can break the seal, because god is
- 00:04:19.242 --> 00:04:22.912
- The one who sealed you.
- 00:04:22.912 --> 00:04:24.814
- And if god tightens the cap, there's nobody
- 00:04:24.814 --> 00:04:28.551
- Who can unscrew that.
- 00:04:28.551 --> 00:04:32.055
- You have been sealed.
- 00:04:32.055 --> 00:04:33.389
- You've been vacuum-packed, sealed.
- 00:04:33.389 --> 00:04:37.860
- God has secured your salvation until your redemption.
- 00:04:37.860 --> 00:04:43.066
- That ought to give you a reason to praise him, to glorify him.
- 00:04:43.066 --> 00:04:48.938
- Sealing is also designed to keep out contamination.
- 00:04:48.938 --> 00:04:53.343
- You seal it so that air, bacteria, can't get in
- 00:04:53.343 --> 00:04:57.513
- And spoil it.
- 00:04:57.513 --> 00:04:58.848
- God has sealed your new nature so that it cannot be destroyed
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- By the world, the flesh, or the devil.
- 00:05:05.321 --> 00:05:10.293
- Ah, to know that your eternal destiny
- 00:05:10.293 --> 00:05:14.764
- Is forever sealed in christ and that it cannot be broken.
- 00:05:14.764 --> 00:05:21.771
- With this comes ownership.
- 00:05:21.771 --> 00:05:27.377
- Ownership.
- 00:05:27.377 --> 00:05:30.012
- For example, when jeremiah,
- 00:05:30.012 --> 00:05:33.216
- In jeremiah chapter 32, verses 9 and 10,
- 00:05:33.216 --> 00:05:36.419
- He bought a piece of property god told him to buy
- 00:05:36.419 --> 00:05:39.055
- And he put a seal on it.
- 00:05:39.055 --> 00:05:41.824
- He established ownership of it.
- 00:05:41.824 --> 00:05:44.127
- This is my property.
- 00:05:44.127 --> 00:05:46.162
- Many documents that we deal with,
- 00:05:46.162 --> 00:05:52.068
- We have seals on them.
- 00:05:52.068 --> 00:05:54.437
- We establish the authenticity.
- 00:05:54.437 --> 00:05:57.440
- We establish the fact that it belongs to us
- 00:05:57.440 --> 00:06:01.544
- If we buy a house or a car.
- 00:06:01.544 --> 00:06:05.047
- In other words, it establishes ownership.
- 00:06:05.047 --> 00:06:08.684
- And isn't that what god says
- 00:06:08.684 --> 00:06:11.254
- In 1 corinthians chapter 6, verses 19 and 20?
- 00:06:11.254 --> 00:06:16.092
- He tells us, "you are not your own.
- 00:06:16.092 --> 00:06:19.662
- You've been bought with a price.
- 00:06:19.662 --> 00:06:22.265
- Therefore glorify the lord with your body."
- 00:06:22.265 --> 00:06:25.668
- He says, "i own you now."
- 00:06:25.668 --> 00:06:27.870
- Do you know that the sealing of the holy spirit
- 00:06:27.870 --> 00:06:31.140
- Establishes you have been owned by someone else?
- 00:06:31.140 --> 00:06:36.345
- You are no longer self-owning.
- 00:06:36.345 --> 00:06:41.250
- See, the problem today is we've got too many christians
- 00:06:41.250 --> 00:06:44.487
- Who still think they own stuff.
- 00:06:44.487 --> 00:06:47.023
- You own nothing.
- 00:06:47.023 --> 00:06:49.158
- That's why the bible calls you and a mere steward.
- 00:06:49.158 --> 00:06:51.794
- We get to use that which god provides,
- 00:06:51.794 --> 00:06:54.230
- But you have been purchased and you have been sealed
- 00:06:54.230 --> 00:06:57.900
- By the ownership of almighty god.
- 00:06:57.900 --> 00:07:02.905
- And so god has secured you and god now owns you.
- 00:07:02.905 --> 00:07:10.980
- Now this is critical, because if you insist
- 00:07:10.980 --> 00:07:13.616
- On owning yourself, you're going to be in conflict
- 00:07:13.616 --> 00:07:16.652
- With the owner, with the one who redeemed you,
- 00:07:16.652 --> 00:07:20.356
- Saved you, gave you eternal life.
- 00:07:20.356 --> 00:07:23.659
- He secured you, and now he wants to own you.
- 00:07:23.659 --> 00:07:27.563
- So the question is, have you given up ownership of yourself
- 00:07:27.563 --> 00:07:31.501
- To the lord so that the spirit of god
- 00:07:31.501 --> 00:07:34.604
- Can do what he wants to do in your life?
- 00:07:34.604 --> 00:07:37.874
- The holy spirit is there to represent god the father
- 00:07:37.874 --> 00:07:41.244
- And jesus the son, to do his work in your life,
- 00:07:41.244 --> 00:07:44.313
- But you can't own yourself.
- 00:07:44.313 --> 00:07:45.948
- That's why he's placed a seal on you.
- 00:07:45.948 --> 00:07:50.052
- But not only that, the seal established authority.
- 00:07:50.052 --> 00:07:57.293
- When you get a certified letter, that means the only person
- 00:07:57.293 --> 00:08:03.199
- Who has been authorized to open the letter
- 00:08:03.199 --> 00:08:06.135
- Is the person to whom the letter has been sent,
- 00:08:06.135 --> 00:08:11.040
- Because it's been certified.
- 00:08:11.040 --> 00:08:13.743
- So, the sender can open it if it's sent back to the sender
- 00:08:13.743 --> 00:08:17.680
- Or the receiver can open it, but only the person
- 00:08:17.680 --> 00:08:20.583
- Whose name is on it, because it has been authorized,
- 00:08:20.583 --> 00:08:26.389
- Authority has been given, but only been given
- 00:08:26.389 --> 00:08:29.392
- To the person whose name is on the envelope.
- 00:08:29.392 --> 00:08:35.064
- When jesus christ saved you and gave you the holy spirit,
- 00:08:35.064 --> 00:08:41.771
- He has given you divine authorization
- 00:08:41.771 --> 00:08:46.275
- To utilize the spirit on your behalf.
- 00:08:46.275 --> 00:08:49.912
- Other folk can't use the holy spirit
- 00:08:49.912 --> 00:08:51.981
- Because they have not been sealed
- 00:08:51.981 --> 00:08:53.316
- With the holy spirit.
- 00:08:53.316 --> 00:08:54.650
- But as a believer in christ, you have the seal.
- 00:08:54.650 --> 00:08:59.322
- This seal shows up many times in scripture.
- 00:08:59.322 --> 00:09:03.793
- When jesus was crucified, pilate authorized that
- 00:09:03.793 --> 00:09:08.731
- The tomb would be sealed.
- 00:09:08.731 --> 00:09:13.202
- In other words, this was a governmental seal.
- 00:09:13.202 --> 00:09:17.740
- You better not tamper with this.
- 00:09:17.740 --> 00:09:20.843
- In the book of esther chapter 8, verse 8,
- 00:09:20.843 --> 00:09:24.680
- The king put down a seal so that nothing could change.
- 00:09:24.680 --> 00:09:29.418
- In daniel chapter 6, verse 17, the king put down a seal
- 00:09:29.418 --> 00:09:35.658
- So that there could be no change.
- 00:09:35.658 --> 00:09:37.760
- In other words, it was based on authority.
- 00:09:37.760 --> 00:09:43.265
- According to revelation chapter 5, verses 1 through 3,
- 00:09:43.265 --> 00:09:49.405
- Only god has authority to break the seal
- 00:09:49.405 --> 00:09:53.976
- Of the holy spirit.
- 00:09:53.976 --> 00:09:56.445
- Only god can unseal this seal, so that you are secure,
- 00:09:56.445 --> 00:10:02.685
- You are owned, and you are authorized.
- 00:10:02.685 --> 00:10:07.556
- You bear the authority of the one who has sealed you.
- 00:10:07.556 --> 00:10:14.330
- No man can reverse it.
- 00:10:14.330 --> 00:10:16.098
- Nobody can steal it,
- 00:10:16.098 --> 00:10:18.167
- Because you've been divinely authorized by god.
- 00:10:18.167 --> 00:10:22.371
- If you have, according to verse 13 of ephesians 1,
- 00:10:22.371 --> 00:10:26.308
- If you have listened to the message of the gospel,
- 00:10:26.308 --> 00:10:29.945
- Heard the good news about the forgiveness of sins
- 00:10:29.945 --> 00:10:33.716
- That comes by faith in christ, and if you believe,
- 00:10:33.716 --> 00:10:37.386
- That is, trust in christ
- 00:10:37.386 --> 00:10:39.188
- For the forgiveness of your sins,
- 00:10:39.188 --> 00:10:41.023
- And you've received the gift of eternal life,
- 00:10:41.023 --> 00:10:44.193
- He says, then you are sealed.
- 00:10:44.193 --> 00:10:46.162
- You don't have to go holy ghost hunting.
- 00:10:46.162 --> 00:10:49.065
- You don't have to go holy ghost looking.
- 00:10:49.065 --> 00:10:51.834
- You are sealed by receiving christ,
- 00:10:51.834 --> 00:10:54.670
- Because the holy spirit is christ in you.
- 00:10:54.670 --> 00:10:58.007
- Now as we've already seen, you've got to be filled
- 00:10:58.007 --> 00:11:00.776
- With the spirit, you must walk in the spirit,
- 00:11:00.776 --> 00:11:03.546
- But you can do both, because you are now sealed
- 00:11:03.546 --> 00:11:07.149
- With the spirit.
- 00:11:07.149 --> 00:11:08.484
- Now, the spirit is sealed in terms of your human spirit.
- 00:11:08.484 --> 00:11:15.691
- Let's explain.
- 00:11:15.691 --> 00:11:17.226
- You have spirit, soul, and body.
- 00:11:17.226 --> 00:11:20.029
- Spirit gives you ability to communicate with god.
- 00:11:20.029 --> 00:11:22.631
- Soul gives you the ability to communicate with yourself.
- 00:11:22.631 --> 00:11:25.434
- You know you exist because you have a soul.
- 00:11:25.434 --> 00:11:27.603
- Your body gives you the ability to communicate
- 00:11:27.603 --> 00:11:30.473
- With your environment through your five senses.
- 00:11:30.473 --> 00:11:33.542
- When you accepted jesus christ, the holy spirit
- 00:11:33.542 --> 00:11:37.813
- Entered into your human spirit.
- 00:11:37.813 --> 00:11:40.616
- So actually what got saved that day is
- 00:11:40.616 --> 00:11:43.719
- Not so much your soul, but your spirit got saved.
- 00:11:43.719 --> 00:11:46.922
- Your soul has to grow and be transformed
- 00:11:46.922 --> 00:11:51.727
- By the work of the holy spirit inside of you.
- 00:11:51.727 --> 00:11:55.765
- But guess where the holy spirit is?
- 00:11:55.765 --> 00:11:57.366
- He is inside of you.
- 00:11:57.366 --> 00:11:59.001
- So the work that god wants to do is coming from the inside out.
- 00:11:59.001 --> 00:12:03.506
- 1 thessalonians 5:23, "may you be sanctified
- 00:12:03.506 --> 00:12:06.842
- From your spirit, soul, and body."
- 00:12:06.842 --> 00:12:09.145
- So the way this works is that your spirit is
- 00:12:09.145 --> 00:12:12.248
- Supposed to inform your soul, and your soul is
- 00:12:12.248 --> 00:12:16.085
- Supposed to inform your body.
- 00:12:16.085 --> 00:12:18.187
- So your body changes what it does
- 00:12:18.187 --> 00:12:20.823
- Because the soul is telling it to do different things.
- 00:12:20.823 --> 00:12:24.460
- But the soul is telling it to do different things
- 00:12:24.460 --> 00:12:27.129
- Because the holy spirit, which has infiltrated
- 00:12:27.129 --> 00:12:29.565
- Your human spirit, is giving new data to your soul
- 00:12:29.565 --> 00:12:33.669
- As you grow in grace and the knowledge
- 00:12:33.669 --> 00:12:35.938
- Of jesus christ.
- 00:12:35.938 --> 00:12:37.273
- So you are owned, you are sealed.
- 00:12:37.273 --> 00:12:40.276
- God in christ is in you, in the person
- 00:12:40.276 --> 00:12:44.780
- Of the holy spirit.
- 00:12:44.780 --> 00:12:46.348
- He is the one who is to do the work of god
- 00:12:46.348 --> 00:12:51.020
- Inside of you to make you into the person that
- 00:12:51.020 --> 00:12:55.257
- God wants you to be, to guide you in the way
- 00:12:55.257 --> 00:12:58.661
- That god wants you to go, to help you with the support
- 00:12:58.661 --> 00:13:02.565
- That you need from god.
- 00:13:02.565 --> 00:13:04.133
- So when you call on god, that gets translated
- 00:13:04.133 --> 00:13:08.070
- To the work of the holy spirit, who is locked up inside of you,
- 00:13:08.070 --> 00:13:13.909
- Securely and eternally.
- 00:13:13.909 --> 00:13:16.345
- But that's not all.
- 00:13:16.345 --> 00:13:17.980
- Verse 14 says, "who is given as a pledge of our inheritance."
- 00:13:17.980 --> 00:13:26.455
- Ah, some versions call it a deposit.
- 00:13:26.455 --> 00:13:31.560
- A pledge or deposit is a down payment,
- 00:13:31.560 --> 00:13:36.131
- Is a down payment, meaning you're committed
- 00:13:36.131 --> 00:13:40.135
- To the purchase, but there's more to come.
- 00:13:40.135 --> 00:13:46.408
- He says the holy spirit sealed inside of you
- 00:13:46.408 --> 00:13:52.581
- Is your deposit.
- 00:13:52.581 --> 00:13:55.718
- It is the first installment of a layaway plan
- 00:13:55.718 --> 00:14:01.023
- Tied to your redemption.
- 00:14:01.023 --> 00:14:03.792
- In other words, when you accepted christ
- 00:14:03.792 --> 00:14:06.595
- And you received the holy spirit,
- 00:14:06.595 --> 00:14:08.264
- That's a guarantee that god's gonna--
- 00:14:08.264 --> 00:14:10.766
- He's gonna finish this purchase.
- 00:14:10.766 --> 00:14:13.068
- He's gonna take you to glory.
- 00:14:13.068 --> 00:14:14.937
- What god has done is given every believer
- 00:14:14.937 --> 00:14:17.706
- An engagement ring, a pledge, to say we gonna get married.
- 00:14:17.706 --> 00:14:24.146
- It's called the marriage supper of the lamb.
- 00:14:24.146 --> 00:14:26.548
- "i'm going to bring you to live with me.
- 00:14:26.548 --> 00:14:29.585
- I go to prepare a place for you, and if i go to prepare
- 00:14:29.585 --> 00:14:32.721
- A place for you, i'm going to come
- 00:14:32.721 --> 00:14:35.357
- And receive you unto myself that where i am you may be also."
- 00:14:35.357 --> 00:14:39.762
- That's what jesus told his disciples
- 00:14:39.762 --> 00:14:41.463
- In john 14.
- 00:14:41.463 --> 00:14:42.798
- In other words, god is going to bring you to his house.
- 00:14:42.798 --> 00:14:46.902
- He's not going to get an engagement with you,
- 00:14:46.902 --> 00:14:49.171
- A pledge, a deposit, and not marry you,
- 00:14:49.171 --> 00:14:51.941
- That is, not bring you to ultimate conclusion
- 00:14:51.941 --> 00:14:56.312
- And consummation of our great salvation.
- 00:14:56.312 --> 00:15:01.650
- You have the holy spirit.
- 00:15:01.650 --> 00:15:03.585
- He promises it to every believer who's trusted christ, he says,
- 00:15:03.585 --> 00:15:08.357
- With a view to the redemption when we're in his presence,
- 00:15:08.357 --> 00:15:13.429
- When we're with him.
- 00:15:13.429 --> 00:15:15.297
- And the more you have this perspective,
- 00:15:15.297 --> 00:15:18.400
- The more the ring, the deposit, will mean to you.
- 00:15:18.400 --> 00:15:24.239
- If you do not have an eternal perspective,
- 00:15:24.239 --> 00:15:27.576
- You will not be able to maximize the weight.
- 00:15:27.576 --> 00:15:32.014
- Let's go a little bit further.
- 00:15:32.014 --> 00:15:33.515
- In chapter 4, verse 30, "do not grieve
- 00:15:33.515 --> 00:15:40.789
- The holy spirit of god by whom you were sealed
- 00:15:40.789 --> 00:15:46.528
- For the day of redemption."
- 00:15:46.528 --> 00:15:49.031
- Here's our word sealed again.
- 00:15:49.031 --> 00:15:52.001
- "do not grieve the holy spirit of god
- 00:15:52.001 --> 00:15:56.038
- By whom you were sealed for the day of redemption."
- 00:15:56.038 --> 00:16:00.542
- He now brings up grieving the seal, okay?
- 00:16:00.542 --> 00:16:04.813
- The holy spirit is sealed into the life of every believer.
- 00:16:04.813 --> 00:16:10.252
- He's god's holy spirit, the third member of the trinity.
- 00:16:10.252 --> 00:16:14.156
- He says do not grieve him.
- 00:16:14.156 --> 00:16:17.826
- To grieve somebody is to make them sad.
- 00:16:17.826 --> 00:16:22.164
- Do not make him sad.
- 00:16:22.164 --> 00:16:26.135
- So the question is, what grieves the holy spirit?
- 00:16:26.135 --> 00:16:30.472
- He is grieved by bitterness, he goes on to say,
- 00:16:30.472 --> 00:16:35.210
- Where you intentionally carry around
- 00:16:35.210 --> 00:16:37.613
- A bitter spirit, wrath, where you're seeking
- 00:16:37.613 --> 00:16:40.115
- To hurt somebody else due to your anger,
- 00:16:40.115 --> 00:16:43.652
- You slander people, you try to destroy them
- 00:16:43.652 --> 00:16:47.022
- With your tongue, the absence of kindness,
- 00:16:47.022 --> 00:16:51.627
- To be hard-hearted and cruel,
- 00:16:51.627 --> 00:16:54.763
- Mean-spirited, and to hold grudges.
- 00:16:54.763 --> 00:16:59.668
- Now, this forgiveness doesn't mean you've reconciled.
- 00:16:59.668 --> 00:17:02.838
- Reconciliation only comes when repentance is there.
- 00:17:02.838 --> 00:17:06.275
- But you must forgive so that you can go on, why?
- 00:17:06.275 --> 00:17:09.711
- Because you do not want to have a grieved holy spirit
- 00:17:09.711 --> 00:17:15.317
- Locked up inside of you.
- 00:17:15.317 --> 00:17:17.319
- So every believer has the holy spirit.
- 00:17:17.319 --> 00:17:20.322
- The holy spirit is locked up inside of you.
- 00:17:20.322 --> 00:17:23.158
- He is sealed.
- 00:17:23.158 --> 00:17:26.095
- So when you grieve him, where is he going to express his grief?
- 00:17:26.095 --> 00:17:32.067
- Inside of you.
- 00:17:32.067 --> 00:17:33.969
- Because guess where he is?
- 00:17:33.969 --> 00:17:35.838
- He's inside of you.
- 00:17:35.838 --> 00:17:37.606
- How long is he inside of you?
- 00:17:37.606 --> 00:17:39.341
- Till the day of redemption.
- 00:17:39.341 --> 00:17:41.743
- So he's permanently inside of you.
- 00:17:41.743 --> 00:17:45.214
- Which means if you grieve the holy spirit
- 00:17:45.214 --> 00:17:49.685
- On a regular basis, watch this now,
- 00:17:49.685 --> 00:17:52.955
- You are going to be an unhappy christian.
- 00:17:52.955 --> 00:17:56.925
- Ah, you know why a lot of christians
- 00:17:56.925 --> 00:17:59.428
- Are miserable?
- 00:17:59.428 --> 00:18:00.762
- Because they got a mourning holy spirit
- 00:18:00.762 --> 00:18:03.432
- Operating within them.
- 00:18:03.432 --> 00:18:05.267
- And if he's sad all the time, and i'm using human language
- 00:18:05.267 --> 00:18:08.537
- Of tears to express the grief, the sadness,
- 00:18:08.537 --> 00:18:13.709
- So if he's sad and he's sealed in you,
- 00:18:13.709 --> 00:18:16.812
- You're gonna be sad.
- 00:18:16.812 --> 00:18:18.680
- If you make him happy, you're gonna be happy.
- 00:18:18.680 --> 00:18:22.484
- By your speech, by your attitude,
- 00:18:22.484 --> 00:18:25.220
- By your kindness, by your forgiveness,
- 00:18:25.220 --> 00:18:28.323
- Then he's smiling, your soul is smiling,
- 00:18:28.323 --> 00:18:31.727
- So we can see a new grin on your face.
- 00:18:31.727 --> 00:18:34.029
- That's really the joy of the lord.
- 00:18:34.029 --> 00:18:35.864
- So one other thing then.
- 00:18:35.864 --> 00:18:38.934
- What is the work that the holy spirit wants to do
- 00:18:38.934 --> 00:18:43.205
- In your life?
- 00:18:43.205 --> 00:18:45.140
- Ephesians chapter 1 again.
- 00:18:45.140 --> 00:18:48.143
- After talking about the holy spirit,
- 00:18:48.143 --> 00:18:51.547
- Paul says, "i pray," because prayer is the way
- 00:18:51.547 --> 00:18:54.750
- You engage the holy spirit, "that the eyes of your heart
- 00:18:54.750 --> 00:18:58.287
- May be enlightened so that you will know what is the hope
- 00:18:58.287 --> 00:19:01.523
- Of his calling, riches of the glory of the inheritance
- 00:19:01.523 --> 00:19:04.259
- Of the saints."
- 00:19:04.259 --> 00:19:05.827
- And you notice, he wants you to know the inheritance
- 00:19:05.827 --> 00:19:08.830
- Of the saints, okay?
- 00:19:08.830 --> 00:19:11.133
- So after saying that, he says, "and what
- 00:19:11.133 --> 00:19:14.803
- The surpassing greatness of the power
- 00:19:14.803 --> 00:19:17.272
- Toward us who believe."
- 00:19:17.272 --> 00:19:20.075
- He wants you to know-- in fact,
- 00:19:20.075 --> 00:19:24.079
- Let me back up to verse 17.
- 00:19:24.079 --> 00:19:26.148
- "that the god of our lord jesus christ,
- 00:19:26.148 --> 00:19:28.517
- The father of glory, may give you a spirit--
- 00:19:28.517 --> 00:19:31.520
- Spirit of wisdom and of revelation
- 00:19:31.520 --> 00:19:35.023
- In the knowledge of him."
- 00:19:35.023 --> 00:19:37.326
- So let's bring in spirit.
- 00:19:37.326 --> 00:19:38.827
- That's why he's praying.
- 00:19:38.827 --> 00:19:42.097
- He says, "i want the holy spirit to give you a spirit,"
- 00:19:42.097 --> 00:19:47.903
- Because he's attached to your human spirit.
- 00:19:47.903 --> 00:19:51.573
- "i want the holy spirit to inform your human spirit
- 00:19:51.573 --> 00:19:57.512
- In wisdom," he says, "and revelation
- 00:19:57.512 --> 00:20:03.118
- In the knowledge of him."
- 00:20:03.118 --> 00:20:05.988
- What does god want the holy spirit to do
- 00:20:05.988 --> 00:20:09.291
- In your human spirit?
- 00:20:09.291 --> 00:20:11.426
- This is deep.
- 00:20:11.426 --> 00:20:13.161
- He wants the holy spirit to inform your human spirit
- 00:20:13.161 --> 00:20:18.867
- So that your human spirit grows and is magnified
- 00:20:18.867 --> 00:20:25.974
- In the wisdom and revelation of the knowledge of him.
- 00:20:25.974 --> 00:20:30.345
- In other words, he wants you to experience
- 00:20:30.345 --> 00:20:35.083
- More of god's reality in your life.
- 00:20:35.083 --> 00:20:40.255
- He's not talking about learning more bible verses.
- 00:20:40.255 --> 00:20:43.125
- He's talking about that you will experience this.
- 00:20:43.125 --> 00:20:46.995
- That's why he says that your eyes may be open.
- 00:20:46.995 --> 00:20:50.632
- See, you can look at things and not see things clearly.
- 00:20:50.632 --> 00:20:54.703
- Our spiritual eyes are darkened.
- 00:20:54.703 --> 00:20:57.673
- We don't see things spiritually.
- 00:20:57.673 --> 00:20:59.708
- So all we do is react to the physical.
- 00:20:59.708 --> 00:21:03.045
- That's why you need the revelation and the wisdom
- 00:21:03.045 --> 00:21:07.382
- And the manifestation of the experiential knowledge
- 00:21:07.382 --> 00:21:10.919
- Of god.
- 00:21:10.919 --> 00:21:12.387
- You need the revelation, you need the information,
- 00:21:12.387 --> 00:21:15.824
- But you want the wisdom, because wisdom
- 00:21:15.824 --> 00:21:18.860
- Is the ability to apply revelation,
- 00:21:18.860 --> 00:21:23.365
- To perceive things, and apply god's truth
- 00:21:23.365 --> 00:21:27.269
- To the thing you perceive from god's perspective.
- 00:21:27.269 --> 00:21:30.639
- Because if what you see is all that you see,
- 00:21:30.639 --> 00:21:34.009
- Then you do not see all there is to be seen.
- 00:21:34.009 --> 00:21:37.012
- If all you see is the physical, and you can never look
- 00:21:37.012 --> 00:21:40.315
- Behind the physical to ascertain what god is doing,
- 00:21:40.315 --> 00:21:44.453
- To perceive how you should negotiate a situation
- 00:21:44.453 --> 00:21:48.190
- Because you're hearing from inner guidance
- 00:21:48.190 --> 00:21:50.525
- By the holy spirit and not just outward information
- 00:21:50.525 --> 00:21:53.962
- By mankind, then you're missing out.
- 00:21:53.962 --> 00:21:56.698
- You know what you're missing out?
- 00:21:56.698 --> 00:21:58.900
- On the knowledge of god.
- 00:21:58.900 --> 00:22:00.736
- That is, seeing god experientially working
- 00:22:00.736 --> 00:22:05.040
- Based on his word in your life through the indwelling work
- 00:22:05.040 --> 00:22:09.378
- Of the holy spirit, who has sealed you.
- 00:22:09.378 --> 00:22:13.148
- When you get the knowledge of god,
- 00:22:13.148 --> 00:22:15.617
- When god starts showing up and you start seeing things
- 00:22:15.617 --> 00:22:19.388
- Spiritually first, you don't ignore the physical,
- 00:22:19.388 --> 00:22:23.792
- But you don't limit yourself to the physical,
- 00:22:23.792 --> 00:22:26.061
- Because you know behind what you see
- 00:22:26.061 --> 00:22:28.063
- Is what you do not see that's equally as real,
- 00:22:28.063 --> 00:22:31.867
- That's more real, because it's the basis
- 00:22:31.867 --> 00:22:34.636
- Of whatever you see, whether good or bad,
- 00:22:34.636 --> 00:22:37.272
- Whether satan spiritually brought it
- 00:22:37.272 --> 00:22:39.608
- Or god spiritually brought it.
- 00:22:39.608 --> 00:22:41.276
- But you need to be able to have--
- 00:22:41.276 --> 00:22:42.677
- To know god well enough to be able to differentiate
- 00:22:42.677 --> 00:22:46.081
- Between the two.
- 00:22:46.081 --> 00:22:47.649
- Look, all through the bible, the wisdom of god
- 00:22:47.649 --> 00:22:53.855
- Would cause people to do things outside of
- 00:22:53.855 --> 00:22:57.058
- What they would normally do.
- 00:22:57.058 --> 00:22:59.928
- Joshua wouldn't normally have a military strategy
- 00:22:59.928 --> 00:23:03.131
- Of walking around the walls of jericho seven times
- 00:23:03.131 --> 00:23:07.402
- For the wall to fall down.
- 00:23:07.402 --> 00:23:09.237
- That's not a political strategy, but it was the wise way
- 00:23:09.237 --> 00:23:12.040
- God wanted him to go.
- 00:23:12.040 --> 00:23:13.575
- Gideon would not, as a normal strategy,
- 00:23:13.575 --> 00:23:16.711
- Go down from 30,000 to 300 men to fight a big army.
- 00:23:16.711 --> 00:23:20.916
- That's not how you decide, but that was
- 00:23:20.916 --> 00:23:22.784
- The knowledge of god and how god wanted him
- 00:23:22.784 --> 00:23:25.420
- To fight that battle.
- 00:23:25.420 --> 00:23:26.755
- Abraham would have never come up with the idea of offering up
- 00:23:26.755 --> 00:23:29.524
- Isaac as a way to experience a deeper revelation of god,
- 00:23:29.524 --> 00:23:34.362
- But that was god's wisdom for that moment.
- 00:23:34.362 --> 00:23:36.698
- You see, if you're missing the wisdom of god,
- 00:23:36.698 --> 00:23:38.967
- You're missing the strategies god wants you to use
- 00:23:38.967 --> 00:23:41.937
- To deal with the situations that you have to face in life.
- 00:23:41.937 --> 00:23:45.574
- But if the holy spirit is grieved,
- 00:23:45.574 --> 00:23:48.443
- Then he's not free to express it,
- 00:23:48.443 --> 00:23:50.245
- So you won't get the knowledge.
- 00:23:50.245 --> 00:23:52.147
- Look, he says, but if you understand
- 00:23:52.147 --> 00:23:54.850
- That you have god inside of you, sealed,
- 00:23:54.850 --> 00:23:59.387
- And that the holy spirit wants to do his work
- 00:23:59.387 --> 00:24:01.823
- In your life, to unfold and take the blinders
- 00:24:01.823 --> 00:24:06.361
- Off your eyes so you're seeing spiritual things,
- 00:24:06.361 --> 00:24:11.199
- So you know how to deal with the physical things
- 00:24:11.199 --> 00:24:13.134
- That you face,
- 00:24:13.134 --> 00:24:16.137
- Until we decide to no longer live
- 00:24:16.137 --> 00:24:20.275
- By human wisdom, that is, man's approach,
- 00:24:20.275 --> 00:24:26.481
- But to utilize the indwelling seal,
- 00:24:26.481 --> 00:24:30.118
- Because he's already there, locked up, tied up,
- 00:24:30.118 --> 00:24:32.721
- Bound up inside of you and me and us
- 00:24:32.721 --> 00:24:36.424
- Who are believers in christ,
- 00:24:36.424 --> 00:24:37.792
- Until we decide to utilize that, we'll be
- 00:24:37.792 --> 00:24:40.762
- Just like everybody else, floundering around, you know,
- 00:24:40.762 --> 00:24:44.866
- Doing the best we can without any supernatural,
- 00:24:44.866 --> 00:24:48.303
- Heavenly sent insight.
- 00:24:48.303 --> 00:24:51.406
- You have the spirit of god.
- 00:24:51.406 --> 00:24:53.375
- You're no longer be-- to be dependent
- 00:24:53.375 --> 00:24:56.011
- Upon your own human ingenuity.
- 00:24:56.011 --> 00:24:58.413
- Too many christians are pit bulls in their heads.
- 00:24:58.413 --> 00:25:02.150
- We got big heads.
- 00:25:02.150 --> 00:25:03.485
- That is, we think we know more than we know.
- 00:25:03.485 --> 00:25:06.588
- Our heads are too big because it's full
- 00:25:06.588 --> 00:25:09.157
- Of human wisdom, what people think,
- 00:25:09.157 --> 00:25:11.726
- What scholars think.
- 00:25:11.726 --> 00:25:13.261
- We want to know what everybody else thinks,
- 00:25:13.261 --> 00:25:15.397
- And we don't even want to know or we find out way late
- 00:25:15.397 --> 00:25:19.234
- What god says and what god thinks.
- 00:25:19.234 --> 00:25:21.870
- And even when god brings things in our lives
- 00:25:21.870 --> 00:25:24.205
- To pull us back the other way, our heads are so big
- 00:25:24.205 --> 00:25:27.776
- With human wisdom and not the knowledge of the one
- 00:25:27.776 --> 00:25:31.379
- Who can unwrap us from all the things
- 00:25:31.379 --> 00:25:33.848
- That's got us tied up, and we live lives of misery
- 00:25:33.848 --> 00:25:37.953
- Even though we belong to the owner.
- 00:25:37.953 --> 00:25:40.655
- You belong to jesus christ.
- 00:25:40.655 --> 00:25:42.958
- The holy spirit is sealed within you.
- 00:25:42.958 --> 00:25:45.360
- God wants to unfold knowledge of himself to you,
- 00:25:45.360 --> 00:25:50.265
- But only as you walk in dependency on the spirit
- 00:25:50.265 --> 00:25:54.202
- That you already have.
- 00:25:54.202 --> 00:25:57.706
- And if you don't have the spirit,
- 00:25:57.706 --> 00:25:59.274
- The bible says you're none of his.
- 00:25:59.274 --> 00:26:01.810
- You want to experience a down payment?
- 00:26:01.810 --> 00:26:03.411
- You want an engagement ring?
- 00:26:03.411 --> 00:26:05.280
- A down payment on eternal life.
- 00:26:05.280 --> 00:26:10.151
- He'll give you the down payment now
- 00:26:10.151 --> 00:26:11.519
- Because he'll give you the spirit now.
- 00:26:11.519 --> 00:26:13.788
- How do you get it? doesn't cost you a thing.
- 00:26:13.788 --> 00:26:16.224
- You don't have to buy it.
- 00:26:16.224 --> 00:26:17.559
- He's giving the spirit away.
- 00:26:17.559 --> 00:26:19.961
- If you come to jesus christ for the forgiveness
- 00:26:19.961 --> 00:26:23.198
- Of your sins, if you come to jesus christ
- 00:26:23.198 --> 00:26:25.867
- For your eternal salvation, if you go to the cross right now
- 00:26:25.867 --> 00:26:30.105
- And say, "lord jesus, i'm a sinner.
- 00:26:30.105 --> 00:26:32.307
- I need a savior.
- 00:26:32.307 --> 00:26:33.842
- And i trust you now to come into my life,
- 00:26:33.842 --> 00:26:36.945
- Forgive me of my personal sin, and give me
- 00:26:36.945 --> 00:26:40.181
- The eternal life you promised,"
- 00:26:40.181 --> 00:26:42.050
- If you believe in him for that right now,
- 00:26:42.050 --> 00:26:44.319
- He will save you,
- 00:26:44.319 --> 00:26:45.954
- Deposit the holy spirit within you,
- 00:26:45.954 --> 00:26:48.156
- So that you will get a little bit of heaven now
- 00:26:48.156 --> 00:26:51.092
- As a down payment of a lot of heaven later.
- 00:26:51.092 --> 00:26:53.895
- Will you come to christ right now?
- 00:26:53.895 --> 00:26:55.797
- ♪♪♪
- 00:26:55.797 --> 00:27:18.653
- ♪♪♪
- 00:27:05.740 --> 00:27:24.392
- ♪♪♪
- 00:27:26.027 --> 00:27:26.027