The author of “Mary and Herod” shares how meaningful it is that God knows us by name and calls us to Himself.
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Life Today with James Robison | Kathie Lee Gifford - Jesus Speaks Your Name | January 17, 2025
- >> god gave us goodness.
- 00:00:07.230 --> 00:00:09.299
- God gave us perfection.
- 00:00:09.299 --> 00:00:11.534
- God gave us great blessing
- 00:00:11.534 --> 00:00:14.704
- And we chose to try to be like god.
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- And we ruined it;
- 00:00:18.041 --> 00:00:20.043
- We've ruined it ever since.
- 00:00:20.043 --> 00:00:22.145
- Then we blame god for it --
- 00:00:22.145 --> 00:00:24.247
- We're doing it now.
- 00:00:24.247 --> 00:00:26.616
- Join kathie lee gifford as she explores
- 00:00:26.616 --> 00:00:29.052
- The interwoven lives of king herod
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- And mary, mother of jesus.
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- Next on life today!
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- ♪
- 00:00:42.665 --> 00:00:53.943
- Randy: welcome to life today !
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- Randy: welcome to life today ! i'm randy robison.
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- Randy: welcome to life today ! i'm randy robison. tammy is with me
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- I'm randy robison. tammy is with me and we're so excited.
- 00:00:57.347 --> 00:00:58.781
- Tammy is with me and we're so excited. we have someone that
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- I know our audience
- 00:01:00.016 --> 00:01:01.117
- I know our audience absolutely loves.
- 00:01:01.184 --> 00:01:02.852
- I know our audience absolutely loves. we're excited
- 00:01:02.919 --> 00:01:03.953
- Absolutely loves. we're excited to have her back.
- 00:01:04.020 --> 00:01:05.121
- We're excited to have her back. kathie lee gifford
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- To have her back. kathie lee gifford is with us.
- 00:01:06.222 --> 00:01:07.190
- Kathie lee gifford is with us. she has a new book called
- 00:01:07.257 --> 00:01:08.358
- Is with us. she has a new book called herod and mary .
- 00:01:08.458 --> 00:01:10.360
- She has a new book called herod and mary . that's not two people
- 00:01:10.426 --> 00:01:12.162
- Herod and mary . that's not two people you put together typically.
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- That's not two people you put together typically. what is that about?
- 00:01:14.330 --> 00:01:15.431
- You put together typically. what is that about? we're going to find out.
- 00:01:15.498 --> 00:01:16.533
- What is that about? we're going to find out. i know you're excited
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- We're going to find out. i know you're excited to talk to your neighbor.
- 00:01:17.700 --> 00:01:19.035
- I know you're excited to talk to your neighbor. tammy: yes! i found out
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- To talk to your neighbor. tammy: yes! i found out we both live in tennessee.
- 00:01:20.270 --> 00:01:21.271
- Tammy: yes! i found out we both live in tennessee. i'm in brentwood,
- 00:01:21.337 --> 00:01:22.338
- We both live in tennessee. i'm in brentwood, she is in franklin.
- 00:01:22.405 --> 00:01:23.406
- I'm in brentwood, she is in franklin. i read the entire book, randy.
- 00:01:23.473 --> 00:01:25.275
- She is in franklin. i read the entire book, randy. i walked away learning things
- 00:01:25.341 --> 00:01:26.543
- I read the entire book, randy. i walked away learning things i didn't even know
- 00:01:26.609 --> 00:01:27.744
- I walked away learning things i didn't even know i needed to know.
- 00:01:27.810 --> 00:01:28.945
- I didn't even know i needed to know. but that's what's so great
- 00:01:29.012 --> 00:01:30.246
- I needed to know. but that's what's so great about this book.
- 00:01:30.313 --> 00:01:31.614
- But that's what's so great about this book. so much great stuff!
- 00:01:31.681 --> 00:01:32.715
- Randy: well, let's welcome
- 00:01:32.815 --> 00:01:33.883
- Randy: well, let's welcome kathie lee.
- 00:01:33.950 --> 00:01:34.951
- Randy: well, let's welcome kathie lee. kathie, good to see you!
- 00:01:35.018 --> 00:01:35.952
- Kathie lee. kathie, good to see you! kathie: well, tammy,
- 00:01:36.019 --> 00:01:37.020
- Kathie, good to see you! kathie: well, tammy, nice to meet you.
- 00:01:37.086 --> 00:01:38.154
- Kathie: well, tammy, nice to meet you. i've met randy before
- 00:01:38.221 --> 00:01:39.255
- Nice to meet you. i've met randy before but i want to thank you.
- 00:01:39.322 --> 00:01:40.490
- I've met randy before but i want to thank you. we put a lot of work into
- 00:01:40.557 --> 00:01:41.558
- But i want to thank you. we put a lot of work into the books that we wrote --
- 00:01:41.624 --> 00:01:42.859
- We put a lot of work into the books that we wrote -- well, i and other people.
- 00:01:42.926 --> 00:01:44.794
- The books that we wrote -- well, i and other people. we're very, very careful
- 00:01:44.861 --> 00:01:48.064
- Well, i and other people. we're very, very careful to do the research
- 00:01:48.131 --> 00:01:49.666
- We're very, very careful to do the research and just be faithful.
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- Tammy: what i loved
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- Tammy: what i loved about it is your depth,
- 00:01:55.305 --> 00:01:57.140
- Tammy: what i loved about it is your depth, the knowledge of the word,
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- About it is your depth, the knowledge of the word, your pursuit of truth,
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- The knowledge of the word, your pursuit of truth, and things that i thought
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- Your pursuit of truth, and things that i thought that i knew,
- 00:02:03.279 --> 00:02:04.514
- And things that i thought that i knew, even about herod,
- 00:02:04.581 --> 00:02:05.648
- That i knew, even about herod, i just didn't know.
- 00:02:05.715 --> 00:02:06.749
- Even about herod, i just didn't know. why was it so important
- 00:02:06.816 --> 00:02:08.451
- I just didn't know. why was it so important for you to write this book
- 00:02:08.518 --> 00:02:09.652
- Why was it so important for you to write this book about herod and mary?
- 00:02:09.719 --> 00:02:12.522
- For you to write this book about herod and mary? kathie: it is a series
- 00:02:12.589 --> 00:02:13.923
- About herod and mary? kathie: it is a series of new books
- 00:02:13.990 --> 00:02:15.158
- Kathie: it is a series of new books and we're hoping that
- 00:02:15.225 --> 00:02:16.326
- Of new books and we're hoping that it will do well enough
- 00:02:16.392 --> 00:02:17.460
- And we're hoping that it will do well enough we can do maybe ten of them.
- 00:02:17.527 --> 00:02:18.695
- It will do well enough we can do maybe ten of them. everybody is talking so much
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- We can do maybe ten of them. everybody is talking so much about the evil in the world;
- 00:02:20.129 --> 00:02:21.331
- Everybody is talking so much about the evil in the world; there is so much more evil
- 00:02:21.397 --> 00:02:22.532
- About the evil in the world; there is so much more evil in the world.
- 00:02:22.599 --> 00:02:23.967
- There is so much more evil in the world. actually, evil has been
- 00:02:24.033 --> 00:02:25.335
- In the world. actually, evil has been in the world since
- 00:02:25.401 --> 00:02:26.569
- Actually, evil has been in the world since the garden of eden.
- 00:02:26.636 --> 00:02:27.770
- In the world since the garden of eden. it just has been.
- 00:02:27.837 --> 00:02:29.372
- The garden of eden. it just has been. there was no cable news
- 00:02:29.439 --> 00:02:30.773
- It just has been. there was no cable news network then.
- 00:02:30.840 --> 00:02:32.308
- There was no cable news network then. but what's also been
- 00:02:32.375 --> 00:02:33.810
- Network then. but what's also been ancient evil,
- 00:02:33.876 --> 00:02:36.045
- But what's also been ancient evil, what's always been true
- 00:02:36.112 --> 00:02:37.480
- Ancient evil, what's always been true as well is there's been
- 00:02:37.547 --> 00:02:38.781
- What's always been true as well is there's been living hope right next to it
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- As well is there's been living hope right next to it -- living hope.
- 00:02:40.783 --> 00:02:42.018
- Living hope right next to it -- living hope. so that's the series name,
- 00:02:42.085 --> 00:02:44.087
- -- living hope. so that's the series name, "ancient evil, living hope."
- 00:02:44.153 --> 00:02:45.588
- So that's the series name, "ancient evil, living hope." the first one is about herod,
- 00:02:45.655 --> 00:02:47.490
- "ancient evil, living hope." the first one is about herod, who called himself
- 00:02:47.557 --> 00:02:48.658
- The first one is about herod, who called himself "the king of the jews."
- 00:02:48.725 --> 00:02:49.792
- Who called himself "the king of the jews." he wasn't even a jew.
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- "the king of the jews." he wasn't even a jew. the jews hated him.
- 00:02:51.694 --> 00:02:53.329
- He wasn't even a jew. the jews hated him. and then "living hope"
- 00:02:53.396 --> 00:02:55.331
- The jews hated him. and then "living hope" is mary because just at
- 00:02:55.398 --> 00:02:57.400
- And then "living hope" is mary because just at the time, as you know because
- 00:02:57.467 --> 00:02:59.102
- Is mary because just at the time, as you know because you've read the book,
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- The time, as you know because you've read the book, just as herod's
- 00:03:00.403 --> 00:03:02.205
- You've read the book, just as herod's unbelievable evil life
- 00:03:02.272 --> 00:03:04.173
- Just as herod's unbelievable evil life was coming to an end,
- 00:03:04.240 --> 00:03:05.441
- Unbelievable evil life was coming to an end, he was just --
- 00:03:05.508 --> 00:03:06.776
- Was coming to an end, he was just -- he was going around his palace
- 00:03:06.843 --> 00:03:08.578
- He was just -- he was going around his palace in jericho going,
- 00:03:08.645 --> 00:03:10.613
- He was going around his palace in jericho going, mariamne! mariamne!"
- 00:03:10.680 --> 00:03:13.283
- In jericho going, mariamne! mariamne!" the only woman he had
- 00:03:13.349 --> 00:03:14.450
- Mariamne! mariamne!" the only woman he had ever truly loved
- 00:03:14.517 --> 00:03:15.785
- The only woman he had ever truly loved in his whole life
- 00:03:15.852 --> 00:03:16.953
- Ever truly loved in his whole life and he had murdered her.
- 00:03:17.020 --> 00:03:18.321
- In his whole life and he had murdered her. he murdered almost everybody
- 00:03:18.388 --> 00:03:19.522
- And he had murdered her. he murdered almost everybody in his family,
- 00:03:19.589 --> 00:03:21.024
- He murdered almost everybody in his family, and anybody that was
- 00:03:21.090 --> 00:03:22.959
- In his family, and anybody that was his enemy, politically.
- 00:03:23.026 --> 00:03:25.495
- And anybody that was his enemy, politically. i didn't know that about him.
- 00:03:25.561 --> 00:03:27.964
- His enemy, politically. i didn't know that about him. and then juxtapose that
- 00:03:28.031 --> 00:03:29.932
- I didn't know that about him. and then juxtapose that with the birth of mary,
- 00:03:29.999 --> 00:03:32.669
- And then juxtapose that with the birth of mary, this beautiful, beautiful,
- 00:03:32.735 --> 00:03:34.937
- With the birth of mary, this beautiful, beautiful, elegant, godly, pure woman
- 00:03:35.004 --> 00:03:39.409
- This beautiful, beautiful, elegant, godly, pure woman going down to give birth
- 00:03:39.475 --> 00:03:42.712
- Elegant, godly, pure woman going down to give birth to the messiah.
- 00:03:42.779 --> 00:03:44.847
- Going down to give birth to the messiah. there is no greater honor
- 00:03:44.914 --> 00:03:46.749
- To the messiah. there is no greater honor anybody has ever been given
- 00:03:46.816 --> 00:03:48.418
- There is no greater honor anybody has ever been given in all of history
- 00:03:48.484 --> 00:03:50.153
- Anybody has ever been given in all of history than was given to mary,
- 00:03:50.219 --> 00:03:51.788
- In all of history than was given to mary, to bring the messiah
- 00:03:51.854 --> 00:03:52.922
- Than was given to mary, to bring the messiah into the world.
- 00:03:52.989 --> 00:03:55.458
- To bring the messiah into the world. and what did she say?
- 00:03:55.525 --> 00:03:57.193
- Into the world. and what did she say? "let it be unto me
- 00:03:57.260 --> 00:03:58.594
- And what did she say? "let it be unto me as you have said."
- 00:03:58.661 --> 00:03:59.896
- "let it be unto me as you have said." that's such a message
- 00:03:59.962 --> 00:04:02.065
- As you have said." that's such a message for all of us today in life.
- 00:04:02.131 --> 00:04:04.701
- That's such a message for all of us today in life. because the lord is asking
- 00:04:04.767 --> 00:04:06.035
- For all of us today in life. because the lord is asking something of us right now,
- 00:04:06.102 --> 00:04:07.270
- Because the lord is asking something of us right now, too, every one of us who
- 00:04:07.337 --> 00:04:09.238
- Something of us right now, too, every one of us who calls ourselves believers.
- 00:04:09.305 --> 00:04:13.276
- Too, every one of us who calls ourselves believers. i want to be able to say
- 00:04:13.343 --> 00:04:14.410
- Calls ourselves believers. i want to be able to say every single day
- 00:04:14.477 --> 00:04:15.611
- I want to be able to say every single day what mary said,
- 00:04:15.678 --> 00:04:16.746
- Every single day what mary said, "let it be unto me,
- 00:04:16.813 --> 00:04:17.947
- What mary said, "let it be unto me, lord as you say."
- 00:04:18.014 --> 00:04:19.816
- "let it be unto me, lord as you say." so anyway, i love the idea
- 00:04:19.882 --> 00:04:23.019
- Lord as you say." so anyway, i love the idea and it truly was my son's idea
- 00:04:23.086 --> 00:04:25.388
- So anyway, i love the idea and it truly was my son's idea of mom living --
- 00:04:25.455 --> 00:04:27.290
- And it truly was my son's idea of mom living -- when i went to israel
- 00:04:27.357 --> 00:04:28.658
- Of mom living -- when i went to israel and learned about herod,
- 00:04:28.725 --> 00:04:30.593
- When i went to israel and learned about herod, i'd only known a few
- 00:04:30.660 --> 00:04:31.861
- And learned about herod, i'd only known a few little things about him
- 00:04:31.928 --> 00:04:33.029
- I'd only known a few little things about him from the scriptures.
- 00:04:33.096 --> 00:04:34.163
- Little things about him from the scriptures. there is very little.
- 00:04:34.230 --> 00:04:35.631
- From the scriptures. there is very little. but when i got there
- 00:04:35.698 --> 00:04:36.833
- There is very little. but when i got there and i started studying,
- 00:04:36.899 --> 00:04:37.867
- But when i got there and i started studying, i said, oh my gosh.
- 00:04:37.934 --> 00:04:39.102
- And i started studying, i said, oh my gosh. if jesus is the greatest story
- 00:04:39.168 --> 00:04:40.370
- I said, oh my gosh. if jesus is the greatest story ever told, which we all know
- 00:04:40.436 --> 00:04:42.238
- If jesus is the greatest story ever told, which we all know he is, then herod is
- 00:04:42.305 --> 00:04:44.841
- Randy: kathie lee, it is easy
- 00:04:49.312 --> 00:04:50.713
- Randy: kathie lee, it is easy for us to just curse
- 00:04:50.780 --> 00:04:52.181
- For us to just curse the darkness but jesus
- 00:04:52.248 --> 00:04:54.350
- The darkness but jesus called himself the light
- 00:04:54.417 --> 00:04:55.818
- Called himself the light of the world.
- 00:04:55.885 --> 00:04:57.153
- This evil we have to hold up
- 00:04:59.021 --> 00:05:01.224
- This evil we have to hold up the light as you know.
- 00:05:01.290 --> 00:05:03.092
- This evil we have to hold up the light as you know. what is it about mary
- 00:05:03.159 --> 00:05:05.128
- The light as you know. what is it about mary that you connect with
- 00:05:05.194 --> 00:05:06.329
- What is it about mary that you connect with that touches you so deeply?
- 00:05:06.396 --> 00:05:07.864
- That you connect with that touches you so deeply? because obviously,
- 00:05:07.930 --> 00:05:09.165
- That touches you so deeply? because obviously, you feel some sort of
- 00:05:09.232 --> 00:05:10.833
- Because obviously, you feel some sort of connection there.
- 00:05:10.900 --> 00:05:13.569
- You feel some sort of connection there. kathie: well, i think
- 00:05:13.636 --> 00:05:15.271
- Connection there. kathie: well, i think everybody feels
- 00:05:15.338 --> 00:05:16.506
- She was probably about 13
- 00:05:18.074 --> 00:05:20.343
- She was probably about 13 or 14 years old when
- 00:05:20.410 --> 00:05:22.345
- Or 14 years old when the holy spirit came upon her.
- 00:05:22.412 --> 00:05:24.113
- Jesus into my heart
- 00:05:27.850 --> 00:05:29.519
- Jesus into my heart in a movie theater
- 00:05:29.585 --> 00:05:31.154
- Jesus into my heart in a movie theater in annapolis, maryland,
- 00:05:31.220 --> 00:05:32.889
- In a movie theater in annapolis, maryland, watching a movie that
- 00:05:32.955 --> 00:05:34.090
- In annapolis, maryland, watching a movie that billy graham's organization
- 00:05:34.157 --> 00:05:35.158
- Watching a movie that billy graham's organization had put out called
- 00:05:35.224 --> 00:05:36.392
- Billy graham's organization had put out called "the restless ones."
- 00:05:36.459 --> 00:05:37.660
- Had put out called "the restless ones." and i knew that jesus
- 00:05:37.727 --> 00:05:38.995
- "the restless ones." and i knew that jesus spoke so clearly to me.
- 00:05:39.061 --> 00:05:40.263
- And i knew that jesus spoke so clearly to me. said, "kathie, i love you.
- 00:05:40.329 --> 00:05:41.864
- Spoke so clearly to me. said, "kathie, i love you. i love you.
- 00:05:41.931 --> 00:05:42.932
- Said, "kathie, i love you. i love you. and if you will trust me,
- 00:05:42.999 --> 00:05:44.534
- I love you. and if you will trust me, i will make something
- 00:05:44.600 --> 00:05:45.735
- And if you will trust me, i will make something beautiful out of your life."
- 00:05:45.802 --> 00:05:47.303
- I will make something beautiful out of your life." so it is the same thing.
- 00:05:47.370 --> 00:05:50.606
- Beautiful out of your life." so it is the same thing. the angel came to mary
- 00:05:50.673 --> 00:05:52.975
- So it is the same thing. the angel came to mary and said if you will
- 00:05:53.042 --> 00:05:54.177
- The angel came to mary and said if you will trust jesus,
- 00:05:54.243 --> 00:05:55.278
- And said if you will trust jesus, if you will trust god
- 00:05:55.344 --> 00:05:56.813
- Trust jesus, if you will trust god he will make something
- 00:05:56.879 --> 00:05:58.014
- If you will trust god he will make something beautiful and magnificent --
- 00:05:58.080 --> 00:06:01.717
- He will make something beautiful and magnificent -- the magnificat,
- 00:06:01.784 --> 00:06:02.852
- Beautiful and magnificent -- the magnificat, that's what she wrote,
- 00:06:02.919 --> 00:06:04.220
- The magnificat, that's what she wrote, out of your life.
- 00:06:04.287 --> 00:06:06.022
- That's what she wrote, out of your life. i think as a young woman,
- 00:06:06.088 --> 00:06:09.091
- Out of your life. i think as a young woman, i just always related
- 00:06:09.158 --> 00:06:10.426
- I think as a young woman, i just always related to the fact that --
- 00:06:10.493 --> 00:06:11.894
- I just always related to the fact that -- what would i have said
- 00:06:11.961 --> 00:06:13.229
- To the fact that -- what would i have said to the angel?
- 00:06:13.296 --> 00:06:14.997
- What would i have said to the angel? what would my response
- 00:06:15.064 --> 00:06:16.299
- To the angel? what would my response have been?
- 00:06:16.365 --> 00:06:17.500
- What would my response have been? i'd like to think i would
- 00:06:17.567 --> 00:06:18.568
- Have been? i'd like to think i would say what mary said,
- 00:06:18.634 --> 00:06:20.603
- I'd like to think i would say what mary said, "how could this be?"
- 00:06:20.670 --> 00:06:21.804
- Say what mary said, "how could this be?" how could it be?
- 00:06:21.871 --> 00:06:23.339
- "how could this be?" how could it be? she was a virgin;
- 00:06:23.406 --> 00:06:24.974
- How could it be? she was a virgin; she had never ever
- 00:06:25.041 --> 00:06:26.142
- I was too when
- 00:06:28.177 --> 00:06:29.212
- I was too when i was that age.
- 00:06:29.278 --> 00:06:30.546
- I was that age. there is an innocence
- 00:06:30.613 --> 00:06:31.814
- There is an innocence about you.
- 00:06:31.881 --> 00:06:33.049
- About you. you don't know
- 00:06:33.115 --> 00:06:34.183
- You don't know what that's all about.
- 00:06:34.250 --> 00:06:35.318
- What that's all about. you just know that god
- 00:06:35.384 --> 00:06:36.652
- A woman who trusts him.
- 00:06:38.521 --> 00:06:42.191
- A woman who trusts him. look at women who later
- 00:06:42.258 --> 00:06:44.026
- A woman who trusts him. look at women who later in life after living
- 00:06:44.093 --> 00:06:45.528
- Look at women who later in life after living very, very hard lives,
- 00:06:45.595 --> 00:06:48.164
- In life after living very, very hard lives, mary magdalene, seven demons,
- 00:06:48.231 --> 00:06:50.600
- Very, very hard lives, mary magdalene, seven demons, all the prostitutes,
- 00:06:50.666 --> 00:06:52.535
- Mary magdalene, seven demons, all the prostitutes, all these women certainly
- 00:06:52.602 --> 00:06:54.737
- All the prostitutes, all these women certainly were not virgins but
- 00:06:54.804 --> 00:06:56.806
- All these women certainly were not virgins but the beauty of their story
- 00:06:56.873 --> 00:07:01.277
- Were not virgins but the beauty of their story is that they met jesus,
- 00:07:01.344 --> 00:07:03.513
- The beauty of their story is that they met jesus, and jesus saw them as pure.
- 00:07:03.579 --> 00:07:06.015
- Is that they met jesus, and jesus saw them as pure. jesus saw them
- 00:07:06.082 --> 00:07:07.250
- And jesus saw them as pure. jesus saw them as wrapped in a robe
- 00:07:07.316 --> 00:07:08.518
- Jesus saw them as wrapped in a robe of righteousness.
- 00:07:08.584 --> 00:07:10.786
- As wrapped in a robe of righteousness. he saw them as beautiful,
- 00:07:10.853 --> 00:07:14.090
- Of righteousness. he saw them as beautiful, beautiful creations
- 00:07:14.156 --> 00:07:15.358
- He saw them as beautiful, beautiful creations of father god.
- 00:07:15.424 --> 00:07:17.460
- Beautiful creations of father god. and that's why women respond
- 00:07:17.527 --> 00:07:20.196
- Of father god. and that's why women respond to jesus like they did.
- 00:07:20.263 --> 00:07:22.999
- And that's why women respond to jesus like they did. women had never been
- 00:07:23.065 --> 00:07:24.367
- To jesus like they did. women had never been treated equally in the culture
- 00:07:24.433 --> 00:07:26.936
- Women had never been treated equally in the culture and they still aren't
- 00:07:27.003 --> 00:07:28.104
- Treated equally in the culture and they still aren't all around the world.
- 00:07:28.170 --> 00:07:29.238
- And they still aren't all around the world. but back then,
- 00:07:29.305 --> 00:07:31.007
- All around the world. but back then, they were just considered
- 00:07:31.073 --> 00:07:32.241
- But back then, they were just considered like maybe a third,
- 00:07:32.308 --> 00:07:33.876
- They were just considered like maybe a third, maybe two-thirds of a man,
- 00:07:33.943 --> 00:07:35.111
- Like maybe a third, maybe two-thirds of a man, dependent on where
- 00:07:35.177 --> 00:07:36.445
- Maybe two-thirds of a man, dependent on where they live.
- 00:07:36.512 --> 00:07:37.947
- Dependent on where they live. they were never considered
- 00:07:38.014 --> 00:07:39.649
- They live. they were never considered full and valuable creatures
- 00:07:39.715 --> 00:07:43.052
- They were never considered full and valuable creatures made in the image of god
- 00:07:43.119 --> 00:07:44.720
- Full and valuable creatures made in the image of god at all.
- 00:07:44.787 --> 00:07:46.222
- Made in the image of god at all. and here comes jesus,
- 00:07:46.289 --> 00:07:49.458
- At all. and here comes jesus, here comes jesus
- 00:07:49.525 --> 00:07:51.394
- And here comes jesus, here comes jesus and he knows their names.
- 00:07:51.460 --> 00:07:53.396
- Here comes jesus and he knows their names. don't you love that
- 00:07:53.462 --> 00:07:54.764
- And he knows their names. don't you love that the first person he saw
- 00:07:54.830 --> 00:07:56.966
- Don't you love that the first person he saw when he came from the tomb,
- 00:07:57.033 --> 00:07:59.669
- The first person he saw when he came from the tomb, and mary magdalene didn't
- 00:07:59.735 --> 00:08:01.637
- When he came from the tomb, and mary magdalene didn't recognize him at the tomb
- 00:08:01.704 --> 00:08:04.040
- And mary magdalene didn't recognize him at the tomb because it was early?
- 00:08:04.106 --> 00:08:05.541
- Recognize him at the tomb because it was early? she said, "where have you
- 00:08:05.608 --> 00:08:06.676
- Because it was early? she said, "where have you taken my lord?
- 00:08:06.742 --> 00:08:07.944
- She said, "where have you taken my lord? tell me where
- 00:08:08.010 --> 00:08:09.111
- Taken my lord? tell me where you've taken him.
- 00:08:09.178 --> 00:08:10.146
- Tell me where you've taken him. i will come and get him."
- 00:08:10.212 --> 00:08:11.347
- You've taken him. i will come and get him." and all he had to do,
- 00:08:11.414 --> 00:08:12.882
- I will come and get him." and all he had to do, you guys, i think this is
- 00:08:12.949 --> 00:08:14.116
- And all he had to do, you guys, i think this is my favorite scripture
- 00:08:14.183 --> 00:08:16.485
- You guys, i think this is my favorite scripture in the whole bible.
- 00:08:16.552 --> 00:08:19.188
- My favorite scripture in the whole bible. she said, "tell me
- 00:08:19.255 --> 00:08:20.856
- In the whole bible. she said, "tell me where my lord is and i will
- 00:08:20.923 --> 00:08:21.958
- And he said, "mary!"
- 00:08:24.327 --> 00:08:29.031
- And he said, "mary!" he said her name.
- 00:08:29.098 --> 00:08:32.635
- He said her name. instantly, she knew
- 00:08:32.702 --> 00:08:34.103
- Instantly, she knew it was jesus
- 00:08:34.170 --> 00:08:36.339
- It was jesus because she had heard him
- 00:08:36.405 --> 00:08:38.341
- In such love.
- 00:08:41.143 --> 00:08:43.312
- In such love. this woman probably had
- 00:08:43.379 --> 00:08:44.847
- In such love. this woman probably had been seduced by 100 men,
- 00:08:44.914 --> 00:08:46.282
- This woman probably had been seduced by 100 men, a thousand men, who knows?
- 00:08:46.349 --> 00:08:48.551
- Been seduced by 100 men, a thousand men, who knows? all her life.
- 00:08:48.618 --> 00:08:50.086
- A thousand men, who knows? all her life. demons tormenting her.
- 00:08:50.152 --> 00:08:53.422
- All her life. demons tormenting her. and jesus just says,
- 00:08:53.489 --> 00:08:55.491
- Demons tormenting her. and jesus just says, "mary."
- 00:08:55.558 --> 00:08:58.427
- And jesus just says, "mary." it is the most beautiful
- 00:08:58.494 --> 00:09:00.129
- "mary." it is the most beautiful scripture in the whole bible
- 00:09:00.196 --> 00:09:02.198
- It is the most beautiful scripture in the whole bible to me because
- 00:09:02.264 --> 00:09:04.300
- Scripture in the whole bible to me because that's what he says to me
- 00:09:04.367 --> 00:09:05.968
- To me because that's what he says to me when i'm hurting.
- 00:09:06.035 --> 00:09:07.737
- That's what he says to me when i'm hurting. that's what he says to you,
- 00:09:07.803 --> 00:09:09.338
- When i'm hurting. that's what he says to you, randy and tammy.
- 00:09:09.405 --> 00:09:10.706
- That's what he says to you, randy and tammy. that's what he says
- 00:09:10.773 --> 00:09:11.907
- Randy and tammy. that's what he says to all of us.
- 00:09:11.974 --> 00:09:13.643
- That's what he says to all of us. he knows us by name.
- 00:09:13.709 --> 00:09:15.277
- To all of us. he knows us by name. tammy: yes!
- 00:09:15.344 --> 00:09:16.545
- He knows us by name. tammy: yes! i think that's
- 00:09:16.612 --> 00:09:17.680
- Kathie lee, to me too.
- 00:09:18.948 --> 00:09:19.949
- Kathie lee, to me too. when you talk i can feel
- 00:09:20.016 --> 00:09:21.450
- When you talk i can feel the same emotion because
- 00:09:21.517 --> 00:09:22.818
- The same emotion because i think no matter what
- 00:09:22.885 --> 00:09:24.186
- I think no matter what i've gone through in life,
- 00:09:24.253 --> 00:09:25.988
- That my life matters,
- 00:09:28.424 --> 00:09:29.825
- That my life matters, what i've gone through,
- 00:09:29.892 --> 00:09:31.327
- That my life matters, what i've gone through, the details of my life,
- 00:09:31.394 --> 00:09:32.728
- What i've gone through, the details of my life, the good and the bad,
- 00:09:32.795 --> 00:09:33.863
- The details of my life, the good and the bad, the ups and the down,
- 00:09:33.929 --> 00:09:34.930
- The good and the bad, the ups and the down, i'm never abandoned,
- 00:09:34.997 --> 00:09:36.165
- That god is walking
- 00:09:36.265 --> 00:09:37.433
- That god is walking everything out with me,
- 00:09:37.500 --> 00:09:38.567
- That god is walking everything out with me, i think is the greatest gift
- 00:09:38.634 --> 00:09:39.702
- Everything out with me, i think is the greatest gift to think that you could
- 00:09:39.769 --> 00:09:40.836
- I think is the greatest gift to think that you could hear the voice of god.
- 00:09:40.903 --> 00:09:42.104
- To think that you could hear the voice of god. kathie: he is a personal god.
- 00:09:42.171 --> 00:09:43.906
- Hear the voice of god. kathie: he is a personal god. he is a personal god.
- 00:09:43.973 --> 00:09:45.841
- Kathie: he is a personal god. he is a personal god. tammy: yes, he is.
- 00:09:45.908 --> 00:09:47.043
- He is a personal god. tammy: yes, he is. kathie: people don't know that
- 00:09:47.109 --> 00:09:48.911
- Tammy: yes, he is. kathie: people don't know that and it is just --
- 00:09:48.978 --> 00:09:50.446
- Kathie: people don't know that and it is just -- it breaks my heart.
- 00:09:50.513 --> 00:09:54.216
- I try to spend my whole life
- 00:09:54.316 --> 00:09:56.719
- I try to spend my whole life in -- my ministry has been
- 00:09:56.786 --> 00:09:58.521
- I try to spend my whole life in -- my ministry has been in the entertainment world
- 00:09:58.587 --> 00:09:59.722
- In -- my ministry has been in the entertainment world but it was always
- 00:09:59.789 --> 00:10:00.890
- In the entertainment world but it was always my mission field.
- 00:10:00.956 --> 00:10:02.591
- But it was always my mission field. my mission was always
- 00:10:02.658 --> 00:10:04.560
- My mission field. my mission was always to tell people
- 00:10:04.627 --> 00:10:06.062
- My mission was always to tell people that god loves them.
- 00:10:06.128 --> 00:10:08.397
- To tell people that god loves them. entertain them, make them
- 00:10:08.464 --> 00:10:09.765
- That god loves them. entertain them, make them laugh, you can be bawdy,
- 00:10:09.832 --> 00:10:11.967
- Entertain them, make them laugh, you can be bawdy, you can be silly,
- 00:10:12.034 --> 00:10:13.035
- Laugh, you can be bawdy, you can be silly, you can be all these things
- 00:10:13.102 --> 00:10:14.503
- You can be silly, you can be all these things but make sure people know
- 00:10:14.570 --> 00:10:16.038
- You can be all these things but make sure people know that i love them, kathie.
- 00:10:16.105 --> 00:10:19.341
- But make sure people know that i love them, kathie. nothing else matters,
- 00:10:19.408 --> 00:10:20.743
- That i love them, kathie. nothing else matters, you guys.
- 00:10:20.810 --> 00:10:21.944
- Randy: one of the questions
- 00:10:24.680 --> 00:10:25.748
- Randy: one of the questions that people ask is
- 00:10:25.815 --> 00:10:27.149
- That people ask is if god is a good god
- 00:10:27.216 --> 00:10:29.251
- If god is a good god how could he allow such evil
- 00:10:29.318 --> 00:10:31.854
- How could he allow such evil in our world?
- 00:10:31.921 --> 00:10:33.289
- The evil with hope.
- 00:10:35.357 --> 00:10:38.294
- The evil with hope. what do you see
- 00:10:38.360 --> 00:10:39.929
- The evil with hope. what do you see and what do you say to those
- 00:10:39.995 --> 00:10:41.297
- What do you see and what do you say to those who look around the world
- 00:10:41.363 --> 00:10:42.398
- And what do you say to those who look around the world today and think,
- 00:10:42.465 --> 00:10:44.667
- Who look around the world today and think, where is god?
- 00:10:44.734 --> 00:10:45.968
- Today and think, where is god? if god is here
- 00:10:46.035 --> 00:10:47.303
- Where is god? if god is here where is he?
- 00:10:47.369 --> 00:10:48.671
- If god is here where is he? kathie: i understand
- 00:10:48.738 --> 00:10:50.172
- Where is he? kathie: i understand the question and i've asked it
- 00:10:50.239 --> 00:10:51.674
- Kathie: i understand the question and i've asked it myself just recently.
- 00:10:51.741 --> 00:10:54.043
- The question and i've asked it myself just recently. believe me, it never gets old.
- 00:10:54.110 --> 00:10:55.544
- Myself just recently. believe me, it never gets old. [laughing]
- 00:10:55.611 --> 00:10:57.780
- Believe me, it never gets old. [laughing] here's the thing.
- 00:10:57.847 --> 00:10:59.815
- [laughing] here's the thing. god never wanted us
- 00:10:59.882 --> 00:11:03.085
- Here's the thing. god never wanted us to know evil in the world.
- 00:11:03.152 --> 00:11:04.920
- He created perfection for us
- 00:11:08.057 --> 00:11:10.793
- He created perfection for us and put us there to love
- 00:11:10.860 --> 00:11:12.461
- And put us there to love each other and to have
- 00:11:12.528 --> 00:11:16.031
- Each other and to have communication with him.
- 00:11:16.098 --> 00:11:18.601
- Communication with him. he wanted to walk with us
- 00:11:18.667 --> 00:11:19.902
- He wanted to walk with us in the garden.
- 00:11:19.969 --> 00:11:21.103
- In the garden. he wanted to see what
- 00:11:21.170 --> 00:11:22.304
- He wanted to see what we were going to build.
- 00:11:22.371 --> 00:11:23.439
- We were going to build. he wanted to see what
- 00:11:23.506 --> 00:11:24.607
- He wanted to see what we were going to name
- 00:11:24.673 --> 00:11:25.608
- We were going to name the animals.
- 00:11:25.674 --> 00:11:26.709
- The animals. he wanted community with us.
- 00:11:26.776 --> 00:11:28.377
- He wanted community with us. we're the ones that created
- 00:11:28.444 --> 00:11:29.945
- We're the ones that created the evil that's
- 00:11:30.012 --> 00:11:31.580
- The evil that's in the world today.
- 00:11:31.647 --> 00:11:33.015
- In the world today. don't blame it on god.
- 00:11:33.082 --> 00:11:34.850
- Don't blame it on god. gave us perfection
- 00:11:34.917 --> 00:11:36.519
- It is our fault.
- 00:11:39.522 --> 00:11:41.624
- It is our fault. it is our fault individually
- 00:11:41.690 --> 00:11:43.659
- It is our fault. it is our fault individually and it is our fault
- 00:11:43.726 --> 00:11:44.827
- It is our fault individually and it is our fault collectively.
- 00:11:44.894 --> 00:11:46.028
- And it is our fault collectively. and when people blame god
- 00:11:46.095 --> 00:11:47.530
- Collectively. and when people blame god i just go, what did
- 00:11:47.596 --> 00:11:48.697
- And when people blame god i just go, what did god ever do to you?
- 00:11:48.764 --> 00:11:50.599
- I just go, what did god ever do to you? no! uh-uh.
- 00:11:50.666 --> 00:11:52.001
- God ever do to you? no! uh-uh. i will not let anybody
- 00:11:52.067 --> 00:11:53.335
- No! uh-uh. i will not let anybody ever get away with that.
- 00:11:53.402 --> 00:11:55.171
- I will not let anybody ever get away with that. that's so easy so you can say
- 00:11:55.237 --> 00:11:57.940
- Ever get away with that. that's so easy so you can say i don't believe in god
- 00:11:58.007 --> 00:11:59.175
- That's so easy so you can say i don't believe in god because he would do that.
- 00:11:59.241 --> 00:12:00.509
- I don't believe in god because he would do that. no, he didn't do that.
- 00:12:00.576 --> 00:12:01.977
- Because he would do that. no, he didn't do that. we did.
- 00:12:02.044 --> 00:12:03.746
- No, he didn't do that. we did. randy: and he went through
- 00:12:03.813 --> 00:12:04.947
- We did. randy: and he went through extraordinary lengths
- 00:12:05.014 --> 00:12:06.315
- Randy: and he went through extraordinary lengths to bring salvation to us.
- 00:12:06.382 --> 00:12:08.951
- Extraordinary lengths to bring salvation to us. one thing i appreciate, and
- 00:12:09.018 --> 00:12:10.753
- To bring salvation to us. one thing i appreciate, and really love about your work,
- 00:12:10.820 --> 00:12:12.488
- One thing i appreciate, and really love about your work, the rabbinic learning,
- 00:12:12.555 --> 00:12:13.823
- Really love about your work, the rabbinic learning, the context, the place,
- 00:12:13.889 --> 00:12:15.691
- The rabbinic learning, the context, the place, and the culture, it was
- 00:12:15.758 --> 00:12:17.493
- The context, the place, and the culture, it was an amazing thing to see
- 00:12:17.560 --> 00:12:19.862
- And the culture, it was an amazing thing to see the setup for christ
- 00:12:19.929 --> 00:12:22.298
- An amazing thing to see the setup for christ in the way that even rome,
- 00:12:22.364 --> 00:12:24.400
- The setup for christ in the way that even rome, which was awful,
- 00:12:24.466 --> 00:12:26.235
- In the way that even rome, which was awful, god was able to turn that
- 00:12:26.302 --> 00:12:27.603
- Which was awful, god was able to turn that for good to use it to pave
- 00:12:27.670 --> 00:12:31.106
- God was able to turn that for good to use it to pave the way for christ,
- 00:12:31.173 --> 00:12:32.808
- For good to use it to pave the way for christ, and then for christianity
- 00:12:32.875 --> 00:12:34.143
- The way for christ, and then for christianity to go forth.
- 00:12:34.210 --> 00:12:35.311
- And then for christianity to go forth. what do you say when
- 00:12:35.377 --> 00:12:36.679
- To go forth. what do you say when you look at rome in sort of
- 00:12:36.745 --> 00:12:39.081
- What do you say when you look at rome in sort of its impact on the gospel?
- 00:12:39.148 --> 00:12:42.151
- You look at rome in sort of its impact on the gospel? kathie: well, because
- 00:12:42.218 --> 00:12:43.819
- Its impact on the gospel? kathie: well, because rome was this center of
- 00:12:43.886 --> 00:12:45.588
- Kathie: well, because rome was this center of the universe to humankind
- 00:12:45.654 --> 00:12:48.224
- Rome was this center of the universe to humankind at the time, but it wasn't
- 00:12:48.290 --> 00:12:49.358
- The universe to humankind at the time, but it wasn't the center of god's universe.
- 00:12:49.425 --> 00:12:51.594
- At the time, but it wasn't the center of god's universe. i have always been
- 00:12:51.660 --> 00:12:52.862
- The center of god's universe. i have always been fascinated by history.
- 00:12:52.928 --> 00:12:54.430
- I have always been fascinated by history. i love history and when
- 00:12:54.496 --> 00:12:55.865
- Fascinated by history. i love history and when i get down into the weeds
- 00:12:55.931 --> 00:12:59.168
- I love history and when i get down into the weeds of history with herod,
- 00:12:59.235 --> 00:13:01.704
- I get down into the weeds of history with herod, the next book is going
- 00:13:01.770 --> 00:13:03.672
- Of history with herod, the next book is going to be about nero.
- 00:13:03.739 --> 00:13:09.745
- The next book is going to be about nero. basically, the story is
- 00:13:09.812 --> 00:13:11.146
- To be about nero. basically, the story is nothing has changed.
- 00:13:11.213 --> 00:13:12.982
- Basically, the story is nothing has changed. god gave us goodness.
- 00:13:13.048 --> 00:13:15.150
- Nothing has changed. god gave us goodness. god gave us perfection.
- 00:13:15.217 --> 00:13:16.385
- God gave us goodness. god gave us perfection. god gave us great blessings
- 00:13:16.452 --> 00:13:19.655
- God gave us perfection. god gave us great blessings and we chose to try
- 00:13:19.722 --> 00:13:22.124
- God gave us great blessings and we chose to try to be like god.
- 00:13:22.191 --> 00:13:23.993
- And we chose to try to be like god. and we ruined it;
- 00:13:24.059 --> 00:13:25.094
- To be like god. and we ruined it; we've ruined it ever since,
- 00:13:25.160 --> 00:13:27.329
- And we ruined it; we've ruined it ever since, and then we blame god for it.
- 00:13:27.396 --> 00:13:30.132
- We've ruined it ever since, and then we blame god for it. we're doing it now.
- 00:13:30.199 --> 00:13:31.600
- And then we blame god for it. we're doing it now. we're doing it now.
- 00:13:31.667 --> 00:13:33.202
- We're doing it now. we're doing it now. so rome is no different
- 00:13:33.269 --> 00:13:34.570
- We're doing it now. so rome is no different than america is today.
- 00:13:34.637 --> 00:13:36.972
- So rome is no different than america is today. we've got everybody
- 00:13:37.039 --> 00:13:38.507
- Than america is today. we've got everybody all over the world
- 00:13:38.574 --> 00:13:40.342
- We've got everybody all over the world and none of them,
- 00:13:40.409 --> 00:13:41.644
- All over the world and none of them, none of them know jesus,
- 00:13:41.710 --> 00:13:43.012
- And none of them, none of them know jesus, none of them know god
- 00:13:43.078 --> 00:13:44.446
- None of them know jesus, none of them know god and they're all trying
- 00:13:44.513 --> 00:13:45.581
- None of them know god and they're all trying to be god.
- 00:13:45.648 --> 00:13:46.982
- And they're all trying to be god. all of them.
- 00:13:47.049 --> 00:13:48.417
- To be god. all of them. and they can't be
- 00:13:48.484 --> 00:13:49.752
- All of them. and they can't be and they never will be.
- 00:13:49.818 --> 00:13:51.253
- And they can't be and they never will be. the point of our book
- 00:13:51.320 --> 00:13:52.855
- And they never will be. the point of our book is ancient evil is the same
- 00:13:52.922 --> 00:13:55.124
- The point of our book is ancient evil is the same as present-day evil.
- 00:13:55.190 --> 00:13:56.792
- Is ancient evil is the same as present-day evil. it's there.
- 00:13:56.859 --> 00:13:58.127
- As present-day evil. it's there. but what's the most
- 00:13:58.193 --> 00:13:59.929
- It's there. but what's the most exciting thing is that --
- 00:13:59.995 --> 00:14:02.031
- But what's the most exciting thing is that -- but living hope --
- 00:14:02.097 --> 00:14:05.067
- Exciting thing is that -- but living hope -- our living hope.
- 00:14:05.134 --> 00:14:06.235
- But living hope -- our living hope. jesus said, "i am the way,
- 00:14:06.302 --> 00:14:07.503
- Our living hope. jesus said, "i am the way, the truth, and the life.
- 00:14:07.569 --> 00:14:09.471
- Jesus said, "i am the way, the truth, and the life. no one comes to the father
- 00:14:09.538 --> 00:14:10.873
- The truth, and the life. no one comes to the father except through me."
- 00:14:10.940 --> 00:14:12.174
- No one comes to the father except through me." i know a lot of my people,
- 00:14:12.241 --> 00:14:13.409
- Except through me." i know a lot of my people, my friends who are not
- 00:14:13.475 --> 00:14:14.510
- I know a lot of my people, my friends who are not believers will say,
- 00:14:14.576 --> 00:14:15.744
- My friends who are not believers will say, "well, that's so intolerant!
- 00:14:15.811 --> 00:14:16.979
- Believers will say, "well, that's so intolerant! what do you mean?"
- 00:14:17.046 --> 00:14:19.048
- "well, that's so intolerant! what do you mean?" people don't understand
- 00:14:19.114 --> 00:14:20.649
- What do you mean?" people don't understand that when jesus said that,
- 00:14:20.716 --> 00:14:21.917
- People don't understand that when jesus said that, that's the best news
- 00:14:21.984 --> 00:14:23.085
- That when jesus said that, that's the best news in the whole world.
- 00:14:23.152 --> 00:14:24.420
- That's the best news in the whole world. if you're going to have
- 00:14:24.486 --> 00:14:25.621
- In the whole world. if you're going to have the one person who is there
- 00:14:25.688 --> 00:14:27.523
- If you're going to have the one person who is there to make sure you get
- 00:14:27.589 --> 00:14:28.524
- The one person who is there to make sure you get into paradise, okay,
- 00:14:28.590 --> 00:14:31.260
- If it is jesus,
- 00:14:33.062 --> 00:14:34.730
- If it is jesus, he is the only one out of
- 00:14:34.797 --> 00:14:36.131
- He is the only one out of all these so-called gods
- 00:14:36.198 --> 00:14:37.766
- All these so-called gods and religions
- 00:14:37.833 --> 00:14:38.801
- And religions and everything else,
- 00:14:38.867 --> 00:14:39.969
- And everything else, he's the only one who gave
- 00:14:40.035 --> 00:14:41.570
- Suffered the most
- 00:14:44.373 --> 00:14:45.607
- Suffered the most agonizing death
- 00:14:45.674 --> 00:14:47.443
- Suffered the most agonizing death you could have at that time,
- 00:14:47.509 --> 00:14:49.345
- Agonizing death you could have at that time, was crucifixion.
- 00:14:49.411 --> 00:14:51.413
- You could have at that time, was crucifixion. and people don't even know,
- 00:14:51.480 --> 00:14:52.681
- Was crucifixion. and people don't even know, you learn from my book
- 00:14:52.748 --> 00:14:54.416
- And people don't even know, you learn from my book that crucifixion,
- 00:14:54.483 --> 00:14:56.518
- You learn from my book that crucifixion, back in the times of jesus,
- 00:14:56.585 --> 00:14:57.786
- That crucifixion, back in the times of jesus, was not done on a hill
- 00:14:57.853 --> 00:14:59.955
- Back in the times of jesus, was not done on a hill where you saw some people
- 00:15:00.022 --> 00:15:01.156
- Was not done on a hill where you saw some people hanging from crosses.
- 00:15:01.223 --> 00:15:02.458
- Where you saw some people hanging from crosses. no, it was at eye level;
- 00:15:02.524 --> 00:15:04.493
- Hanging from crosses. no, it was at eye level; eye level on the road
- 00:15:04.560 --> 00:15:06.028
- No, it was at eye level; eye level on the road where everybody could see
- 00:15:06.095 --> 00:15:07.429
- Eye level on the road where everybody could see how you were suffering.
- 00:15:07.496 --> 00:15:08.931
- Where everybody could see how you were suffering. and you were naked;
- 00:15:08.998 --> 00:15:10.165
- How you were suffering. and you were naked; you didn't have the thing
- 00:15:10.232 --> 00:15:11.233
- And you were naked; you didn't have the thing around you that you see
- 00:15:11.300 --> 00:15:12.301
- You didn't have the thing around you that you see in pictures.
- 00:15:12.368 --> 00:15:13.402
- Around you that you see in pictures. no, you were stark naked
- 00:15:13.469 --> 00:15:15.371
- In pictures. no, you were stark naked so you were shamed
- 00:15:15.437 --> 00:15:16.705
- No, you were stark naked so you were shamed to begin with, and then
- 00:15:16.772 --> 00:15:17.873
- So you were shamed to begin with, and then you were right here
- 00:15:17.940 --> 00:15:20.109
- To begin with, and then you were right here so that people could look
- 00:15:20.175 --> 00:15:21.677
- You were right here so that people could look at your suffering.
- 00:15:21.744 --> 00:15:23.178
- So that people could look at your suffering. you could basically
- 00:15:23.245 --> 00:15:24.580
- At your suffering. you could basically tell them by your suffering,
- 00:15:24.646 --> 00:15:26.081
- You could basically tell them by your suffering, don't mess with rome.
- 00:15:26.148 --> 00:15:27.916
- Tell them by your suffering, don't mess with rome. this is what
- 00:15:27.983 --> 00:15:29.184
- Tammy: can i ask you
- 00:15:30.452 --> 00:15:31.420
- Tammy: can i ask you something?
- 00:15:31.487 --> 00:15:32.488
- Something? okay, i read your book
- 00:15:32.554 --> 00:15:33.589
- Okay, i read your book and i have my own takeaway,
- 00:15:33.655 --> 00:15:35.958
- And i have my own takeaway, which was what
- 00:15:36.025 --> 00:15:37.426
- Which was what you talked about.
- 00:15:37.493 --> 00:15:38.794
- I'm so glad i read it, truly.
- 00:15:40.362 --> 00:15:42.598
- I'm so glad i read it, truly. i got through chapters
- 00:15:42.664 --> 00:15:44.066
- I'm so glad i read it, truly. i got through chapters one, two, and three
- 00:15:44.133 --> 00:15:45.334
- I got through chapters one, two, and three and i'm telling you, i had
- 00:15:45.401 --> 00:15:46.602
- One, two, and three and i'm telling you, i had to look at siri and talk
- 00:15:46.668 --> 00:15:47.770
- And i'm telling you, i had to look at siri and talk into my phone so many times
- 00:15:47.836 --> 00:15:48.837
- To look at siri and talk into my phone so many times and say, "pronounce this word
- 00:15:48.904 --> 00:15:49.972
- Into my phone so many times and say, "pronounce this word for me."
- 00:15:50.039 --> 00:15:51.140
- And say, "pronounce this word for me." or "tell me
- 00:15:51.206 --> 00:15:52.241
- For me." or "tell me where this place is."
- 00:15:52.307 --> 00:15:53.475
- Or "tell me where this place is." there was so much history
- 00:15:53.542 --> 00:15:54.643
- Where this place is." there was so much history there that i felt like
- 00:15:54.710 --> 00:15:55.844
- There was so much history there that i felt like i was learning along the way.
- 00:15:55.911 --> 00:15:56.912
- There that i felt like i was learning along the way. so by chapter four,
- 00:15:56.979 --> 00:15:58.213
- I was learning along the way. so by chapter four, i was all in.
- 00:15:58.280 --> 00:15:59.415
- So by chapter four, i was all in. and so i think about
- 00:15:59.481 --> 00:16:00.549
- I was all in. and so i think about when people were passing
- 00:16:00.616 --> 00:16:01.717
- And so i think about when people were passing by this book,
- 00:16:01.784 --> 00:16:03.252
- When people were passing by this book, looking at herod and mary ,
- 00:16:03.318 --> 00:16:05.087
- By this book, looking at herod and mary , and they're contemplating
- 00:16:05.154 --> 00:16:06.688
- Looking at herod and mary , and they're contemplating whether or not they want
- 00:16:06.755 --> 00:16:07.756
- And they're contemplating whether or not they want to read this book,
- 00:16:07.823 --> 00:16:09.024
- Whether or not they want to read this book, what do you hope that
- 00:16:09.091 --> 00:16:10.092
- To read this book, what do you hope that readers will take away when
- 00:16:10.159 --> 00:16:12.027
- What do you hope that readers will take away when they turn that last page?
- 00:16:12.094 --> 00:16:15.431
- Readers will take away when they turn that last page? kathie: well, i was doing
- 00:16:15.497 --> 00:16:17.366
- They turn that last page? kathie: well, i was doing maybe an audio version
- 00:16:17.433 --> 00:16:18.634
- Kathie: well, i was doing maybe an audio version of the book a couple of
- 00:16:18.700 --> 00:16:19.968
- Maybe an audio version of the book a couple of weeks ago and when i got
- 00:16:20.035 --> 00:16:21.637
- Of the book a couple of weeks ago and when i got to the end of it,
- 00:16:21.703 --> 00:16:22.938
- Weeks ago and when i got to the end of it, i was sobbing --
- 00:16:23.005 --> 00:16:25.107
- To the end of it, i was sobbing -- sobbing, sobbing.
- 00:16:25.174 --> 00:16:26.241
- I was sobbing -- sobbing, sobbing. you know the scene
- 00:16:26.308 --> 00:16:27.476
- Sobbing, sobbing. you know the scene i'm talking about.
- 00:16:27.543 --> 00:16:28.710
- You know the scene i'm talking about. and i just went --
- 00:16:28.777 --> 00:16:29.945
- I'm talking about. and i just went -- i couldn't get through it.
- 00:16:30.012 --> 00:16:30.979
- And i just went -- i couldn't get through it. i could not get through it.
- 00:16:31.046 --> 00:16:32.147
- I couldn't get through it. i could not get through it. it took me a long time.
- 00:16:32.214 --> 00:16:33.849
- I could not get through it. it took me a long time. i remember thinking,
- 00:16:33.916 --> 00:16:35.017
- It took me a long time. i remember thinking, jesus, i hope
- 00:16:35.084 --> 00:16:36.418
- I remember thinking, jesus, i hope that when people get
- 00:16:36.485 --> 00:16:37.853
- Jesus, i hope that when people get to the end of this book
- 00:16:37.920 --> 00:16:42.024
- That when people get to the end of this book they will have the hope.
- 00:16:42.091 --> 00:16:44.593
- To the end of this book they will have the hope. they will have the hope
- 00:16:44.660 --> 00:16:46.995
- They will have the hope. they will have the hope that the man on the cross
- 00:16:47.062 --> 00:16:50.699
- They will have the hope that the man on the cross who had been crucified;
- 00:16:50.766 --> 00:16:52.468
- That the man on the cross who had been crucified; it ends with a scene
- 00:16:52.534 --> 00:16:54.436
- Who had been crucified; it ends with a scene between mary
- 00:16:54.503 --> 00:16:56.038
- It ends with a scene between mary and somebody being crucified.
- 00:16:56.105 --> 00:16:58.006
- Between mary and somebody being crucified. mary was coming back
- 00:16:58.073 --> 00:16:59.775
- And somebody being crucified. mary was coming back from egypt when herod died,
- 00:16:59.842 --> 00:17:04.046
- Mary was coming back from egypt when herod died, this horrible death
- 00:17:04.113 --> 00:17:05.380
- From egypt when herod died, this horrible death that herod deserved.
- 00:17:05.447 --> 00:17:06.748
- This horrible death that herod deserved. jesus did not deserve
- 00:17:06.815 --> 00:17:08.117
- That herod deserved. jesus did not deserve the death he died from.
- 00:17:08.183 --> 00:17:09.918
- Jesus did not deserve the death he died from. but mary has an interaction
- 00:17:09.985 --> 00:17:12.688
- The death he died from. but mary has an interaction with somebody who is
- 00:17:12.754 --> 00:17:14.223
- But mary has an interaction with somebody who is right like this to her.
- 00:17:14.289 --> 00:17:17.626
- With somebody who is right like this to her. i can't tell the end
- 00:17:17.693 --> 00:17:18.894
- Right like this to her. i can't tell the end because she feels jesus
- 00:17:18.961 --> 00:17:21.530
- I can't tell the end because she feels jesus stirring under her cloak
- 00:17:21.597 --> 00:17:23.065
- Because she feels jesus stirring under her cloak because they're going
- 00:17:23.132 --> 00:17:24.233
- Stirring under her cloak because they're going back to nazareth.
- 00:17:24.299 --> 00:17:25.634
- Because they're going back to nazareth. the same angel had come
- 00:17:25.701 --> 00:17:26.869
- Back to nazareth. the same angel had come and said, "it is safe.
- 00:17:26.935 --> 00:17:28.770
- The same angel had come and said, "it is safe. the men who are trying
- 00:17:28.837 --> 00:17:29.905
- And said, "it is safe. the men who are trying to kill her are dead.
- 00:17:29.972 --> 00:17:31.340
- The men who are trying to kill her are dead. go! go home."
- 00:17:31.406 --> 00:17:32.808
- To kill her are dead. go! go home." you know the scene
- 00:17:32.875 --> 00:17:33.976
- Go! go home." you know the scene i'm talking about.
- 00:17:34.042 --> 00:17:35.344
- You know the scene i'm talking about. and so the ending of it
- 00:17:35.410 --> 00:17:36.578
- I'm talking about. and so the ending of it is so profound.
- 00:17:36.645 --> 00:17:37.646
- And so the ending of it is so profound. that's what i want everybody
- 00:17:37.713 --> 00:17:38.847
- Is so profound. that's what i want everybody to get to.
- 00:17:38.914 --> 00:17:40.182
- That's what i want everybody to get to. get to the end of it
- 00:17:40.249 --> 00:17:41.517
- To get to. get to the end of it because you will realize
- 00:17:41.583 --> 00:17:42.985
- Get to the end of it because you will realize if there's hope for
- 00:17:43.051 --> 00:17:44.086
- Because you will realize if there's hope for that man, hanging on a cross
- 00:17:44.153 --> 00:17:47.923
- If there's hope for that man, hanging on a cross dying an agonizing death,
- 00:17:47.990 --> 00:17:50.159
- That man, hanging on a cross dying an agonizing death, if there is hope for him,
- 00:17:50.225 --> 00:17:51.760
- Dying an agonizing death, if there is hope for him, there is hope for anybody.
- 00:17:51.827 --> 00:17:54.796
- If there is hope for him, there is hope for anybody. randy: we want to put
- 00:17:54.863 --> 00:17:56.098
- There is hope for anybody. randy: we want to put this book in your hands
- 00:17:56.165 --> 00:17:57.132
- Randy: we want to put this book in your hands if you'd like it,
- 00:17:57.199 --> 00:17:58.433
- This book in your hands if you'd like it, herod and mary .
- 00:17:58.534 --> 00:17:59.568
- If you'd like it, herod and mary . we will tell you how
- 00:17:59.635 --> 00:18:00.669
- Herod and mary . we will tell you how to get that when you support
- 00:18:00.736 --> 00:18:01.837
- We will tell you how to get that when you support our outreach today.
- 00:18:01.904 --> 00:18:02.971
- To get that when you support our outreach today. but i have to say
- 00:18:03.038 --> 00:18:04.039
- Our outreach today. but i have to say real quickly.
- 00:18:04.106 --> 00:18:05.207
- But i have to say real quickly. if you don't know this christ
- 00:18:05.274 --> 00:18:06.441
- Real quickly. if you don't know this christ that we're talking about,
- 00:18:06.508 --> 00:18:08.043
- We have a telephone number,
- 00:18:09.344 --> 00:18:10.312
- We have a telephone number, we're going to put it
- 00:18:10.379 --> 00:18:11.380
- We're going to put it on the screen here,
- 00:18:11.446 --> 00:18:12.447
- On the screen here, where you can call
- 00:18:12.514 --> 00:18:13.515
- Where you can call and talk to somebody
- 00:18:13.582 --> 00:18:14.550
- And talk to somebody and they will introduce you
- 00:18:14.616 --> 00:18:15.617
- And they will introduce you to our living hope,
- 00:18:15.684 --> 00:18:17.352
- To our living hope, as kathie lee calls it.
- 00:18:17.419 --> 00:18:18.887
- As kathie lee calls it. because christ is the hope,
- 00:18:18.954 --> 00:18:20.822
- Because christ is the hope, wherever you're at.
- 00:18:20.889 --> 00:18:22.024
- Wherever you're at. whatever evil
- 00:18:22.090 --> 00:18:23.358
- Whatever evil you have suffered.
- 00:18:23.425 --> 00:18:24.526
- You have suffered. whatever difficulty
- 00:18:24.593 --> 00:18:25.594
- Whatever difficulty you're facing, you need
- 00:18:25.661 --> 00:18:26.728
- You're facing, you need to know this living hope.
- 00:18:26.795 --> 00:18:28.397
- To know this living hope. so if you don't know
- 00:18:28.463 --> 00:18:29.431
- So if you don't know christ as your savior,
- 00:18:29.498 --> 00:18:31.066
- Christ as your savior, or if you just need
- 00:18:31.133 --> 00:18:32.301
- Or if you just need some encouragement,
- 00:18:32.367 --> 00:18:33.635
- We want to pray with you.
- 00:18:35.003 --> 00:18:36.505
- We want to pray with you. now we're going to show you
- 00:18:36.572 --> 00:18:37.706
- We want to pray with you. now we're going to show you something, a situation,
- 00:18:37.773 --> 00:18:38.840
- Where people are
- 00:18:40.442 --> 00:18:41.443
- Where people are in desperate hope.
- 00:18:41.510 --> 00:18:43.312
- In desperate hope. and we can be the answer
- 00:18:43.378 --> 00:18:44.913
- And we can be the answer in that situation.
- 00:18:44.980 --> 00:18:46.448
- In that situation. tammy: we talk a lot
- 00:18:46.515 --> 00:18:47.683
- Tammy: we talk a lot about the children
- 00:18:47.749 --> 00:18:49.284
- About the children and how vital it is
- 00:18:49.351 --> 00:18:50.852
- And how vital it is to reach them,
- 00:18:50.919 --> 00:18:52.888
- To reach them, precious little bodies
- 00:18:52.955 --> 00:18:54.189
- Precious little bodies can't process this kind
- 00:18:54.256 --> 00:18:56.258
- Can't process this kind of dirty, unclean,
- 00:18:56.325 --> 00:18:57.793
- Of dirty, unclean, contaminated water.
- 00:18:57.859 --> 00:18:59.695
- Contaminated water. there is a need right now
- 00:18:59.761 --> 00:19:01.196
- There is a need right now in front of us today
- 00:19:01.263 --> 00:19:02.531
- In front of us today and it is urgent
- 00:19:02.598 --> 00:19:03.865
- And it is urgent for these children
- 00:19:03.932 --> 00:19:05.200
- For these children and for their parents
- 00:19:05.267 --> 00:19:06.368
- And for their parents and for hundreds of thousands
- 00:19:06.435 --> 00:19:07.536
- And for hundreds of thousands just like them.
- 00:19:07.603 --> 00:19:09.471
- Just like them. randy: every time any of them
- 00:19:09.538 --> 00:19:11.273
- Randy: every time any of them takes a drink of water
- 00:19:11.340 --> 00:19:12.908
- Takes a drink of water they're gambling
- 00:19:12.975 --> 00:19:14.076
- They're gambling with their lives.
- 00:19:14.142 --> 00:19:15.410
- With their lives. some of them,
- 00:19:15.477 --> 00:19:16.712
- Some of them, they try to filter it.
- 00:19:16.778 --> 00:19:18.547
- They try to filter it. they are doing
- 00:19:18.614 --> 00:19:20.415
- They are doing all that they can.
- 00:19:20.482 --> 00:19:22.284
- All that they can. that's the bottom line.
- 00:19:22.351 --> 00:19:23.485
- That's the bottom line. you need to know that.
- 00:19:23.552 --> 00:19:25.187
- You need to know that. these people are doing
- 00:19:25.254 --> 00:19:26.355
- These people are doing all they can to not die
- 00:19:26.421 --> 00:19:28.657
- All they can to not die from the water.
- 00:19:28.724 --> 00:19:31.226
- From the water. but it's not going to --
- 00:19:31.293 --> 00:19:34.563
- But it's not going to -- it just doesn't work.
- 00:19:34.630 --> 00:19:35.597
- It just doesn't work. i want us to do all
- 00:19:35.664 --> 00:19:37.232
- I want us to do all that we can to stop
- 00:19:37.299 --> 00:19:39.368
- That we can to stop the death cycle.
- 00:19:39.434 --> 00:19:40.736
- The death cycle. $4800 is the average cost;
- 00:19:40.802 --> 00:19:44.139
- $4800 is the average cost; that will drill one well.
- 00:19:44.206 --> 00:19:45.641
- That will drill one well. listen, if you can drill
- 00:19:45.707 --> 00:19:46.842
- Listen, if you can drill one well today, maybe two,
- 00:19:46.908 --> 00:19:49.344
- One well today, maybe two, maybe three, do it!
- 00:19:49.411 --> 00:19:51.847
- Maybe three, do it! you will be giving water
- 00:19:51.913 --> 00:19:53.348
- You will be giving water with each well to an average
- 00:19:53.415 --> 00:19:55.250
- With each well to an average of 1,000 people.
- 00:19:55.317 --> 00:19:57.319
- Of 1,000 people. if you can't drill
- 00:19:57.386 --> 00:19:58.820
- If you can't drill a whole well,
- 00:19:58.887 --> 00:19:59.888
- A whole well, i completely understand.
- 00:19:59.955 --> 00:20:01.123
- I completely understand. that's why you can come
- 00:20:01.189 --> 00:20:02.391
- That's why you can come together with others
- 00:20:02.457 --> 00:20:03.992
- Together with others and give $144 for 30 people,
- 00:20:04.059 --> 00:20:07.262
- And give $144 for 30 people, and $48 for 10 people.
- 00:20:07.329 --> 00:20:10.032
- And $48 for 10 people. it only works when
- 00:20:10.098 --> 00:20:11.333
- It only works when we come together.
- 00:20:11.400 --> 00:20:12.801
- We come together. tammy, you and i,
- 00:20:12.868 --> 00:20:14.670
- Tammy, you and i, the viewers,
- 00:20:14.736 --> 00:20:16.371
- The viewers, the missionaries in the field,
- 00:20:16.438 --> 00:20:19.107
- The missionaries in the field, we have to come together
- 00:20:19.174 --> 00:20:21.476
- We have to come together and stop the death.
- 00:20:21.543 --> 00:20:23.445
- Will you do your part?
- 00:20:24.212 --> 00:20:25.647
- Will you go online,
- 00:20:25.714 --> 00:20:26.848
- Go to the phone, and make
- 00:20:26.915 --> 00:20:28.016
- The best gift you can?
- 00:20:28.083 --> 00:20:30.085
- We can do more.
- 00:20:30.152 --> 00:20:32.654
- We can save lives!
- 00:20:32.721 --> 00:20:34.923
- You and i together can
- 00:20:34.990 --> 00:20:36.224
- Give them water for life.
- 00:20:36.291 --> 00:20:39.227
- Every day, thousands of lives are lost
- 00:20:40.662 --> 00:20:42.998
- To waterborne disease,
- 00:20:42.998 --> 00:20:45.000
- And nearly half of those are children
- 00:20:45.000 --> 00:20:47.002
- Under the age of five.
- 00:20:47.002 --> 00:20:49.004
- Through mission: water for life
- 00:20:49.004 --> 00:20:51.006
- You can give mothers hope and children a future
- 00:20:51.006 --> 00:20:53.709
- As we provide clean, life-giving water
- 00:20:53.709 --> 00:20:55.944
- For thousands of children and their families
- 00:20:55.944 --> 00:20:58.246
- Before it's too late.
- 00:20:58.246 --> 00:21:01.016
- With your gift today, you can help drill
- 00:21:01.016 --> 00:21:03.618
- And establish 350 water wells this year.
- 00:21:03.618 --> 00:21:06.254
- Your gift of $24
- 00:21:06.254 --> 00:21:08.256
- Will help provide clean water for five children.
- 00:21:08.256 --> 00:21:10.325
- A gift of $48 will help provide for ten.
- 00:21:10.325 --> 00:21:12.928
- And $144 will help provide
- 00:21:12.928 --> 00:21:15.330
- Life-giving water for 30 people
- 00:21:15.330 --> 00:21:17.466
- For a lifetime.
- 00:21:17.466 --> 00:21:19.601
- With a gift of any amount,
- 00:21:19.601 --> 00:21:21.603
- We'll send you dr. don colbert's new book
- 00:21:21.603 --> 00:21:23.605
- Spiritual health zone.
- 00:21:23.605 --> 00:21:25.607
- Discover the key to living in divine health
- 00:21:25.607 --> 00:21:27.609
- As you find a roadmap
- 00:21:27.609 --> 00:21:29.611
- To adding joy, peace, and years to your life.
- 00:21:29.611 --> 00:21:32.914
- With your gift of $100 or more,
- 00:21:32.914 --> 00:21:35.484
- You may request the
- 00:21:35.484 --> 00:21:37.486
- "he restores my soul" candle set.
- 00:21:37.486 --> 00:21:39.621
- This decorative candle and match set
- 00:21:39.621 --> 00:21:41.623
- Will inspire you to remember
- 00:21:41.623 --> 00:21:43.625
- The restoring presence of jesus,
- 00:21:43.625 --> 00:21:45.927
- The true light of the world.
- 00:21:45.927 --> 00:21:48.730
- Finally, please consider a gift of $1200
- 00:21:48.730 --> 00:21:51.533
- To help provide water for 250 people
- 00:21:51.533 --> 00:21:54.369
- Or a gift of $4800
- 00:21:54.369 --> 00:21:56.505
- To help sponsor a complete well,
- 00:21:56.505 --> 00:21:58.540
- And request our new bronze sculpture,
- 00:21:58.540 --> 00:22:00.542
- "lion of judah"
- 00:22:00.542 --> 00:22:02.544
- Inspired by revelation 5:5.
- 00:22:02.544 --> 00:22:05.113
- Please call, write, or make your gift online today!
- 00:22:05.113 --> 00:22:10.685
- Randy: you can give
- 00:22:10.786 --> 00:22:12.020
- Randy: you can give that gift of hope,
- 00:22:12.087 --> 00:22:13.155
- Randy: you can give that gift of hope, living hope today.
- 00:22:13.221 --> 00:22:14.222
- That gift of hope, living hope today. i hope you'll go online
- 00:22:14.289 --> 00:22:15.390
- Living hope today. i hope you'll go online or go to the phone and make
- 00:22:15.457 --> 00:22:16.591
- I hope you'll go online or go to the phone and make the best gift you can.
- 00:22:16.658 --> 00:22:17.726
- Or go to the phone and make the best gift you can. please be sure to request
- 00:22:17.793 --> 00:22:18.960
- The best gift you can. please be sure to request herod and mary
- 00:22:19.060 --> 00:22:20.195
- Please be sure to request herod and mary if you would like that.
- 00:22:20.262 --> 00:22:21.363
- Herod and mary if you would like that. kathie lee, thank you so much
- 00:22:21.430 --> 00:22:22.431
- If you would like that. kathie lee, thank you so much for being with us today!
- 00:22:22.497 --> 00:22:23.698
- Kathie lee, thank you so much for being with us today! kathie: thank you.
- 00:22:23.765 --> 00:22:25.000
- For being with us today! kathie: thank you. thank you, guys.
- 00:22:25.066 --> 00:22:26.301
- Kathie: thank you. thank you, guys. bless you, bless you!
- 00:22:26.368 --> 00:22:27.736
- Thank you, guys. bless you, bless you! tammy: yes, we loved it.
- 00:22:27.803 --> 00:22:28.837
- Bless you, bless you! tammy: yes, we loved it. thank you so much for
- 00:22:28.904 --> 00:22:29.971
- Tammy: yes, we loved it. thank you so much for watching and we'll see you
- 00:22:30.038 --> 00:22:31.006
- Thank you so much for watching and we'll see you next time on life today !
- 00:22:31.072 --> 00:22:33.341
- ♪
- 00:22:36.511 --> 00:22:42.984
- ♪
- 00:22:43.218 --> 00:22:54.963
- ♪ when darkness tries to roll over my bones ♪
- 00:22:55.997 --> 00:23:02.637
- ♪ when sorrow tries to steal the joy i own ♪
- 00:23:02.637 --> 00:23:08.310
- ♪ when brokenness and pain is all i know ♪
- 00:23:09.311 --> 00:23:14.449
- ♪ oh, i won't be shaken ♪
- 00:23:14.449 --> 00:23:18.186
- ♪ i won't be shaken ♪
- 00:23:18.186 --> 00:23:21.690
- ♪ 'cause my fear doesn't stand a chance ♪
- 00:23:22.624 --> 00:23:26.094
- ♪ when i stand in your love ♪
- 00:23:26.094 --> 00:23:29.297
- ♪ my fear doesn't stand a chance ♪
- 00:23:29.297 --> 00:23:32.701
- ♪ when i stand in your love ♪
- 00:23:32.701 --> 00:23:36.037
- ♪ my fear doesn't stand a chance ♪
- 00:23:36.037 --> 00:23:39.407
- ♪ when i stand in your love! ♪
- 00:23:39.407 --> 00:23:48.750
- ♪ shame no longer has a place to hide ♪
- 00:23:49.651 --> 00:23:55.991
- ♪ for i am not a captive to the lies ♪
- 00:23:55.991 --> 00:24:02.631
- ♪ i'm not afraid to leave my past behind ♪
- 00:24:02.631 --> 00:24:07.669
- ♪ no, i won't be shaken ♪
- 00:24:07.669 --> 00:24:11.473
- ♪ i won't be shaken! ♪
- 00:24:11.473 --> 00:24:14.910
- ♪ 'cause my fear doesn't stand a chance ♪
- 00:24:15.844 --> 00:24:19.214
- ♪ when i stand in your love ♪
- 00:24:19.214 --> 00:24:22.551
- ♪ my fear doesn't stand a chance ♪
- 00:24:22.551 --> 00:24:25.954
- ♪ when i stand in your love ♪
- 00:24:25.954 --> 00:24:29.291
- ♪ my fear doesn't stand a chance ♪
- 00:24:29.291 --> 00:24:32.694
- ♪ when i stand in your love! ♪
- 00:24:32.694 --> 00:24:48.209
- ♪ there's power that can break off every chain ♪
- 00:24:49.311 --> 00:24:55.684
- ♪ there's power that can empty out a grave ♪
- 00:24:55.684 --> 00:25:02.691
- ♪ there's resurrection power that can save ♪
- 00:25:02.691 --> 00:25:07.696
- ♪ there's power in your name ♪
- 00:25:07.696 --> 00:25:11.366
- ♪ power in your name ♪
- 00:25:11.366 --> 00:25:15.937
- ♪ there's power that can break off every chain ♪
- 00:25:15.937 --> 00:25:22.510
- ♪ there's power that can empty out a grave ♪
- 00:25:22.510 --> 00:25:29.150
- ♪ there's resurrection power that can save ♪
- 00:25:29.150 --> 00:25:34.322
- ♪ there's power in your name ♪
- 00:25:34.322 --> 00:25:38.026
- ♪ power in your name! ♪
- 00:25:38.026 --> 00:25:41.863
- ♪ 'cause my fear doesn't stand a chance ♪
- 00:25:42.797 --> 00:25:46.267
- ♪ when i stand in your love ♪
- 00:25:46.267 --> 00:25:49.304
- ♪ my fear doesn't stand a chance ♪
- 00:25:49.304 --> 00:25:52.607
- ♪ when i stand in your love ♪
- 00:25:52.607 --> 00:25:55.944
- ♪ my fear doesn't stand a chance ♪
- 00:25:55.944 --> 00:25:59.280
- ♪ when i stand in your love! ♪
- 00:25:59.280 --> 00:26:08.256
- ♪ i know my fear doesn't stand a chance ♪
- 00:26:09.190 --> 00:26:12.694
- ♪ when i stand in your love ♪
- 00:26:12.694 --> 00:26:15.964
- ♪ my fear doesn't stand a chance ♪
- 00:26:15.964 --> 00:26:19.300
- ♪ when i stand in your love ♪
- 00:26:19.300 --> 00:26:22.570
- ♪ my fear doesn't stand a chance ♪
- 00:26:22.570 --> 00:26:25.940
- ♪ when i stand in your love! ♪
- 00:26:25.940 --> 00:26:33.548
- ♪ i'm standing in your love ♪
- 00:26:34.349 --> 00:26:46.061
- Stay connected with life today
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- Through your favorite social media!
- 00:26:48.897 --> 00:26:50.899
- Get access to exclusive content
- 00:26:50.899 --> 00:26:52.901
- And news from all of the outreaches of life.
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- Subscribe, follow, like,
- 00:26:54.903 --> 00:26:56.905
- And get the life today social media experience!
- 00:26:56.905 --> 00:27:01.543
- After losing her sister at an early age,
- 00:27:02.544 --> 00:27:05.080
- And recently losing her father,
- 00:27:05.080 --> 00:27:07.148
- Ann voskamp clung to jesus by adding up
- 00:27:07.148 --> 00:27:10.118
- Her gifts and gratitudes.
- 00:27:10.118 --> 00:27:12.620
- Life today is made possible by the supporters of life outreach international.
- 00:27:12.620 --> 00:27:16.157
- Your gift will be used exclusively for the exempt purposes of life.
- 00:27:16.157 --> 00:27:19.260
- The ministry features specific outreaches
- 00:27:19.260 --> 00:27:21.329
- As examples of the programs it supports and conducts.
- 00:27:21.329 --> 00:27:23.398
- Gifts are considered to be without restriction
- 00:27:23.398 --> 00:27:25.467
- As to use unless explicitly stipulated by the donor.
- 00:27:25.467 --> 00:27:27.602
- The ministry is a member of the ecfa.
- 00:27:27.602 --> 00:27:27.602