Joyce Meyer - Becoming Debt-Free

January 24, 2025 | S25:E18

Today, Joyce shares healthy attitudes toward money, and practical wisdom for becoming debt-free. Watch now.

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Joyce Meyer: Enjoying Everyday Life | Joyce Meyer - Becoming Debt-Free | January 24, 2025
  • >> joyce: to get out of debt,
  • 00:00:00.423 --> 00:00:01.458
  • >> joyce: to get out of debt, you're gonna have to be patient,
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  • >> joyce: to get out of debt, you're gonna have to be patient, persistent and learn
  • 00:00:03.493 --> 00:00:05.695
  • You're gonna have to be patient, persistent and learn the difference between what
  • 00:00:05.762 --> 00:00:06.496
  • Persistent and learn the difference between what you need and what you want.
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  • >> joyce: i'm joyce meyer,
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  • >> joyce: i'm joyce meyer, and i believe that god can heal
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  • >> joyce: i'm joyce meyer, and i believe that god can heal you everywhere you hurt.
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  • >> joyce: welcome to,
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  • >> joyce: welcome to, "enjoying everyday life,"
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  • >> joyce: welcome to, "enjoying everyday life," we're so glad that you
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  • "enjoying everyday life," we're so glad that you joined us today.
  • 00:00:21.010 --> 00:00:22.145
  • We're so glad that you joined us today. well, today i wanna
  • 00:00:22.212 --> 00:00:23.713
  • Joined us today. well, today i wanna talk about money,
  • 00:00:23.780 --> 00:00:25.682
  • Well, today i wanna talk about money, about finances and debt,
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  • Talk about money, about finances and debt, and learning how to manage
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  • About finances and debt, and learning how to manage our money better.
  • 00:00:31.955 --> 00:00:34.224
  • We've got 12 of the guys from
  • 00:00:34.290 --> 00:00:36.693
  • We've got 12 of the guys from our men's home here today,
  • 00:00:36.759 --> 00:00:39.095
  • We've got 12 of the guys from our men's home here today, guys, who i'm sure were
  • 00:00:39.162 --> 00:00:41.364
  • Our men's home here today, guys, who i'm sure were going along in life,
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  • Guys, who i'm sure were going along in life, and something happened
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  • Going along in life, and something happened that got you off track,
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  • And something happened that got you off track, and i thought you know probably
  • 00:00:45.401 --> 00:00:47.704
  • That got you off track, and i thought you know probably for at least some of you,
  • 00:00:47.770 --> 00:00:48.838
  • And i thought you know probably for at least some of you, money was involved.
  • 00:00:48.905 --> 00:00:51.441
  • For at least some of you, money was involved. you're shaking your head, "yes,"
  • 00:00:51.508 --> 00:00:52.342
  • Money was involved. you're shaking your head, "yes," and it's amazing how
  • 00:00:52.408 --> 00:00:55.612
  • You're shaking your head, "yes," and it's amazing how good money can be,
  • 00:00:55.678 --> 00:00:56.946
  • And it's amazing how good money can be, and how much good it can do,
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  • Good money can be, and how much good it can do, if it's managed right,
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  • And how much good it can do, if it's managed right, but how much damage
  • 00:01:01.451 --> 00:01:03.419
  • If it's managed right, but how much damage it does to people's lives
  • 00:01:03.486 --> 00:01:05.288
  • But how much damage it does to people's lives if they don't have
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  • It does to people's lives if they don't have the right attitude toward it.
  • 00:01:06.222 --> 00:01:08.191
  • If they don't have the right attitude toward it. and so, i'mma start by reading
  • 00:01:08.258 --> 00:01:10.593
  • The right attitude toward it. and so, i'mma start by reading you a little story,
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  • And so, i'mma start by reading you a little story, i paraphrased it from
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  • You a little story, i paraphrased it from a book from robert katz,
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  • I paraphrased it from a book from robert katz, and it was entitled,
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  • A book from robert katz, and it was entitled, "if money could talk,
  • 00:01:17.033 --> 00:01:17.867
  • And it was entitled, "if money could talk, what would it say?"
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  • "if money could talk, what would it say?" "i'm depressed and sad because
  • 00:01:20.503 --> 00:01:21.771
  • What would it say?" "i'm depressed and sad because i'm tired of people abusing me,
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  • "i'm depressed and sad because i'm tired of people abusing me, using me for wrong purposes,
  • 00:01:24.374 --> 00:01:26.142
  • I'm tired of people abusing me, using me for wrong purposes, fighting over me,
  • 00:01:26.209 --> 00:01:27.310
  • Using me for wrong purposes, fighting over me, stealing me, lying, cheating,
  • 00:01:27.377 --> 00:01:29.946
  • Fighting over me, stealing me, lying, cheating, and committing crimes to get me.
  • 00:01:30.013 --> 00:01:32.549
  • Stealing me, lying, cheating, and committing crimes to get me. i get blamed as some say,
  • 00:01:32.615 --> 00:01:34.250
  • And committing crimes to get me. i get blamed as some say, for most divorces.
  • 00:01:34.317 --> 00:01:36.319
  • I get blamed as some say, for most divorces. i'm tired of fighting
  • 00:01:36.386 --> 00:01:37.253
  • For most divorces. i'm tired of fighting with greed all the time.
  • 00:01:37.320 --> 00:01:38.788
  • I'm tired of fighting with greed all the time. i'm hoarded, i'm stolen,
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  • With greed all the time. i'm hoarded, i'm stolen, and i'm wasted most of the time,
  • 00:01:41.124 --> 00:01:43.259
  • I'm hoarded, i'm stolen, and i'm wasted most of the time, people think i'm their security
  • 00:01:43.326 --> 00:01:44.627
  • And i'm wasted most of the time, people think i'm their security but i'm not, they act like
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  • People think i'm their security but i'm not, they act like i'm god and i'm certainly not.
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  • But i'm not, they act like i'm god and i'm certainly not. i just wish people knew how much
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  • I'm god and i'm certainly not. i just wish people knew how much good they could do with me,
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  • I just wish people knew how much good they could do with me, if they treated me right and how
  • 00:01:51.601 --> 00:01:53.836
  • Good they could do with me, if they treated me right and how blessed their lives could be."
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  • If they treated me right and how blessed their lives could be." you know,
  • 00:01:57.373 --> 00:01:57.740
  • Blessed their lives could be." you know, there are 2000 bible verses
  • 00:01:57.807 --> 00:02:00.710
  • You know, there are 2000 bible verses that talk about money, 2,000.
  • 00:02:00.777 --> 00:02:03.780
  • There are 2000 bible verses that talk about money, 2,000. jesus talked more about money,
  • 00:02:03.846 --> 00:02:05.782
  • That talk about money, 2,000. jesus talked more about money, than he did heaven and hell,
  • 00:02:05.848 --> 00:02:06.849
  • Jesus talked more about money, than he did heaven and hell, put together.
  • 00:02:06.916 --> 00:02:09.118
  • Than he did heaven and hell, put together. pretty amazing.
  • 00:02:09.185 --> 00:02:10.753
  • Put together. pretty amazing. it is really a very major
  • 00:02:10.820 --> 00:02:12.388
  • Pretty amazing. it is really a very major part of our lives,
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  • It is really a very major part of our lives, and you have to know how to have
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  • Part of our lives, and you have to know how to have a proper attitude toward it.
  • 00:02:17.193 --> 00:02:19.929
  • 1 timothy 6:7-10, something
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  • 1 timothy 6:7-10, something we really should just take
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  • 1 timothy 6:7-10, something we really should just take a little time to sit and think
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  • We really should just take a little time to sit and think about, "for we brought
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  • A little time to sit and think about, "for we brought nothing into the world,
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  • About, "for we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out.
  • 00:02:33.076 --> 00:02:37.213
  • Nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out. but if we have food
  • 00:02:37.280 --> 00:02:38.248
  • And we can take nothing out. but if we have food and clothing, we shall
  • 00:02:38.314 --> 00:02:39.215
  • But if we have food and clothing, we shall be content with that."
  • 00:02:39.282 --> 00:02:41.751
  • And clothing, we shall be content with that." now, you know how well
  • 00:02:41.818 --> 00:02:42.719
  • That message goes over,
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  • That message goes over, in the society we live in today?
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  • That message goes over, in the society we live in today? it's very difficult to get
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  • In the society we live in today? it's very difficult to get people who live in a western
  • 00:02:50.260 --> 00:02:52.228
  • It's very difficult to get people who live in a western culture to be content,
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  • People who live in a western culture to be content, unless they have everything
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  • Culture to be content, unless they have everything that seems to be out there.
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  • Unless they have everything that seems to be out there. and i've been in a lot
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  • That seems to be out there. and i've been in a lot of third world countries,
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  • And i've been in a lot of third world countries, and they have very little,
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  • Of third world countries, and they have very little, and to be honest sometimes
  • 00:03:05.742 --> 00:03:07.343
  • And they have very little, and to be honest sometimes even in the midst of their
  • 00:03:07.410 --> 00:03:09.012
  • And to be honest sometimes even in the midst of their great lack, they are happier,
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  • Even in the midst of their great lack, they are happier, and have a better attitude,
  • 00:03:11.714 --> 00:03:14.817
  • Great lack, they are happier, and have a better attitude, than some people who
  • 00:03:14.884 --> 00:03:15.685
  • And have a better attitude, than some people who seem to have everything.
  • 00:03:15.752 --> 00:03:18.321
  • Than some people who seem to have everything. so, i really think sometimes,
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  • Seem to have everything. so, i really think sometimes, the more we have the unhappier
  • 00:03:20.156 --> 00:03:21.791
  • So, i really think sometimes, the more we have the unhappier we become, and it seems like
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  • The more we have the unhappier we become, and it seems like the more things you have,
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  • We become, and it seems like the more things you have, the more things you want.
  • 00:03:28.398 --> 00:03:30.166
  • The more things you have, the more things you want. now, i believe god
  • 00:03:30.233 --> 00:03:32.302
  • The more things you want. now, i believe god wants to bless us,
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  • Now, i believe god wants to bless us, and i believe that money's fine,
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  • Wants to bless us, and i believe that money's fine, money's not evil, it's the love
  • 00:03:37.607 --> 00:03:38.908
  • And i believe that money's fine, money's not evil, it's the love of money that's evil,
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  • Money's not evil, it's the love of money that's evil, but we need to be more focused
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  • Of money that's evil, but we need to be more focused on what we can do for other
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  • But we need to be more focused on what we can do for other people with our money,
  • 00:03:45.682 --> 00:03:48.484
  • On what we can do for other people with our money, than hoarding it all,
  • 00:03:48.551 --> 00:03:49.652
  • People with our money, than hoarding it all, and keeping it for ourselves.
  • 00:03:49.719 --> 00:03:52.789
  • Which is also difficult because
  • 00:03:52.855 --> 00:03:54.324
  • Which is also difficult because selfishness is ingrained
  • 00:03:54.390 --> 00:03:55.591
  • Which is also difficult because selfishness is ingrained in human nature, without god.
  • 00:03:55.658 --> 00:04:01.364
  • Selfishness is ingrained in human nature, without god. "those who want to get
  • 00:04:01.431 --> 00:04:02.365
  • In human nature, without god. "those who want to get rich fall into temptation,
  • 00:04:02.432 --> 00:04:04.567
  • "those who want to get rich fall into temptation, and a trap and into many
  • 00:04:04.634 --> 00:04:06.569
  • Rich fall into temptation, and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires
  • 00:04:06.636 --> 00:04:09.505
  • And a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge people
  • 00:04:09.572 --> 00:04:10.473
  • Foolish and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction.
  • 00:04:10.540 --> 00:04:12.642
  • That plunge people into ruin and destruction. for the love of money
  • 00:04:12.709 --> 00:04:14.143
  • Into ruin and destruction. for the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.
  • 00:04:14.210 --> 00:04:17.547
  • For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. some people, eager for money,
  • 00:04:17.613 --> 00:04:19.615
  • Is a root of all kinds of evil. some people, eager for money, have wandered away from
  • 00:04:19.682 --> 00:04:20.550
  • Some people, eager for money, have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves
  • 00:04:20.616 --> 00:04:23.252
  • Have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs."
  • 00:04:23.319 --> 00:04:24.087
  • The faith and pierced themselves with many griefs." i remember one time the lord
  • 00:04:24.153 --> 00:04:25.288
  • Told me, there's two tests you
  • 00:04:25.355 --> 00:04:26.389
  • Told me, there's two tests you have to pass concerning money,
  • 00:04:26.456 --> 00:04:28.891
  • Told me, there's two tests you have to pass concerning money, how you behave when you don't
  • 00:04:28.958 --> 00:04:30.293
  • Have to pass concerning money, how you behave when you don't have enough, and how you
  • 00:04:30.360 --> 00:04:32.695
  • How you behave when you don't have enough, and how you behave when you have a lot.
  • 00:04:32.762 --> 00:04:36.265
  • Have enough, and how you behave when you have a lot. and i thought that
  • 00:04:36.332 --> 00:04:36.899
  • Behave when you have a lot. and i thought that was interesting,
  • 00:04:36.966 --> 00:04:37.533
  • And i thought that was interesting, because sometimes the more
  • 00:04:37.600 --> 00:04:38.634
  • Was interesting, because sometimes the more you have the more it draws
  • 00:04:38.701 --> 00:04:40.103
  • Because sometimes the more you have the more it draws you away from god, because
  • 00:04:40.169 --> 00:04:42.939
  • You have the more it draws you away from god, because we can become self-reliant,
  • 00:04:43.005 --> 00:04:45.408
  • You away from god, because we can become self-reliant, we don't have needs,
  • 00:04:45.475 --> 00:04:46.342
  • We can become self-reliant, we don't have needs, and so it's easy to start
  • 00:04:46.409 --> 00:04:48.211
  • We don't have needs, and so it's easy to start depending on the money to take
  • 00:04:48.277 --> 00:04:51.080
  • And so it's easy to start depending on the money to take care of us, rather than god.
  • 00:04:51.147 --> 00:04:52.715
  • Depending on the money to take care of us, rather than god. and you know,
  • 00:04:52.782 --> 00:04:53.349
  • Care of us, rather than god. and you know, no matter what we have,
  • 00:04:53.416 --> 00:04:54.817
  • And you know, no matter what we have, no matter how much we have,
  • 00:04:54.884 --> 00:04:56.119
  • No matter what we have, no matter how much we have, no matter how much money
  • 00:04:56.185 --> 00:04:57.053
  • No matter how much we have, no matter how much money somebody has invested,
  • 00:04:57.120 --> 00:04:59.288
  • No matter how much money somebody has invested, it could literally disappear
  • 00:04:59.355 --> 00:05:01.424
  • Somebody has invested, it could literally disappear overnight, the way the world is.
  • 00:05:01.491 --> 00:05:05.862
  • It could literally disappear overnight, the way the world is. and so, the love of money
  • 00:05:05.928 --> 00:05:09.365
  • Overnight, the way the world is. and so, the love of money is evil, but not money.
  • 00:05:09.432 --> 00:05:11.234
  • Money actually,
  • 00:05:11.300 --> 00:05:13.302
  • Money actually, can be a great blessing
  • 00:05:13.369 --> 00:05:15.738
  • Money actually, can be a great blessing if you learn how to use it,
  • 00:05:15.805 --> 00:05:16.773
  • Can be a great blessing if you learn how to use it, to make other people happy.
  • 00:05:16.839 --> 00:05:18.641
  • If you learn how to use it, to make other people happy. and the bible says in acts,
  • 00:05:18.708 --> 00:05:20.009
  • To make other people happy. and the bible says in acts, "that it is more blessed
  • 00:05:20.076 --> 00:05:21.277
  • And the bible says in acts, "that it is more blessed to give than to receive,"
  • 00:05:21.344 --> 00:05:23.513
  • "that it is more blessed to give than to receive," and yet it's so hard
  • 00:05:23.579 --> 00:05:24.881
  • To give than to receive," and yet it's so hard for us to get into that
  • 00:05:24.947 --> 00:05:27.483
  • Area of living to give,
  • 00:05:27.550 --> 00:05:29.552
  • Area of living to give, rather than living to get.
  • 00:05:29.619 --> 00:05:32.121
  • Area of living to give, rather than living to get. and the thing is,
  • 00:05:32.188 --> 00:05:32.922
  • Rather than living to get. and the thing is, is if you can see
  • 00:05:32.989 --> 00:05:34.390
  • And the thing is, is if you can see the spiritual side of it,
  • 00:05:34.457 --> 00:05:36.259
  • Is if you can see the spiritual side of it, you cannot out give god,
  • 00:05:36.325 --> 00:05:38.428
  • The spiritual side of it, you cannot out give god, and so the more you give,
  • 00:05:38.494 --> 00:05:39.695
  • You cannot out give god, and so the more you give, the more he's going
  • 00:05:39.762 --> 00:05:40.363
  • And so the more you give, the more he's going to do for you,
  • 00:05:40.430 --> 00:05:41.998
  • The more he's going to do for you, and the more you give,
  • 00:05:42.064 --> 00:05:44.734
  • To do for you, and the more you give, the more you do
  • 00:05:44.801 --> 00:05:45.435
  • And the more you give, the more you do for other people,
  • 00:05:45.501 --> 00:05:46.536
  • The more you do for other people, the happier you're going to be.
  • 00:05:46.602 --> 00:05:49.172
  • The reason why it's more blessed
  • 00:05:49.238 --> 00:05:50.273
  • The reason why it's more blessed to give, than to receive,
  • 00:05:50.339 --> 00:05:51.941
  • The reason why it's more blessed to give, than to receive, is because if you get something
  • 00:05:52.008 --> 00:05:53.376
  • To give, than to receive, is because if you get something you only get the thing,
  • 00:05:53.443 --> 00:05:54.677
  • Is because if you get something you only get the thing, which is good, you know,
  • 00:05:54.744 --> 00:05:56.646
  • You only get the thing, which is good, you know, i'm not against stuff.
  • 00:05:56.712 --> 00:05:58.881
  • Which is good, you know, i'm not against stuff. but when you give,
  • 00:05:58.948 --> 00:06:00.550
  • I'm not against stuff. but when you give, you get joy.
  • 00:06:00.616 --> 00:06:02.985
  • But when you give, you get joy. how many of you believe that
  • 00:06:03.052 --> 00:06:03.853
  • You get joy. how many of you believe that joy is really much better
  • 00:06:03.920 --> 00:06:08.090
  • How many of you believe that joy is really much better than things and money?
  • 00:06:08.157 --> 00:06:09.859
  • Joy is really much better than things and money? because no matter
  • 00:06:09.926 --> 00:06:10.493
  • Than things and money? because no matter what you have,
  • 00:06:10.560 --> 00:06:11.794
  • Because no matter what you have, if you have no peace
  • 00:06:11.861 --> 00:06:13.329
  • What you have, if you have no peace and you have no joy,
  • 00:06:13.396 --> 00:06:15.565
  • If you have no peace and you have no joy, then what's it worth?
  • 00:06:15.631 --> 00:06:17.433
  • And you have no joy, then what's it worth? it's worth absolutely nothing.
  • 00:06:17.500 --> 00:06:19.602
  • So, james dobson had
  • 00:06:19.669 --> 00:06:22.071
  • So, james dobson had a great revelation, one time,
  • 00:06:22.138 --> 00:06:23.539
  • So, james dobson had a great revelation, one time, while he was playing
  • 00:06:23.606 --> 00:06:25.074
  • A great revelation, one time, while he was playing the game, monopoly.
  • 00:06:25.141 --> 00:06:26.409
  • While he was playing the game, monopoly. when he suddenly realized--
  • 00:06:26.476 --> 00:06:28.010
  • The game, monopoly. when he suddenly realized-- and i want you to get this.
  • 00:06:28.077 --> 00:06:30.546
  • When he suddenly realized-- and i want you to get this. "when our lives are over,
  • 00:06:30.613 --> 00:06:31.681
  • And i want you to get this. "when our lives are over, everything we have gained
  • 00:06:31.747 --> 00:06:34.383
  • "when our lives are over, everything we have gained will go back in the box,
  • 00:06:34.450 --> 00:06:35.618
  • Everything we have gained will go back in the box, so to speak, and someone else
  • 00:06:35.685 --> 00:06:39.522
  • Will go back in the box, so to speak, and someone else will come along and start
  • 00:06:39.589 --> 00:06:41.123
  • So to speak, and someone else will come along and start all over with what we worked
  • 00:06:41.190 --> 00:06:42.625
  • Will come along and start all over with what we worked all of our lives to get.
  • 00:06:42.692 --> 00:06:44.861
  • All over with what we worked all of our lives to get. so, why not spend your life
  • 00:06:44.927 --> 00:06:46.128
  • All of our lives to get. so, why not spend your life doing something that will last?"
  • 00:06:46.195 --> 00:06:50.132
  • So, why not spend your life doing something that will last?" and the bible tells us,
  • 00:06:50.199 --> 00:06:51.234
  • Doing something that will last?" and the bible tells us, that what we give here,
  • 00:06:51.300 --> 00:06:55.238
  • And the bible tells us, that what we give here, is an eternal thing,
  • 00:06:55.304 --> 00:06:57.974
  • That what we give here, is an eternal thing, i think that people that
  • 00:06:58.040 --> 00:06:59.008
  • Is an eternal thing, i think that people that are real givers,
  • 00:06:59.075 --> 00:06:59.809
  • I think that people that are real givers, will still be getting
  • 00:06:59.876 --> 00:07:00.610
  • Are real givers, will still be getting blessed in heaven,
  • 00:07:00.676 --> 00:07:02.044
  • Will still be getting blessed in heaven, from what they gave
  • 00:07:02.111 --> 00:07:03.579
  • Blessed in heaven, from what they gave here in the earth.
  • 00:07:03.646 --> 00:07:04.280
  • From what they gave here in the earth. so, let's talk about something
  • 00:07:04.347 --> 00:07:05.815
  • Here in the earth. so, let's talk about something that most people don't
  • 00:07:05.882 --> 00:07:06.849
  • So, let's talk about something that most people don't even think is possible,
  • 00:07:06.916 --> 00:07:08.317
  • That most people don't even think is possible, and that's becoming
  • 00:07:08.384 --> 00:07:09.619
  • Even think is possible, and that's becoming and living debt-free.
  • 00:07:09.685 --> 00:07:15.858
  • You can never do it if you
  • 00:07:15.925 --> 00:07:16.893
  • You can never do it if you don't believe it's possible.
  • 00:07:16.959 --> 00:07:19.829
  • You can never do it if you don't believe it's possible. and so, all things are
  • 00:07:19.896 --> 00:07:23.533
  • Don't believe it's possible. and so, all things are possible with god.
  • 00:07:23.599 --> 00:07:27.270
  • And so, all things are possible with god. you can live debt-free.
  • 00:07:27.336 --> 00:07:30.039
  • Debt is very oppressive,
  • 00:07:30.106 --> 00:07:33.409
  • Debt is very oppressive, it's a very heavy burden,
  • 00:07:33.476 --> 00:07:36.812
  • Debt is very oppressive, it's a very heavy burden, "jesus looked at them and said,
  • 00:07:36.879 --> 00:07:37.947
  • It's a very heavy burden, "jesus looked at them and said, "with man this is impossible,
  • 00:07:38.014 --> 00:07:39.582
  • "jesus looked at them and said, "with man this is impossible, but with god all things
  • 00:07:39.649 --> 00:07:41.083
  • "with man this is impossible, but with god all things are possible."
  • 00:07:41.150 --> 00:07:42.618
  • But with god all things are possible." that is like my scripture
  • 00:07:42.685 --> 00:07:46.455
  • For the year,
  • 00:07:46.522 --> 00:07:47.957
  • For the year, i wanna really stir myself
  • 00:07:48.024 --> 00:07:49.258
  • For the year, i wanna really stir myself up in faith again,
  • 00:07:49.325 --> 00:07:50.259
  • I wanna really stir myself up in faith again, and just believe there's
  • 00:07:50.326 --> 00:07:51.360
  • Up in faith again, and just believe there's nothing that god can't do.
  • 00:07:51.427 --> 00:07:54.230
  • And just believe there's nothing that god can't do. so, everybody say nice and loud,
  • 00:07:54.297 --> 00:07:55.731
  • Nothing that god can't do. so, everybody say nice and loud, "i can live debt-free."
  • 00:07:55.798 --> 00:08:00.102
  • So, everybody say nice and loud, "i can live debt-free." >> joyce: boy, doesn't
  • 00:08:00.169 --> 00:08:00.770
  • "i can live debt-free." >> joyce: boy, doesn't that sound good?
  • 00:08:00.836 --> 00:08:03.272
  • >> joyce: boy, doesn't that sound good? a person can never
  • 00:08:03.339 --> 00:08:04.273
  • That sound good? a person can never be debt-free if they're addicted
  • 00:08:04.340 --> 00:08:06.242
  • A person can never be debt-free if they're addicted to instant gratification.
  • 00:08:06.309 --> 00:08:09.712
  • Be debt-free if they're addicted to instant gratification. and boy, we have a big problem
  • 00:08:09.779 --> 00:08:10.913
  • To instant gratification. and boy, we have a big problem with that today, don't we?
  • 00:08:10.980 --> 00:08:12.782
  • And boy, we have a big problem with that today, don't we? we want it,
  • 00:08:12.848 --> 00:08:13.783
  • With that today, don't we? we want it, we want it, right now.
  • 00:08:13.849 --> 00:08:15.885
  • We want it, we want it, right now. but if you ever wanna
  • 00:08:15.952 --> 00:08:16.652
  • We want it, right now. but if you ever wanna be debt-free, you have to learn
  • 00:08:16.719 --> 00:08:18.321
  • But if you ever wanna be debt-free, you have to learn how to be patient and save
  • 00:08:18.387 --> 00:08:21.190
  • Be debt-free, you have to learn how to be patient and save for what you want,
  • 00:08:21.257 --> 00:08:23.626
  • How to be patient and save for what you want, and then pay for it,
  • 00:08:23.693 --> 00:08:26.028
  • For what you want, and then pay for it, and not have a debt on it.
  • 00:08:26.095 --> 00:08:29.699
  • And then pay for it, and not have a debt on it. being debt-free requires saving
  • 00:08:29.765 --> 00:08:32.335
  • And not have a debt on it. being debt-free requires saving money for things you need,
  • 00:08:32.401 --> 00:08:35.171
  • Being debt-free requires saving money for things you need, and i drew a big circle around
  • 00:08:35.237 --> 00:08:36.539
  • Money for things you need, and i drew a big circle around "you need," because you see,
  • 00:08:36.606 --> 00:08:40.109
  • And i drew a big circle around "you need," because you see, we think we need a lot of things
  • 00:08:40.176 --> 00:08:43.746
  • "you need," because you see, we think we need a lot of things that we really don't need,
  • 00:08:43.813 --> 00:08:45.881
  • We think we need a lot of things that we really don't need, or we can even think that
  • 00:08:45.948 --> 00:08:47.216
  • That we really don't need, or we can even think that we need something that we've
  • 00:08:47.283 --> 00:08:48.417
  • Or we can even think that we need something that we've already got 50 of at home.
  • 00:08:48.484 --> 00:08:52.121
  • We need something that we've already got 50 of at home. how many of you ladies
  • 00:08:52.188 --> 00:08:53.055
  • Already got 50 of at home. how many of you ladies can see a pair of earrings
  • 00:08:53.122 --> 00:08:55.057
  • How many of you ladies can see a pair of earrings and think, "oh, i need those"?
  • 00:08:55.124 --> 00:09:00.363
  • Can see a pair of earrings and think, "oh, i need those"? i used to buy earrings
  • 00:09:00.429 --> 00:09:01.330
  • And think, "oh, i need those"? i used to buy earrings because they were pretty,
  • 00:09:01.397 --> 00:09:02.898
  • I used to buy earrings because they were pretty, and then i didn't have
  • 00:09:02.965 --> 00:09:04.166
  • Because they were pretty, and then i didn't have anything to wear 'em with.
  • 00:09:04.233 --> 00:09:06.602
  • And then i didn't have anything to wear 'em with. and a girl that i buy a lot
  • 00:09:06.669 --> 00:09:07.770
  • Anything to wear 'em with. and a girl that i buy a lot of my clothes from,
  • 00:09:07.837 --> 00:09:10.172
  • And a girl that i buy a lot of my clothes from, she'll have some pretty jewelry
  • 00:09:10.239 --> 00:09:11.340
  • Of my clothes from, she'll have some pretty jewelry in her shop, and i'll say,
  • 00:09:11.407 --> 00:09:12.642
  • She'll have some pretty jewelry in her shop, and i'll say, "ew, boy, those are pretty,
  • 00:09:12.708 --> 00:09:14.143
  • In her shop, and i'll say, "ew, boy, those are pretty, i want those!"
  • 00:09:14.210 --> 00:09:14.844
  • "ew, boy, those are pretty, i want those!" and she'll say, "now,
  • 00:09:14.910 --> 00:09:15.444
  • I want those!" and she'll say, "now, wait a minute, joyce, what are
  • 00:09:15.511 --> 00:09:16.312
  • And she'll say, "now, wait a minute, joyce, what are you gonna do with them?"
  • 00:09:16.379 --> 00:09:19.181
  • Wait a minute, joyce, what are you gonna do with them?" and i wonder how many things
  • 00:09:19.248 --> 00:09:20.249
  • You gonna do with them?" and i wonder how many things you have in your home,
  • 00:09:20.316 --> 00:09:22.284
  • And i wonder how many things you have in your home, in closets and drawers,
  • 00:09:22.351 --> 00:09:23.586
  • You have in your home, in closets and drawers, that you've paid for and have
  • 00:09:23.653 --> 00:09:25.087
  • In closets and drawers, that you've paid for and have never used one time,
  • 00:09:25.154 --> 00:09:29.959
  • That you've paid for and have never used one time, and couldn't even find
  • 00:09:30.026 --> 00:09:30.893
  • Never used one time, and couldn't even find if you needed it.
  • 00:09:30.960 --> 00:09:35.498
  • And couldn't even find if you needed it. you have to stop spending
  • 00:09:35.564 --> 00:09:36.766
  • If you needed it. you have to stop spending everything you have
  • 00:09:36.832 --> 00:09:37.733
  • You have to stop spending everything you have and then borrowing more,
  • 00:09:37.800 --> 00:09:40.202
  • Everything you have and then borrowing more, to get all these things
  • 00:09:40.269 --> 00:09:41.303
  • And then borrowing more, to get all these things that you want,
  • 00:09:41.370 --> 00:09:42.038
  • To get all these things that you want, but really don't need.
  • 00:09:42.104 --> 00:09:45.441
  • That you want, but really don't need. now credit cards are great
  • 00:09:45.508 --> 00:09:46.575
  • But really don't need. now credit cards are great if you can manage 'em,
  • 00:09:46.642 --> 00:09:48.711
  • Now credit cards are great if you can manage 'em, but to be honest,
  • 00:09:48.778 --> 00:09:50.680
  • If you can manage 'em, but to be honest, the only way that you
  • 00:09:50.746 --> 00:09:52.281
  • But to be honest, the only way that you should use credit cards,
  • 00:09:52.348 --> 00:09:54.083
  • The only way that you should use credit cards, and it may take you a while
  • 00:09:54.150 --> 00:09:55.618
  • Should use credit cards, and it may take you a while to get to this point;
  • 00:09:55.685 --> 00:09:57.520
  • And it may take you a while to get to this point; is to not put anything
  • 00:09:57.586 --> 00:09:58.688
  • To get to this point; is to not put anything on them that you cannot pay
  • 00:09:58.754 --> 00:10:00.189
  • Is to not put anything on them that you cannot pay off at the end of the month.
  • 00:10:00.256 --> 00:10:03.559
  • On them that you cannot pay off at the end of the month. use them for convenience only,
  • 00:10:03.626 --> 00:10:06.162
  • Off at the end of the month. use them for convenience only, because what most people
  • 00:10:06.228 --> 00:10:07.596
  • Use them for convenience only, because what most people do is they run up this big
  • 00:10:07.663 --> 00:10:09.065
  • Because what most people do is they run up this big credit card debt, and then they
  • 00:10:09.131 --> 00:10:11.233
  • Do is they run up this big credit card debt, and then they make the minimum payment.
  • 00:10:11.300 --> 00:10:14.770
  • Credit card debt, and then they make the minimum payment. you know, people--
  • 00:10:14.837 --> 00:10:16.305
  • Make the minimum payment. you know, people-- you have to be an investor
  • 00:10:16.372 --> 00:10:17.740
  • You know, people-- you have to be an investor in life, and not a gambler.
  • 00:10:17.807 --> 00:10:20.543
  • You have to be an investor in life, and not a gambler. you can't just do the wrong
  • 00:10:20.609 --> 00:10:21.811
  • In life, and not a gambler. you can't just do the wrong thing and gamble that you're
  • 00:10:21.877 --> 00:10:23.079
  • You can't just do the wrong thing and gamble that you're gonna get a right result,
  • 00:10:23.145 --> 00:10:25.815
  • Thing and gamble that you're gonna get a right result, because you won't.
  • 00:10:25.881 --> 00:10:27.416
  • Gonna get a right result, because you won't. i just wrote a book on proverbs,
  • 00:10:27.483 --> 00:10:29.118
  • Because you won't. i just wrote a book on proverbs, and boy i'll tell you when
  • 00:10:29.185 --> 00:10:30.553
  • I just wrote a book on proverbs, and boy i'll tell you when you study proverbs,
  • 00:10:30.619 --> 00:10:31.654
  • And boy i'll tell you when you study proverbs, i mean, you just come
  • 00:10:31.721 --> 00:10:33.522
  • You study proverbs, i mean, you just come out with one conclusion,
  • 00:10:33.589 --> 00:10:35.591
  • I mean, you just come out with one conclusion, the wise man is gonna prosper,
  • 00:10:35.658 --> 00:10:37.226
  • Out with one conclusion, the wise man is gonna prosper, and the fool is gonna have
  • 00:10:37.293 --> 00:10:38.761
  • The wise man is gonna prosper, and the fool is gonna have nothing but a mess in their
  • 00:10:38.828 --> 00:10:39.962
  • And the fool is gonna have nothing but a mess in their life, in every single area
  • 00:10:40.029 --> 00:10:41.063
  • Nothing but a mess in their life, in every single area of their life, and to me--
  • 00:10:41.130 --> 00:10:43.265
  • Life, in every single area of their life, and to me-- this is my own definition,
  • 00:10:43.332 --> 00:10:44.500
  • Of their life, and to me-- this is my own definition, but i say that, wisdom
  • 00:10:44.567 --> 00:10:46.135
  • This is my own definition, but i say that, wisdom is doing now what you'll
  • 00:10:46.202 --> 00:10:47.303
  • But i say that, wisdom is doing now what you'll be happy with later on.
  • 00:10:47.369 --> 00:10:51.640
  • And foolishness is:
  • 00:10:51.707 --> 00:10:55.077
  • And foolishness is: having this need for instant
  • 00:10:55.144 --> 00:10:57.813
  • And foolishness is: having this need for instant gratification, and doing things
  • 00:10:57.880 --> 00:11:00.950
  • Having this need for instant gratification, and doing things that really just are not wisdom.
  • 00:11:01.016 --> 00:11:06.756
  • Gratification, and doing things that really just are not wisdom. so, you cannot be addicted
  • 00:11:06.822 --> 00:11:08.457
  • To instant gratification.
  • 00:11:08.524 --> 00:11:09.925
  • To instant gratification. when we borrow money,
  • 00:11:09.992 --> 00:11:10.993
  • To instant gratification. when we borrow money, we're spending tomorrow's
  • 00:11:11.060 --> 00:11:12.161
  • When we borrow money, we're spending tomorrow's prosperity, today.
  • 00:11:12.228 --> 00:11:15.898
  • We're spending tomorrow's prosperity, today. so, think about that.
  • 00:11:15.965 --> 00:11:17.266
  • Prosperity, today. so, think about that. and then when tomorrow comes,
  • 00:11:17.333 --> 00:11:20.536
  • So, think about that. and then when tomorrow comes, we have to borrow to pay what
  • 00:11:20.603 --> 00:11:22.705
  • And then when tomorrow comes, we have to borrow to pay what we owe, and so, it just keeps
  • 00:11:22.772 --> 00:11:26.542
  • We have to borrow to pay what we owe, and so, it just keeps an unhealthy cycle going in our
  • 00:11:26.609 --> 00:11:28.277
  • We owe, and so, it just keeps an unhealthy cycle going in our lives, because we're always,
  • 00:11:28.344 --> 00:11:30.980
  • An unhealthy cycle going in our lives, because we're always, have already spent what we're
  • 00:11:31.046 --> 00:11:33.048
  • Lives, because we're always, have already spent what we're working for, so then,
  • 00:11:33.115 --> 00:11:35.251
  • Have already spent what we're working for, so then, when it comes time to pay
  • 00:11:35.317 --> 00:11:36.819
  • Working for, so then, when it comes time to pay the bills that you have to pay,
  • 00:11:36.886 --> 00:11:38.521
  • When it comes time to pay the bills that you have to pay, and buy the things you have
  • 00:11:38.587 --> 00:11:39.488
  • The bills that you have to pay, and buy the things you have to have, then you have no choice
  • 00:11:39.555 --> 00:11:41.023
  • And buy the things you have to have, then you have no choice but to borrow more money because
  • 00:11:41.090 --> 00:11:43.092
  • To have, then you have no choice but to borrow more money because you gotta use the money you have
  • 00:11:43.159 --> 00:11:44.226
  • But to borrow more money because you gotta use the money you have now to pay for what you bought
  • 00:11:44.293 --> 00:11:45.461
  • You gotta use the money you have now to pay for what you bought way back there somewhere.
  • 00:11:45.528 --> 00:11:48.497
  • Now to pay for what you bought way back there somewhere. and once again, so much of this
  • 00:11:48.564 --> 00:11:51.500
  • Way back there somewhere. and once again, so much of this is due to instant gratification,
  • 00:11:51.567 --> 00:11:54.537
  • And once again, so much of this is due to instant gratification, and not thinking,
  • 00:11:54.603 --> 00:11:55.971
  • Is due to instant gratification, and not thinking, really thinking about,
  • 00:11:56.038 --> 00:11:57.506
  • And not thinking, really thinking about, "do i need this?"
  • 00:11:57.573 --> 00:11:59.308
  • Really thinking about, "do i need this?" now, there's nothing wrong
  • 00:11:59.375 --> 00:12:00.643
  • "do i need this?" now, there's nothing wrong with buying some things that
  • 00:12:00.709 --> 00:12:01.510
  • Now, there's nothing wrong with buying some things that you want, but i will say this,
  • 00:12:01.577 --> 00:12:03.913
  • With buying some things that you want, but i will say this, if you're already head over
  • 00:12:03.979 --> 00:12:05.014
  • You want, but i will say this, if you're already head over heels in debt, you don't need
  • 00:12:05.080 --> 00:12:06.549
  • If you're already head over heels in debt, you don't need to be buying a lot of what
  • 00:12:06.615 --> 00:12:07.883
  • Heels in debt, you don't need to be buying a lot of what you want, you need to really
  • 00:12:07.950 --> 00:12:10.820
  • To be buying a lot of what you want, you need to really just be buying what you need.
  • 00:12:10.886 --> 00:12:13.189
  • You want, you need to really just be buying what you need. it's kinda like if--if you live
  • 00:12:13.255 --> 00:12:14.990
  • Just be buying what you need. it's kinda like if--if you live an unbalanced life over here,
  • 00:12:15.057 --> 00:12:17.760
  • It's kinda like if--if you live an unbalanced life over here, you've spent money that you
  • 00:12:17.827 --> 00:12:19.094
  • An unbalanced life over here, you've spent money that you don't have, then to overcome
  • 00:12:19.161 --> 00:12:22.665
  • You've spent money that you don't have, then to overcome this over on this side, you're
  • 00:12:22.731 --> 00:12:24.366
  • Don't have, then to overcome this over on this side, you're gonna have to do without some
  • 00:12:24.433 --> 00:12:25.701
  • This over on this side, you're gonna have to do without some things for a while, in order to
  • 00:12:25.768 --> 00:12:28.871
  • Gonna have to do without some things for a while, in order to get your life back in balance.
  • 00:12:28.938 --> 00:12:31.507
  • Things are not nearly as
  • 00:12:31.574 --> 00:12:32.908
  • Things are not nearly as important as we think they are.
  • 00:12:32.975 --> 00:12:38.180
  • Things are not nearly as important as we think they are. dave ramsey presents a brilliant
  • 00:12:38.247 --> 00:12:40.216
  • Important as we think they are. dave ramsey presents a brilliant plan to getting out of debt,
  • 00:12:40.282 --> 00:12:42.284
  • Dave ramsey presents a brilliant plan to getting out of debt, and i hope i say it right,
  • 00:12:42.351 --> 00:12:44.854
  • Plan to getting out of debt, and i hope i say it right, but just remember that name,
  • 00:12:44.920 --> 00:12:47.122
  • Dave ramsey, he's probably
  • 00:12:47.189 --> 00:12:49.124
  • Dave ramsey, he's probably the premier teacher on finances
  • 00:12:49.191 --> 00:12:50.426
  • Dave ramsey, he's probably the premier teacher on finances today, lots and lots of wisdom,
  • 00:12:50.492 --> 00:12:53.762
  • The premier teacher on finances today, lots and lots of wisdom, he's got a tv show,
  • 00:12:53.829 --> 00:12:54.597
  • Today, lots and lots of wisdom, he's got a tv show, i think a radio show,
  • 00:12:54.663 --> 00:12:55.664
  • He's got a tv show, i think a radio show, and plenty of books.
  • 00:12:55.731 --> 00:12:57.600
  • I think a radio show, and plenty of books. and he says that what you
  • 00:12:57.666 --> 00:13:00.336
  • And plenty of books. and he says that what you do is, you, if you're in debt,
  • 00:13:00.402 --> 00:13:03.372
  • And he says that what you do is, you, if you're in debt, you pay off the smallest debt
  • 00:13:03.439 --> 00:13:05.875
  • Do is, you, if you're in debt, you pay off the smallest debt first because then, you feel
  • 00:13:05.941 --> 00:13:07.376
  • You pay off the smallest debt first because then, you feel good that you paid off a debt.
  • 00:13:07.443 --> 00:13:09.378
  • First because then, you feel good that you paid off a debt. but then, let's just say
  • 00:13:09.445 --> 00:13:10.646
  • Good that you paid off a debt. but then, let's just say the payment on that debt
  • 00:13:10.713 --> 00:13:11.513
  • But then, let's just say the payment on that debt was $50 a month,
  • 00:13:11.580 --> 00:13:12.748
  • The payment on that debt was $50 a month, but then you don't say,
  • 00:13:12.815 --> 00:13:13.849
  • Was $50 a month, but then you don't say, "oh boy, i've got $50 a month
  • 00:13:13.916 --> 00:13:15.017
  • But then you don't say, "oh boy, i've got $50 a month more now to spend."
  • 00:13:15.084 --> 00:13:16.652
  • "oh boy, i've got $50 a month more now to spend." what you do is, you take
  • 00:13:16.719 --> 00:13:18.053
  • More now to spend." what you do is, you take that $50 and you add
  • 00:13:18.120 --> 00:13:20.222
  • What you do is, you take that $50 and you add it to the payment on the next
  • 00:13:20.289 --> 00:13:22.591
  • That $50 and you add it to the payment on the next smallest debt, so say,
  • 00:13:22.658 --> 00:13:25.361
  • It to the payment on the next smallest debt, so say, you have another debt,
  • 00:13:25.427 --> 00:13:26.962
  • Smallest debt, so say, you have another debt, that the payments $45,
  • 00:13:27.029 --> 00:13:28.330
  • You have another debt, that the payments $45, well now, instead of paying $45,
  • 00:13:28.397 --> 00:13:29.865
  • That the payments $45, well now, instead of paying $45, you pay $95 a month on that.
  • 00:13:29.932 --> 00:13:33.569
  • Well now, instead of paying $45, you pay $95 a month on that. then when those two are
  • 00:13:33.636 --> 00:13:34.303
  • You pay $95 a month on that. then when those two are paid off, you take the money
  • 00:13:34.370 --> 00:13:36.071
  • Then when those two are paid off, you take the money from those two and you
  • 00:13:36.138 --> 00:13:37.273
  • Paid off, you take the money from those two and you add it to the next one.
  • 00:13:37.339 --> 00:13:39.441
  • From those two and you add it to the next one. and it may take two years,
  • 00:13:39.508 --> 00:13:42.111
  • Add it to the next one. and it may take two years, it may take 5 years,
  • 00:13:42.177 --> 00:13:44.947
  • And it may take two years, it may take 5 years, but let me ask you something,
  • 00:13:45.014 --> 00:13:46.515
  • It may take 5 years, but let me ask you something, is doing that for 2, 3, 4, 5,
  • 00:13:46.582 --> 00:13:49.585
  • But let me ask you something, is doing that for 2, 3, 4, 5, years better than being
  • 00:13:49.652 --> 00:13:51.153
  • Is doing that for 2, 3, 4, 5, years better than being in bondage all of your life
  • 00:13:51.220 --> 00:13:53.289
  • Years better than being in bondage all of your life and continuing to keep
  • 00:13:53.355 --> 00:13:54.523
  • In bondage all of your life and continuing to keep the same ridiculous cycle going,
  • 00:13:54.590 --> 00:13:57.259
  • And continuing to keep the same ridiculous cycle going, all the time?
  • 00:13:57.326 --> 00:13:58.827
  • The same ridiculous cycle going, all the time? everybody say,
  • 00:13:58.894 --> 00:13:59.495
  • All the time? everybody say, "i can live debt-free."
  • 00:13:59.561 --> 00:14:02.765
  • Everybody say, "i can live debt-free." >> joyce: now, let's just
  • 00:14:02.831 --> 00:14:04.533
  • "i can live debt-free." >> joyce: now, let's just throw the word suffer
  • 00:14:04.600 --> 00:14:05.534
  • >> joyce: now, let's just throw the word suffer out for a minute.
  • 00:14:05.601 --> 00:14:07.603
  • Throw the word suffer out for a minute. not a word we like,
  • 00:14:07.670 --> 00:14:09.438
  • Out for a minute. not a word we like, but if you're going to get out
  • 00:14:09.505 --> 00:14:12.341
  • Not a word we like, but if you're going to get out of debt and be debt-free,
  • 00:14:12.408 --> 00:14:13.809
  • But if you're going to get out of debt and be debt-free, you will have to let
  • 00:14:13.876 --> 00:14:15.377
  • Of debt and be debt-free, you will have to let your flesh suffer, because
  • 00:14:15.444 --> 00:14:19.581
  • You will have to let your flesh suffer, because it wants what it wants,
  • 00:14:19.648 --> 00:14:21.917
  • Your flesh suffer, because it wants what it wants, and it pouts and feels
  • 00:14:21.984 --> 00:14:25.254
  • It wants what it wants, and it pouts and feels sorry for itself when
  • 00:14:25.321 --> 00:14:28.090
  • And it pouts and feels sorry for itself when it doesn't get it.
  • 00:14:28.157 --> 00:14:29.024
  • Sorry for itself when it doesn't get it. but we are to walk according
  • 00:14:29.091 --> 00:14:30.392
  • It doesn't get it. but we are to walk according to the spirit, not according
  • 00:14:30.459 --> 00:14:33.529
  • But we are to walk according to the spirit, not according to the flesh.
  • 00:14:33.595 --> 00:14:35.230
  • To the spirit, not according to the flesh. to get out of debt, you're
  • 00:14:35.297 --> 00:14:36.598
  • To the flesh. to get out of debt, you're gonna have to be patient,
  • 00:14:36.665 --> 00:14:38.200
  • To get out of debt, you're gonna have to be patient, persistent and learn
  • 00:14:38.267 --> 00:14:40.369
  • Gonna have to be patient, persistent and learn the difference between what
  • 00:14:40.436 --> 00:14:41.236
  • Persistent and learn the difference between what you need and what you want.
  • 00:14:41.303 --> 00:14:43.572
  • The difference between what you need and what you want. before buying anything, ask
  • 00:14:43.639 --> 00:14:45.541
  • You need and what you want. before buying anything, ask yourself if you can afford it,
  • 00:14:45.607 --> 00:14:48.811
  • Before buying anything, ask yourself if you can afford it, without going in debt to get it,
  • 00:14:48.877 --> 00:14:51.180
  • Yourself if you can afford it, without going in debt to get it, and if what you're going
  • 00:14:51.246 --> 00:14:54.750
  • Without going in debt to get it, and if what you're going to spend on it, is truly
  • 00:14:54.817 --> 00:14:56.485
  • And if what you're going to spend on it, is truly worth it to you.
  • 00:14:56.552 --> 00:14:59.455
  • To spend on it, is truly worth it to you. i heard my daughter say
  • 00:14:59.521 --> 00:15:00.556
  • Worth it to you. i heard my daughter say something that she liked
  • 00:15:00.622 --> 00:15:01.924
  • I heard my daughter say something that she liked something that i have, and so,
  • 00:15:01.991 --> 00:15:03.258
  • Something that she liked something that i have, and so, i thought about it, and i told
  • 00:15:03.325 --> 00:15:06.061
  • Something that i have, and so, i thought about it, and i told her, "i'd like to buy you one."
  • 00:15:06.128 --> 00:15:09.198
  • I thought about it, and i told her, "i'd like to buy you one." and she said, "oh, man,
  • 00:15:09.264 --> 00:15:11.166
  • Her, "i'd like to buy you one." and she said, "oh, man, that'd be great!"
  • 00:15:11.233 --> 00:15:12.468
  • And she said, "oh, man, that'd be great!" and she called me the next day,
  • 00:15:12.534 --> 00:15:13.936
  • That'd be great!" and she called me the next day, and she said, "you know what?
  • 00:15:14.003 --> 00:15:14.870
  • And she called me the next day, and she said, "you know what? i've decided not to let
  • 00:15:14.937 --> 00:15:15.637
  • And she said, "you know what? i've decided not to let you buy me that."
  • 00:15:15.704 --> 00:15:16.872
  • I've decided not to let you buy me that." and i said, "well why not?"
  • 00:15:16.939 --> 00:15:17.873
  • You buy me that." and i said, "well why not?" i mean, who wouldn't want
  • 00:15:17.940 --> 00:15:19.274
  • And i said, "well why not?" i mean, who wouldn't want a free gift?
  • 00:15:19.341 --> 00:15:20.242
  • I mean, who wouldn't want a free gift? and she said, "you know what?
  • 00:15:20.309 --> 00:15:23.278
  • A free gift? and she said, "you know what? i thought it over, and she said,
  • 00:15:23.345 --> 00:15:25.114
  • And she said, "you know what? i thought it over, and she said, "yeah, i would like it but,"
  • 00:15:25.180 --> 00:15:26.782
  • I thought it over, and she said, "yeah, i would like it but," she said, "it's not worth
  • 00:15:26.849 --> 00:15:28.317
  • "yeah, i would like it but," she said, "it's not worth it to me, the amount of money
  • 00:15:28.384 --> 00:15:30.085
  • She said, "it's not worth it to me, the amount of money that it costs," and she said,
  • 00:15:30.152 --> 00:15:32.388
  • It to me, the amount of money that it costs," and she said, "i want to use your money,
  • 00:15:32.454 --> 00:15:35.324
  • That it costs," and she said, "i want to use your money, the same way i would use mine."
  • 00:15:35.391 --> 00:15:38.927
  • "i want to use your money, the same way i would use mine." now, that's a smart kid.
  • 00:15:38.994 --> 00:15:41.630
  • And so, i wanna say something
  • 00:15:41.697 --> 00:15:44.033
  • And so, i wanna say something and i want you to remember this,
  • 00:15:44.099 --> 00:15:45.234
  • And so, i wanna say something and i want you to remember this, you can't just expect money,
  • 00:15:45.300 --> 00:15:46.301
  • And i want you to remember this, you can't just expect money, you have to respect money.
  • 00:15:46.368 --> 00:15:51.106
  • You can't just expect money, you have to respect money. and i think that's worth
  • 00:15:51.173 --> 00:15:52.674
  • You have to respect money. and i think that's worth writing down and keeping.
  • 00:15:52.741 --> 00:15:54.476
  • And i think that's worth writing down and keeping. you can't just expect money,
  • 00:15:54.543 --> 00:15:56.712
  • Writing down and keeping. you can't just expect money, you have to respect money,
  • 00:15:56.779 --> 00:15:58.847
  • You can't just expect money, you have to respect money, and respecting money means
  • 00:15:58.914 --> 00:16:02.484
  • That you don't just use
  • 00:16:02.551 --> 00:16:03.519
  • That you don't just use it frivolously.
  • 00:16:03.585 --> 00:16:05.454
  • That you don't just use it frivolously. you know, if you're gonna
  • 00:16:05.521 --> 00:16:06.789
  • It frivolously. you know, if you're gonna spend $20, i don't think
  • 00:16:06.855 --> 00:16:09.691
  • You know, if you're gonna spend $20, i don't think you have to have a prayer
  • 00:16:09.758 --> 00:16:11.727
  • Spend $20, i don't think you have to have a prayer meeting about it,
  • 00:16:11.794 --> 00:16:12.561
  • You have to have a prayer meeting about it, and wait four days,
  • 00:16:12.628 --> 00:16:14.363
  • Meeting about it, and wait four days, i mean unless you don't
  • 00:16:14.430 --> 00:16:15.130
  • And wait four days, i mean unless you don't have the $20, then you do.
  • 00:16:15.197 --> 00:16:16.632
  • I mean unless you don't have the $20, then you do. but if you're gonna buy
  • 00:16:16.698 --> 00:16:17.499
  • Have the $20, then you do. but if you're gonna buy anything, that's any sizable
  • 00:16:17.566 --> 00:16:21.036
  • But if you're gonna buy anything, that's any sizable amount of money, i strongly
  • 00:16:21.103 --> 00:16:22.971
  • Anything, that's any sizable amount of money, i strongly suggest that you sleep on it for
  • 00:16:23.038 --> 00:16:25.908
  • Amount of money, i strongly suggest that you sleep on it for a night, because when you're
  • 00:16:25.974 --> 00:16:28.210
  • Suggest that you sleep on it for a night, because when you're looking at something
  • 00:16:28.277 --> 00:16:29.144
  • A night, because when you're looking at something in the shiny case,
  • 00:16:29.211 --> 00:16:31.580
  • Looking at something in the shiny case, or the showroom floor,
  • 00:16:31.647 --> 00:16:34.616
  • In the shiny case, or the showroom floor, can i tell you something ladies,
  • 00:16:34.683 --> 00:16:36.485
  • Or the showroom floor, can i tell you something ladies, it won't look as good on you,
  • 00:16:36.552 --> 00:16:37.586
  • Can i tell you something ladies, it won't look as good on you, as it did on the model.
  • 00:16:37.653 --> 00:16:41.857
  • It won't look as good on you, as it did on the model. and it doesn't shine as much
  • 00:16:41.924 --> 00:16:43.659
  • As it did on the model. and it doesn't shine as much when you get home,
  • 00:16:43.725 --> 00:16:45.360
  • And it doesn't shine as much when you get home, as it did in the jewelry store.
  • 00:16:45.427 --> 00:16:47.396
  • When you get home, as it did in the jewelry store. i bought a piece of jewelry
  • 00:16:47.463 --> 00:16:48.397
  • As it did in the jewelry store. i bought a piece of jewelry one time at a jewelry store,
  • 00:16:48.464 --> 00:16:51.200
  • I bought a piece of jewelry one time at a jewelry store, and i just thought
  • 00:16:51.266 --> 00:16:52.568
  • One time at a jewelry store, and i just thought it was beautiful, and when
  • 00:16:52.634 --> 00:16:53.569
  • And i just thought it was beautiful, and when i got it home, i thought,
  • 00:16:53.635 --> 00:16:55.003
  • It was beautiful, and when i got it home, i thought, "this is not as pretty
  • 00:16:55.070 --> 00:16:56.171
  • I got it home, i thought, "this is not as pretty as i thought it was."
  • 00:16:56.238 --> 00:16:57.473
  • And i couldn't figure that out,
  • 00:16:57.539 --> 00:16:59.441
  • And i couldn't figure that out, and then somebody said,
  • 00:16:59.508 --> 00:17:00.776
  • And i couldn't figure that out, and then somebody said, "well don't you realize,
  • 00:17:00.843 --> 00:17:01.743
  • And then somebody said, "well don't you realize, that they've got those lights
  • 00:17:01.810 --> 00:17:02.778
  • "well don't you realize, that they've got those lights set just right, behind glass,
  • 00:17:02.845 --> 00:17:06.982
  • That they've got those lights set just right, behind glass, makes it look a lot
  • 00:17:07.049 --> 00:17:07.950
  • Set just right, behind glass, makes it look a lot different there,
  • 00:17:08.016 --> 00:17:08.617
  • Makes it look a lot different there, than it's gonna look
  • 00:17:08.684 --> 00:17:09.918
  • Different there, than it's gonna look when you get it home."
  • 00:17:09.985 --> 00:17:11.253
  • Than it's gonna look when you get it home." and so, i took it back,
  • 00:17:11.320 --> 00:17:13.722
  • When you get it home." and so, i took it back, got my money back.
  • 00:17:13.789 --> 00:17:15.591
  • And so, i took it back, got my money back. you know, that new car
  • 00:17:15.657 --> 00:17:17.059
  • Got my money back. you know, that new car on the showroom floor,
  • 00:17:17.126 --> 00:17:18.160
  • You know, that new car on the showroom floor, and don't think they don't place
  • 00:17:18.227 --> 00:17:19.461
  • On the showroom floor, and don't think they don't place the lights just right too.
  • 00:17:19.528 --> 00:17:21.930
  • And don't think they don't place the lights just right too. oh, my gosh, it looks so
  • 00:17:21.997 --> 00:17:23.198
  • The lights just right too. oh, my gosh, it looks so good, and it's clean,
  • 00:17:23.265 --> 00:17:24.700
  • Oh, my gosh, it looks so good, and it's clean, there's not a tiny little
  • 00:17:24.766 --> 00:17:26.301
  • Good, and it's clean, there's not a tiny little bit of dirt on it, and you think
  • 00:17:26.368 --> 00:17:28.670
  • There's not a tiny little bit of dirt on it, and you think you just have to have it,
  • 00:17:28.737 --> 00:17:30.005
  • But what's it gonna
  • 00:17:30.072 --> 00:17:30.672
  • But what's it gonna look like in a year,
  • 00:17:30.739 --> 00:17:32.474
  • But what's it gonna look like in a year, when you have it full of fast
  • 00:17:32.541 --> 00:17:34.877
  • Look like in a year, when you have it full of fast food wrappers and haven't
  • 00:17:34.943 --> 00:17:37.579
  • When you have it full of fast food wrappers and haven't washed it in a long time,
  • 00:17:37.646 --> 00:17:39.748
  • Food wrappers and haven't washed it in a long time, and now you're stuck with
  • 00:17:39.815 --> 00:17:42.050
  • Washed it in a long time, and now you're stuck with what--now if you buy a car,
  • 00:17:42.117 --> 00:17:43.085
  • And now you're stuck with what--now if you buy a car, 7 years of payments, sometime?
  • 00:17:43.152 --> 00:17:46.588
  • What--now if you buy a car, 7 years of payments, sometime? when you--if you're gonna
  • 00:17:46.655 --> 00:17:47.756
  • 7 years of payments, sometime? when you--if you're gonna buy something on credit
  • 00:17:47.823 --> 00:17:48.624
  • When you--if you're gonna buy something on credit you need to ask yourself,
  • 00:17:48.690 --> 00:17:50.025
  • Buy something on credit you need to ask yourself, do i want to be paying
  • 00:17:50.092 --> 00:17:51.160
  • You need to ask yourself, do i want to be paying for this for 7 years,
  • 00:17:51.226 --> 00:17:54.263
  • Do i want to be paying for this for 7 years, or would i rather wait?
  • 00:17:54.329 --> 00:17:56.665
  • For this for 7 years, or would i rather wait? money has a great temptation
  • 00:17:56.732 --> 00:18:00.903
  • Or would i rather wait? money has a great temptation attached to it.
  • 00:18:00.969 --> 00:18:03.005
  • Money has a great temptation attached to it. and greed, i think,
  • 00:18:03.071 --> 00:18:07.242
  • Attached to it. and greed, i think, can get all of us,
  • 00:18:07.309 --> 00:18:08.110
  • And greed, i think, can get all of us, unless we fight it,
  • 00:18:08.177 --> 00:18:10.145
  • Can get all of us, unless we fight it, and the only way that i know
  • 00:18:10.212 --> 00:18:11.446
  • Unless we fight it, and the only way that i know how to fight greed,
  • 00:18:11.513 --> 00:18:12.347
  • And the only way that i know how to fight greed, is with generosity.
  • 00:18:12.414 --> 00:18:15.017
  • How to fight greed, is with generosity. i think if you're
  • 00:18:15.083 --> 00:18:16.318
  • Is with generosity. i think if you're a generous person,
  • 00:18:16.385 --> 00:18:16.919
  • I think if you're a generous person, then greed cannot get you.
  • 00:18:16.985 --> 00:18:20.923
  • A generous person, then greed cannot get you. so, don't just expect money,
  • 00:18:20.989 --> 00:18:24.126
  • Then greed cannot get you. so, don't just expect money, but respect money.
  • 00:18:24.193 --> 00:18:26.461
  • Luke 14:28 and 29, "suppose one
  • 00:18:26.528 --> 00:18:30.499
  • Luke 14:28 and 29, "suppose one of you wants to build a tower.
  • 00:18:30.566 --> 00:18:32.467
  • Luke 14:28 and 29, "suppose one of you wants to build a tower. won't you first sit down
  • 00:18:32.534 --> 00:18:33.502
  • Of you wants to build a tower. won't you first sit down and estimate the cost to see
  • 00:18:33.569 --> 00:18:34.770
  • Won't you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money
  • 00:18:34.836 --> 00:18:35.871
  • And estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it?
  • 00:18:35.938 --> 00:18:38.373
  • If you have enough money to complete it? but if you lay the foundation
  • 00:18:38.440 --> 00:18:40.042
  • To complete it? but if you lay the foundation and are not able to finish it,
  • 00:18:40.108 --> 00:18:41.944
  • But if you lay the foundation and are not able to finish it, everyone who sees it,
  • 00:18:42.010 --> 00:18:44.279
  • And are not able to finish it, everyone who sees it, will ridicule you."
  • 00:18:44.346 --> 00:18:46.014
  • Everyone who sees it, will ridicule you." i remember a subdivision that
  • 00:18:46.081 --> 00:18:51.720
  • We drove by occasionally
  • 00:18:51.787 --> 00:18:53.021
  • We drove by occasionally when we were in this certain
  • 00:18:53.088 --> 00:18:54.356
  • We drove by occasionally when we were in this certain area on our way back and forth
  • 00:18:54.423 --> 00:18:56.291
  • When we were in this certain area on our way back and forth to the airport and oh,
  • 00:18:56.358 --> 00:18:58.026
  • Area on our way back and forth to the airport and oh, it had a great entrance,
  • 00:18:58.093 --> 00:19:00.862
  • To the airport and oh, it had a great entrance, and there was partial
  • 00:19:00.929 --> 00:19:05.567
  • It had a great entrance, and there was partial of two houses built in there,
  • 00:19:05.634 --> 00:19:08.337
  • And there was partial of two houses built in there, and it just--nothing.
  • 00:19:08.403 --> 00:19:12.841
  • Of two houses built in there, and it just--nothing. it never--
  • 00:19:12.908 --> 00:19:16.011
  • And it just--nothing. it never-- "what happened?" we'd say.
  • 00:19:16.078 --> 00:19:18.146
  • It never-- "what happened?" we'd say. well, obviously,
  • 00:19:18.213 --> 00:19:20.282
  • "what happened?" we'd say. well, obviously, they committed to something
  • 00:19:20.349 --> 00:19:21.383
  • Well, obviously, they committed to something that they didn't have enough
  • 00:19:21.450 --> 00:19:22.651
  • They committed to something that they didn't have enough money to finish.
  • 00:19:22.718 --> 00:19:24.786
  • That they didn't have enough money to finish. and so, it looked ridiculous
  • 00:19:24.853 --> 00:19:28.323
  • Money to finish. and so, it looked ridiculous with this beautiful front
  • 00:19:28.390 --> 00:19:29.157
  • And so, it looked ridiculous with this beautiful front and two half-built houses.
  • 00:19:29.224 --> 00:19:32.094
  • With this beautiful front and two half-built houses. and to be honest,
  • 00:19:32.160 --> 00:19:33.462
  • And two half-built houses. and to be honest, when we spend all this money
  • 00:19:33.528 --> 00:19:35.297
  • And to be honest, when we spend all this money on credit, and then maybe end
  • 00:19:35.364 --> 00:19:37.065
  • When we spend all this money on credit, and then maybe end up having to file bankruptcy,
  • 00:19:37.132 --> 00:19:40.102
  • On credit, and then maybe end up having to file bankruptcy, you know, that's--
  • 00:19:40.168 --> 00:19:41.270
  • Up having to file bankruptcy, you know, that's-- you know, i know some people
  • 00:19:41.336 --> 00:19:43.005
  • You know, that's-- you know, i know some people have to do that, i'm not trying
  • 00:19:43.071 --> 00:19:44.106
  • You know, i know some people have to do that, i'm not trying to make anybody feel bad,
  • 00:19:44.172 --> 00:19:45.607
  • Have to do that, i'm not trying to make anybody feel bad, but that's something
  • 00:19:45.674 --> 00:19:47.309
  • To make anybody feel bad, but that's something that we should not let
  • 00:19:47.376 --> 00:19:48.310
  • But that's something that we should not let ourselves get in that kind
  • 00:19:48.377 --> 00:19:49.444
  • That we should not let ourselves get in that kind of a mess to have to do,
  • 00:19:49.511 --> 00:19:52.848
  • Ourselves get in that kind of a mess to have to do, because we always should
  • 00:19:52.914 --> 00:19:54.016
  • Of a mess to have to do, because we always should be responsible to pay our bills.
  • 00:19:54.082 --> 00:19:56.551
  • Because we always should be responsible to pay our bills. if you're gonna make a debt,
  • 00:19:56.618 --> 00:19:58.487
  • Be responsible to pay our bills. if you're gonna make a debt, pay it, and pay it on time.
  • 00:19:58.553 --> 00:20:01.323
  • Before you borrow money
  • 00:20:03.292 --> 00:20:04.426
  • Before you borrow money for any item that's expensive,
  • 00:20:04.493 --> 00:20:07.195
  • Before you borrow money for any item that's expensive, think about it.
  • 00:20:07.262 --> 00:20:07.929
  • For any item that's expensive, think about it. i tell this story sometimes,
  • 00:20:07.996 --> 00:20:09.231
  • Think about it. i tell this story sometimes, i'd saved up--i think
  • 00:20:09.298 --> 00:20:11.466
  • I tell this story sometimes, i'd saved up--i think it was $300, i don't remember,
  • 00:20:11.533 --> 00:20:13.535
  • I'd saved up--i think it was $300, i don't remember, if you hear me tell
  • 00:20:13.602 --> 00:20:14.269
  • It was $300, i don't remember, if you hear me tell it on another teaching,
  • 00:20:14.336 --> 00:20:15.203
  • If you hear me tell it on another teaching, it'll probably be $200.
  • 00:20:15.270 --> 00:20:16.204
  • It on another teaching, it'll probably be $200. but today it feels like $300.
  • 00:20:16.271 --> 00:20:21.109
  • It'll probably be $200. but today it feels like $300. we were at the mall shopping,
  • 00:20:21.176 --> 00:20:22.210
  • But today it feels like $300. we were at the mall shopping, and i needed a new watch,
  • 00:20:22.277 --> 00:20:23.745
  • We were at the mall shopping, and i needed a new watch, and so we went
  • 00:20:23.812 --> 00:20:24.413
  • And i needed a new watch, and so we went by this jewelry store,
  • 00:20:24.479 --> 00:20:25.480
  • And so we went by this jewelry store, and oh, they had this watch,
  • 00:20:25.547 --> 00:20:27.015
  • By this jewelry store, and oh, they had this watch, it had rhinestones on it,
  • 00:20:27.082 --> 00:20:28.684
  • And oh, they had this watch, it had rhinestones on it, and i like things that sparkle.
  • 00:20:28.750 --> 00:20:30.686
  • It had rhinestones on it, and i like things that sparkle. and you know,
  • 00:20:30.752 --> 00:20:32.154
  • And i like things that sparkle. and you know, a good salesperson,
  • 00:20:32.220 --> 00:20:34.289
  • And you know, a good salesperson, they know what they're doing.
  • 00:20:34.356 --> 00:20:36.158
  • A good salesperson, they know what they're doing. and this was like,
  • 00:20:36.224 --> 00:20:37.326
  • They know what they're doing. and this was like, "oh, this looks great on you,
  • 00:20:37.392 --> 00:20:39.227
  • And this was like, "oh, this looks great on you, and now, you know,
  • 00:20:39.294 --> 00:20:40.796
  • "oh, this looks great on you, and now, you know, this sale is only for today,
  • 00:20:40.862 --> 00:20:43.165
  • And now, you know, this sale is only for today, and if you don't get it today,
  • 00:20:43.231 --> 00:20:44.766
  • This sale is only for today, and if you don't get it today, then it's you know...blah,
  • 00:20:44.833 --> 00:20:45.600
  • And if you don't get it today, then it's you know...blah, blah, blah."
  • 00:20:45.667 --> 00:20:46.601
  • Then it's you know...blah, blah, blah." but i'd learned a little bit
  • 00:20:46.668 --> 00:20:48.837
  • Blah, blah." but i'd learned a little bit by then and--'cause it was
  • 00:20:48.904 --> 00:20:50.906
  • But i'd learned a little bit by then and--'cause it was going to take all my money,
  • 00:20:50.972 --> 00:20:52.174
  • By then and--'cause it was going to take all my money, and so i said,
  • 00:20:52.240 --> 00:20:53.375
  • Going to take all my money, and so i said, "well, you know what?
  • 00:20:53.442 --> 00:20:54.109
  • And so i said, "well, you know what? let me just--
  • 00:20:54.176 --> 00:20:54.576
  • "well, you know what? let me just-- i just wanna take a little
  • 00:20:54.643 --> 00:20:56.511
  • Let me just-- i just wanna take a little bit of time, and i'll come back
  • 00:20:56.578 --> 00:20:58.447
  • I just wanna take a little bit of time, and i'll come back if i want it."
  • 00:20:58.513 --> 00:20:59.481
  • Bit of time, and i'll come back if i want it." well, so, i'm walking down
  • 00:20:59.548 --> 00:21:00.315
  • If i want it." well, so, i'm walking down the mall, and in the meantime,
  • 00:21:00.382 --> 00:21:01.483
  • Well, so, i'm walking down the mall, and in the meantime, i look in a store and i see
  • 00:21:01.550 --> 00:21:06.188
  • The mall, and in the meantime, i look in a store and i see a suit that i really liked.
  • 00:21:06.254 --> 00:21:09.057
  • I look in a store and i see a suit that i really liked. well, i went in and tried that
  • 00:21:09.124 --> 00:21:10.425
  • A suit that i really liked. well, i went in and tried that thing on and it looked
  • 00:21:10.492 --> 00:21:12.594
  • Well, i went in and tried that thing on and it looked gorgeous on me,
  • 00:21:12.661 --> 00:21:15.530
  • Thing on and it looked gorgeous on me, made me look like i had
  • 00:21:15.597 --> 00:21:16.898
  • Gorgeous on me, made me look like i had a tiny waist,
  • 00:21:16.965 --> 00:21:17.499
  • Made me look like i had a tiny waist, it was the right color,
  • 00:21:17.566 --> 00:21:19.634
  • A tiny waist, it was the right color, but that also,
  • 00:21:19.701 --> 00:21:20.602
  • It was the right color, but that also, would have taken all my money.
  • 00:21:20.669 --> 00:21:22.571
  • But that also, would have taken all my money. so, i decide i'll take
  • 00:21:22.637 --> 00:21:24.706
  • Would have taken all my money. so, i decide i'll take another walk.
  • 00:21:24.773 --> 00:21:25.841
  • So, i decide i'll take another walk. and the thing that i realized
  • 00:21:25.907 --> 00:21:28.276
  • Another walk. and the thing that i realized when i asked myself,
  • 00:21:28.343 --> 00:21:31.146
  • And the thing that i realized when i asked myself, "joyce, what do you
  • 00:21:31.213 --> 00:21:32.214
  • When i asked myself, "joyce, what do you really want?"
  • 00:21:32.280 --> 00:21:34.783
  • "joyce, what do you really want?" the thing that i wanted
  • 00:21:34.850 --> 00:21:37.018
  • Really want?" the thing that i wanted was to keep my money.
  • 00:21:37.085 --> 00:21:38.220
  • The thing that i wanted was to keep my money. so, i had $20 for
  • 00:21:38.286 --> 00:21:41.490
  • Was to keep my money. so, i had $20 for a pair of earrings,
  • 00:21:41.556 --> 00:21:42.357
  • So, i had $20 for a pair of earrings, or enough money to take
  • 00:21:42.424 --> 00:21:43.725
  • A pair of earrings, or enough money to take a friend out for coffee,
  • 00:21:43.792 --> 00:21:44.993
  • Or enough money to take a friend out for coffee, i didn't want to have no money,
  • 00:21:45.060 --> 00:21:46.962
  • A friend out for coffee, i didn't want to have no money, even as much as i wanted
  • 00:21:47.028 --> 00:21:47.929
  • I didn't want to have no money, even as much as i wanted those two things.
  • 00:21:47.996 --> 00:21:51.133
  • Even as much as i wanted those two things. and so, i left with neither
  • 00:21:51.199 --> 00:21:52.401
  • Those two things. and so, i left with neither one of them.
  • 00:21:52.467 --> 00:21:54.169
  • And so, i left with neither one of them. and you know what?
  • 00:21:54.236 --> 00:21:54.736
  • One of them. and you know what? i survived.
  • 00:21:54.803 --> 00:21:56.538
  • And you know what? i survived. i stayed happy.
  • 00:21:56.605 --> 00:21:58.173
  • I survived. i stayed happy. so, we really need to start
  • 00:21:58.240 --> 00:21:59.541
  • I stayed happy. so, we really need to start thinking about what we're doing,
  • 00:21:59.608 --> 00:22:03.512
  • So, we really need to start thinking about what we're doing, and not just doing it.
  • 00:22:03.578 --> 00:22:06.047
  • Thinking about what we're doing, and not just doing it. nothing looks as good when
  • 00:22:06.114 --> 00:22:07.816
  • And not just doing it. nothing looks as good when you bring it home,
  • 00:22:07.883 --> 00:22:09.384
  • Nothing looks as good when you bring it home, as it did in the store.
  • 00:22:09.451 --> 00:22:10.852
  • You bring it home, as it did in the store. now, my husband has a very
  • 00:22:10.919 --> 00:22:12.387
  • As it did in the store. now, my husband has a very simple equation that
  • 00:22:12.454 --> 00:22:16.258
  • Now, my husband has a very simple equation that he has lived by.
  • 00:22:16.324 --> 00:22:19.494
  • Simple equation that he has lived by. and what dave says is,
  • 00:22:19.561 --> 00:22:21.696
  • He has lived by. and what dave says is, out of everything you have,
  • 00:22:21.763 --> 00:22:22.731
  • And what dave says is, out of everything you have, give some, spend some,
  • 00:22:22.798 --> 00:22:23.932
  • Out of everything you have, give some, spend some, save some.
  • 00:22:23.999 --> 00:22:26.535
  • Give some, spend some, save some. give some, set your--
  • 00:22:26.601 --> 00:22:29.204
  • Save some. give some, set your-- set your giving aside first,
  • 00:22:29.271 --> 00:22:31.740
  • Give some, set your-- set your giving aside first, that's not a want,
  • 00:22:31.807 --> 00:22:32.574
  • Set your giving aside first, that's not a want, that's a need.
  • 00:22:32.641 --> 00:22:34.075
  • That's not a want, that's a need. we need to give,
  • 00:22:34.142 --> 00:22:35.577
  • That's a need. we need to give, because if we don't give,
  • 00:22:35.644 --> 00:22:37.279
  • We need to give, because if we don't give, no matter what we have,
  • 00:22:37.345 --> 00:22:38.313
  • Because if we don't give, no matter what we have, it's not gonna be blessed.
  • 00:22:38.380 --> 00:22:40.382
  • No matter what we have, it's not gonna be blessed. and so, you always
  • 00:22:40.449 --> 00:22:41.283
  • It's not gonna be blessed. and so, you always set aside your giving.
  • 00:22:41.349 --> 00:22:44.286
  • And so, you always set aside your giving. do a little something for
  • 00:22:44.352 --> 00:22:45.253
  • Set aside your giving. do a little something for yourself with the money
  • 00:22:45.320 --> 00:22:46.221
  • Do a little something for yourself with the money that you work for,
  • 00:22:46.288 --> 00:22:48.390
  • Yourself with the money that you work for, it gets kind of boring
  • 00:22:48.457 --> 00:22:49.291
  • That you work for, it gets kind of boring if you work all the time,
  • 00:22:49.357 --> 00:22:50.258
  • It gets kind of boring if you work all the time, and you never do anything
  • 00:22:50.325 --> 00:22:51.293
  • If you work all the time, and you never do anything for yourself.
  • 00:22:51.359 --> 00:22:52.294
  • And you never do anything for yourself. although, maybe, some people
  • 00:22:52.360 --> 00:22:53.995
  • For yourself. although, maybe, some people deserve to be bored for
  • 00:22:54.062 --> 00:22:55.130
  • Although, maybe, some people deserve to be bored for a little while, because
  • 00:22:55.197 --> 00:22:57.199
  • Deserve to be bored for a little while, because they've lived riotously.
  • 00:22:57.265 --> 00:22:59.768
  • A little while, because they've lived riotously. and then, save some.
  • 00:22:59.835 --> 00:23:01.036
  • They've lived riotously. and then, save some. what if each one of you from
  • 00:23:01.102 --> 00:23:03.104
  • And then, save some. what if each one of you from the time you went to work,
  • 00:23:03.171 --> 00:23:04.406
  • What if each one of you from the time you went to work, when maybe you were 16, or 17,
  • 00:23:04.473 --> 00:23:05.807
  • The time you went to work, when maybe you were 16, or 17, or 18, would have been saving
  • 00:23:05.874 --> 00:23:07.609
  • When maybe you were 16, or 17, or 18, would have been saving 10% of everything that you
  • 00:23:07.676 --> 00:23:09.878
  • Or 18, would have been saving 10% of everything that you made ever since then,
  • 00:23:09.945 --> 00:23:13.482
  • 10% of everything that you made ever since then, just think what you
  • 00:23:13.548 --> 00:23:14.115
  • Made ever since then, just think what you would have now.
  • 00:23:14.182 --> 00:23:15.383
  • Just think what you would have now. and you know what?
  • 00:23:15.450 --> 00:23:16.051
  • Would have now. and you know what? if you start doing that,
  • 00:23:16.117 --> 00:23:17.118
  • And you know what? if you start doing that, you don't miss it.
  • 00:23:17.185 --> 00:23:18.987
  • If you start doing that, you don't miss it. you really don't miss it.
  • 00:23:19.054 --> 00:23:21.156
  • You don't miss it. you really don't miss it. and so, it's very wise
  • 00:23:21.223 --> 00:23:23.592
  • You really don't miss it. and so, it's very wise to manage money,
  • 00:23:23.658 --> 00:23:24.559
  • And so, it's very wise to manage money, and not let money manage you.
  • 00:23:24.626 --> 00:23:28.230
  • To manage money, and not let money manage you. say it again,
  • 00:23:28.296 --> 00:23:28.897
  • And not let money manage you. say it again, "i can live debt-free."
  • 00:23:28.964 --> 00:23:33.134
  • Say it again, "i can live debt-free." thank you so much
  • 00:23:33.201 --> 00:23:33.735
  • "i can live debt-free." thank you so much for being with us today.
  • 00:23:33.802 --> 00:23:34.936
  • Thank you so much for being with us today. we appreciate you listening,
  • 00:23:35.003 --> 00:23:36.605
  • For being with us today. we appreciate you listening, and i hope you put some
  • 00:23:36.671 --> 00:23:37.806
  • We appreciate you listening, and i hope you put some of these principles
  • 00:23:37.873 --> 00:23:38.473
  • And i hope you put some of these principles to work in your life.
  • 00:23:38.540 --> 00:23:39.608
  • Of these principles to work in your life. >> [audience applauding]
  • 00:23:39.674 --> 00:23:41.977
  • >> announcer: struggling with
  • 00:23:44.112 --> 00:23:44.713
  • >> announcer: struggling with debt or the stress of trying
  • 00:23:44.779 --> 00:23:45.947
  • Debt or the stress of trying to make ends meet?
  • 00:23:46.014 --> 00:23:47.449
  • To make ends meet? the bible offers clear wisdom
  • 00:23:47.516 --> 00:23:49.251
  • The bible offers clear wisdom to guide you toward peace
  • 00:23:49.317 --> 00:23:50.519
  • To guide you toward peace and joy in finances.
  • 00:23:50.585 --> 00:23:52.153
  • And joy in finances. but where do you start?
  • 00:23:52.220 --> 00:23:53.722
  • But where do you start? in “financial management
  • 00:23:53.788 --> 00:23:54.789
  • In “financial management god's way,” joyce shares
  • 00:23:54.856 --> 00:23:56.258
  • God's way,” joyce shares practical biblical steps
  • 00:23:56.324 --> 00:23:57.692
  • Practical biblical steps to help you overcome
  • 00:23:57.759 --> 00:23:58.627
  • To help you overcome financial anxiety and find
  • 00:23:58.693 --> 00:23:59.995
  • Financial anxiety and find lasting freedom.
  • 00:24:00.061 --> 00:24:01.096
  • >> joyce: god has taught
  • 00:24:01.997 --> 00:24:02.697
  • Me so much over the
  • 00:24:02.764 --> 00:24:03.598
  • Years about finances.
  • 00:24:03.665 --> 00:24:04.733
  • In the early years
  • 00:24:04.799 --> 00:24:06.001
  • Of our marriage, dave
  • 00:24:06.067 --> 00:24:07.135
  • And i had to trust
  • 00:24:07.202 --> 00:24:07.969
  • God for the very
  • 00:24:08.036 --> 00:24:08.737
  • Basics like clothes
  • 00:24:08.803 --> 00:24:09.971
  • And groceries.
  • 00:24:10.038 --> 00:24:11.373
  • We learned how to live
  • 00:24:11.439 --> 00:24:12.340
  • By faith for our
  • 00:24:12.407 --> 00:24:13.208
  • Everyday needs.
  • 00:24:13.275 --> 00:24:14.643
  • And while that's very
  • 00:24:14.709 --> 00:24:15.310
  • Important that we
  • 00:24:15.377 --> 00:24:16.711
  • Learn how to put our
  • 00:24:16.778 --> 00:24:17.612
  • Trust in god, i believe
  • 00:24:17.679 --> 00:24:19.214
  • That god's word gives
  • 00:24:19.281 --> 00:24:20.282
  • Us wisdom to be good
  • 00:24:20.348 --> 00:24:21.716
  • Stewards of the
  • 00:24:21.783 --> 00:24:22.350
  • Finances that
  • 00:24:22.417 --> 00:24:23.418
  • We have been given.
  • 00:24:23.485 --> 00:24:24.786
  • In this book, i want
  • 00:24:24.853 --> 00:24:25.954
  • To give you a biblical
  • 00:24:26.021 --> 00:24:27.055
  • Understanding about
  • 00:24:27.122 --> 00:24:28.056
  • Finances and some
  • 00:24:28.123 --> 00:24:29.758
  • Practical tips that
  • 00:24:29.824 --> 00:24:30.859
  • You can apply right
  • 00:24:30.926 --> 00:24:31.860
  • Now, to help you
  • 00:24:31.927 --> 00:24:32.961
  • Achieve your goals.
  • 00:24:33.028 --> 00:24:34.262
  • You can do this.
  • 00:24:34.329 --> 00:24:35.430
  • >> announcer: learn how to trust
  • 00:24:36.565 --> 00:24:37.766
  • >> announcer: learn how to trust god with your finances based
  • 00:24:37.832 --> 00:24:38.767
  • God with your finances based on the promises in his word
  • 00:24:38.833 --> 00:24:40.435
  • On the promises in his word with joyce's book, "financial
  • 00:24:40.502 --> 00:24:42.270
  • With joyce's book, "financial management god's way."
  • 00:24:42.337 --> 00:24:44.072
  • Management god's way." it's yours free upon request.
  • 00:24:44.139 --> 00:24:46.074
  • It's yours free upon request. develop a balanced budget
  • 00:24:46.141 --> 00:24:47.509
  • Develop a balanced budget and eliminate debt.
  • 00:24:47.576 --> 00:24:49.010
  • And eliminate debt. avoid unexpected financial
  • 00:24:49.077 --> 00:24:50.478
  • Avoid unexpected financial emergencies.
  • 00:24:50.545 --> 00:24:51.546
  • Emergencies. make wise investments for your
  • 00:24:51.613 --> 00:24:53.014
  • Make wise investments for your future and much more.
  • 00:24:53.081 --> 00:24:54.683
  • Future and much more. to request your free copy of,
  • 00:24:54.749 --> 00:24:56.318
  • To request your free copy of, "financial management
  • 00:24:56.384 --> 00:24:57.485
  • "financial management god's way," call us at...
  • 00:24:57.552 --> 00:25:01.556
  • God's way," call us at... or download a digital copy
  • 00:25:01.623 --> 00:25:03.191
  • Or download a digital copy at,
  • 00:25:03.258 --> 00:25:04.492
  • At, or through the joyce meyer app.
  • 00:25:04.559 --> 00:25:06.061
  • >> joyce: you know,
  • 00:25:06.995 --> 00:25:07.495
  • No one gets into
  • 00:25:07.562 --> 00:25:08.663
  • Financial struggles
  • 00:25:08.730 --> 00:25:09.664
  • Overnight.
  • 00:25:09.731 --> 00:25:10.865
  • And likewise, it may
  • 00:25:10.932 --> 00:25:11.566
  • Take time to feel
  • 00:25:11.633 --> 00:25:12.767
  • Like you're making
  • 00:25:12.834 --> 00:25:13.401
  • Progress forward.
  • 00:25:13.468 --> 00:25:15.403
  • But i know you can
  • 00:25:15.470 --> 00:25:16.404
  • Achieve your
  • 00:25:16.471 --> 00:25:17.038
  • Financial goals
  • 00:25:17.105 --> 00:25:17.973
  • If you obey god and
  • 00:25:18.039 --> 00:25:19.474
  • Trust him to give
  • 00:25:19.541 --> 00:25:20.375
  • You the grace
  • 00:25:20.442 --> 00:25:21.376
  • To do it.
  • 00:25:21.443 --> 00:25:22.577
  • He will help you get
  • 00:25:22.644 --> 00:25:23.712
  • There step by step,
  • 00:25:23.778 --> 00:25:25.146
  • One day at a time.
  • 00:25:25.213 --> 00:25:27.115
  • I pray that god gives
  • 00:25:27.182 --> 00:25:28.249
  • You a determination
  • 00:25:28.316 --> 00:25:29.684
  • To break free from
  • 00:25:29.751 --> 00:25:31.086
  • Financial burdens.
  • 00:25:31.152 --> 00:25:32.687
  • The journey may not
  • 00:25:32.754 --> 00:25:33.455
  • Be easy, but i promise
  • 00:25:33.521 --> 00:25:35.557
  • It will be worth it.
  • 00:25:35.624 --> 00:25:36.691
  • Let me help you
  • 00:25:36.758 --> 00:25:37.525
  • Take the first step.
  • 00:25:37.592 --> 00:25:38.793
  • >> announcer: god wants
  • 00:25:40.295 --> 00:25:40.895
  • >> announcer: god wants to give you the wisdom
  • 00:25:40.962 --> 00:25:41.663
  • To give you the wisdom to thrive financially.
  • 00:25:41.730 --> 00:25:43.732
  • To thrive financially. you can strengthen your
  • 00:25:43.798 --> 00:25:44.666
  • You can strengthen your confidence and determination
  • 00:25:44.733 --> 00:25:46.267
  • Confidence and determination to work toward financial
  • 00:25:46.334 --> 00:25:47.335
  • To work toward financial freedom, and trust god
  • 00:25:47.402 --> 00:25:48.937
  • Freedom, and trust god every step of the way.
  • 00:25:49.004 --> 00:25:50.905
  • Every step of the way. contact us today and request
  • 00:25:50.972 --> 00:25:52.641
  • Contact us today and request joyce's free book, "financial
  • 00:25:52.707 --> 00:25:54.309
  • Joyce's free book, "financial management god's way."
  • 00:25:54.376 --> 00:25:55.977
  • Management god's way." call us at...
  • 00:25:56.044 --> 00:25:59.381
  • Call us at... or download a digital copy
  • 00:25:59.447 --> 00:26:00.982
  • Or download a digital copy at,
  • 00:26:01.049 --> 00:26:02.350
  • At, or through the joyce meyer app.
  • 00:26:02.417 --> 00:26:04.085
  • >> [music]
  • 00:26:07.522 --> 00:26:15.930
  • >> joyce: you cannot keep
  • 00:26:17.432 --> 00:26:18.133
  • >> joyce: you cannot keep thinking the wrong thing
  • 00:26:18.199 --> 00:26:19.601
  • Thinking the wrong thing and do the right thing.
  • 00:26:19.668 --> 00:26:21.002
  • And do the right thing. >> ginger: it's coming,
  • 00:26:21.069 --> 00:26:21.936
  • >> ginger: it's coming, joyce's first conference
  • 00:26:22.003 --> 00:26:23.304
  • Joyce's first conference focused entirely on her
  • 00:26:23.371 --> 00:26:24.973
  • Focused entirely on her best-selling book,
  • 00:26:25.040 --> 00:26:26.107
  • Best-selling book, “battlefield of the mind.”
  • 00:26:26.174 --> 00:26:28.043
  • “battlefield of the mind.” there's so much more to explore.
  • 00:26:28.109 --> 00:26:30.045
  • There's so much more to explore. go deeper, fight smarter, and
  • 00:26:30.111 --> 00:26:32.781
  • Go deeper, fight smarter, and overcome negative thoughts.
  • 00:26:32.847 --> 00:26:34.883
  • Overcome negative thoughts. join joyce and her guests for
  • 00:26:34.949 --> 00:26:36.651
  • Join joyce and her guests for three days to renew your mind.
  • 00:26:36.718 --> 00:26:39.354
  • Three days to renew your mind. freedom and peace are possible.
  • 00:26:39.421 --> 00:26:41.756
  • Freedom and peace are possible. the battlefield of the mind
  • 00:26:41.823 --> 00:26:42.924
  • The battlefield of the mind conference with joyce meyer,
  • 00:26:42.991 --> 00:26:44.959
  • Conference with joyce meyer, bringing her experience
  • 00:26:45.026 --> 00:26:46.461
  • Bringing her experience and insight into god's word.
  • 00:26:46.528 --> 00:26:48.963
  • And insight into god's word. john maxwell, influencing
  • 00:26:49.030 --> 00:26:50.832
  • John maxwell, influencing leaders and thinkers
  • 00:26:50.899 --> 00:26:51.933
  • Leaders and thinkers all over the world.
  • 00:26:52.000 --> 00:26:53.702
  • All over the world. pastor robert madu,
  • 00:26:53.768 --> 00:26:54.769
  • Pastor robert madu, with a passion for making
  • 00:26:54.836 --> 00:26:56.571
  • With a passion for making everyone aware of god's
  • 00:26:56.638 --> 00:26:58.306
  • Everyone aware of god's great potential for them.
  • 00:26:58.373 --> 00:26:59.908
  • Great potential for them. and worship with
  • 00:26:59.974 --> 00:27:00.942
  • And worship with bryan and katie torwalt.
  • 00:27:01.009 --> 00:27:02.677
  • Bryan and katie torwalt.
  • 00:27:01.009 --> 00:27:03.178
  • It all happens april 24th-26th
  • 00:27:03.244 --> 00:27:06.114
  • It all happens april 24th-26th in charleston, south carolina.
  • 00:27:06.181 --> 00:27:07.849
  • In charleston, south carolina.
  • 00:27:06.181 --> 00:27:08.483
  • Tickets will sell quickly,
  • 00:27:08.550 --> 00:27:09.751
  • Tickets will sell quickly,
  • 00:27:08.550 --> 00:27:09.884
  • So don't miss out.
  • 00:27:09.951 --> 00:27:11.052
  • So don't miss out.
  • 00:27:09.951 --> 00:27:11.186
  • Register now.
  • 00:27:11.252 --> 00:27:12.721
  • >> announcer: we hope you
  • 00:27:14.422 --> 00:27:15.156
  • >> announcer: we hope you enjoyed today's program.
  • 00:27:15.223 --> 00:27:16.891
  • Enjoyed today's program.
  • 00:27:15.223 --> 00:27:17.425
  • We are so grateful
  • 00:27:17.492 --> 00:27:18.626
  • We are so grateful to our joyce meyer
  • 00:27:18.693 --> 00:27:19.694
  • To our joyce meyer ministries partners
  • 00:27:19.761 --> 00:27:20.762
  • Ministries partners who make this
  • 00:27:20.829 --> 00:27:21.563
  • Who make this and all we do possible,
  • 00:27:21.629 --> 00:27:23.031
  • And all we do possible, including sharing
  • 00:27:23.098 --> 00:27:24.032
  • Including sharing god's word
  • 00:27:24.099 --> 00:27:25.033
  • God's word and offering help
  • 00:27:25.100 --> 00:27:26.267
  • And offering help to people in need
  • 00:27:26.334 --> 00:27:27.535
  • To people in need all over the world.
  • 00:27:27.602 --> 00:27:28.636