The Winning Walk with Dr. Ed Young is the international on-air and online teaching ministry of Dr. Ed Young. The Winning Walk proclaims the proven truth of God’s Word to give men and women the world over a winning way to live life.
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The Winning Walk with Dr. Ed Young | Ed Young - Mountain of Covenant | November 25, 2024
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- Dr. ed young: ladies and gentlemen,
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- Our faith is based on fact.
- 00:00:23.370 --> 00:00:26.574
- We need to understand that.
- 00:00:26.574 --> 00:00:30.478
- If i wake up in the morning, and i'm depressed and down,
- 00:00:30.478 --> 00:00:35.516
- I'd say, oh, maybe jesus didn't rise from the dead.
- 00:00:35.516 --> 00:00:39.954
- That doesn't change the fact of that historical truth.
- 00:00:39.954 --> 00:00:45.793
- The fact of the gospel, we're in christ, we're in christ.
- 00:00:45.793 --> 00:00:49.063
- We are new people, brand-new.
- 00:00:49.063 --> 00:00:53.567
- That is a fact, and we rest our faith on that fact, remember?
- 00:00:53.567 --> 00:01:01.742
- It's our faith is rest on that fact.
- 00:01:01.742 --> 00:01:04.879
- One plus one is two.
- 00:01:04.879 --> 00:01:08.716
- Not going too fast for anybody.
- 00:01:08.716 --> 00:01:12.386
- We have faith that one plus one is two,
- 00:01:12.386 --> 00:01:16.490
- And that's part of what we believe about the foundational
- 00:01:16.490 --> 00:01:19.860
- Principles of mathematics.
- 00:01:19.860 --> 00:01:22.463
- One plus one is two.
- 00:01:22.463 --> 00:01:23.797
- We put our faith on that absolute fact.
- 00:01:23.797 --> 00:01:29.303
- Now, you can play with one plus one and get in quantum physics
- 00:01:29.303 --> 00:01:33.541
- And do all kinds of gymnastics and physics,
- 00:01:33.541 --> 00:01:36.410
- But still basically, we accept that fact and we put our faith
- 00:01:36.410 --> 00:01:40.648
- On it, and then if there's any emotion to something,
- 00:01:40.648 --> 00:01:43.484
- It follows along after faith and fact.
- 00:01:43.484 --> 00:01:46.654
- And we talked about when faith looks at feelings.
- 00:01:46.654 --> 00:01:51.492
- "well, i don't feel--" you know, some days,
- 00:01:51.492 --> 00:01:53.260
- You know, i tell you, by the time i speak all day sunday,
- 00:01:53.260 --> 00:01:58.666
- I don't believe in god till about 10:00 monday morning.
- 00:01:58.666 --> 00:02:03.537
- I'm being humorous, but the point is that you are just
- 00:02:03.537 --> 00:02:08.108
- Emotionally drained sometime, and you're not physically well.
- 00:02:08.108 --> 00:02:11.946
- And you say, "my feelings about, where is god"?
- 00:02:11.946 --> 00:02:15.583
- And our faith looks at our feelings.
- 00:02:15.583 --> 00:02:17.851
- Need to look at our fact and say,
- 00:02:17.851 --> 00:02:19.420
- "i am secure in the lord jesus christ!"
- 00:02:19.420 --> 00:02:25.059
- So, don't let your feelings control your faith because
- 00:02:25.059 --> 00:02:30.331
- Our faith is resting on fact.
- 00:02:30.331 --> 00:02:34.868
- So, we look in the bible, and we see that there is big-time
- 00:02:34.868 --> 00:02:40.207
- Trouble in the world.
- 00:02:40.207 --> 00:02:43.077
- And then we have this flood, but what went ahead of the flood?
- 00:02:43.077 --> 00:02:47.147
- What is the first thing that messed us up?
- 00:02:47.147 --> 00:02:51.785
- Man, adam and eve, wanted to run their own life just like
- 00:02:51.785 --> 00:02:54.388
- We want to run our own life.
- 00:02:54.388 --> 00:02:57.258
- And by the way, we were born trying to run our own life.
- 00:02:57.258 --> 00:03:00.794
- That's original sin.
- 00:03:00.794 --> 00:03:03.364
- And then we see what happened, they were kicked out
- 00:03:03.364 --> 00:03:06.066
- Of the garden.
- 00:03:06.066 --> 00:03:07.401
- The fall of man, the plan of redemption was built in.
- 00:03:07.401 --> 00:03:09.370
- And then you say generation after generation
- 00:03:09.370 --> 00:03:12.206
- After generation.
- 00:03:12.206 --> 00:03:15.976
- Genesis 2, 3, 4, 5, what do you have there?
- 00:03:15.976 --> 00:03:20.848
- Let me just summarize it in a pedestrian way.
- 00:03:20.848 --> 00:03:26.520
- What you have there is birth, life, marriage, children,
- 00:03:26.520 --> 00:03:35.596
- Grandchildren, death.
- 00:03:35.596 --> 00:03:37.364
- Birth, life, marriage, children, grandchildren, death.
- 00:03:37.364 --> 00:03:41.869
- Birth, life, you have over, and over, and over again,
- 00:03:41.869 --> 00:03:45.906
- Generation, after generation, after generation,
- 00:03:45.906 --> 00:03:49.209
- Until you wake up one day prior to the understanding
- 00:03:49.209 --> 00:03:54.982
- And the introduction of noah,
- 00:03:54.982 --> 00:03:57.685
- And the world is in a mess.
- 00:03:57.685 --> 00:04:01.255
- I promised you i'd let you guys in on this.
- 00:04:01.255 --> 00:04:05.759
- I'm not doing away with fact.
- 00:04:05.759 --> 00:04:08.929
- I'm not discouraged with faith, and feelings usually
- 00:04:08.929 --> 00:04:13.600
- Follow along, make no mistake about it.
- 00:04:13.600 --> 00:04:17.004
- Welcome.
- 00:04:17.004 --> 00:04:21.909
- So, the whole world was messed up.
- 00:04:21.909 --> 00:04:23.677
- Genesis, moses tells us clearly right here what was going on.
- 00:04:23.677 --> 00:04:28.716
- Look at genesis, chapter number 6, verse 5,
- 00:04:28.716 --> 00:04:31.819
- "then the lord saw," listen carefully,
- 00:04:31.819 --> 00:04:34.421
- "that the wickedness of man was great on the earth,
- 00:04:34.421 --> 00:04:39.927
- And that," listen, "every intent of the thoughts of
- 00:04:39.927 --> 00:04:44.098
- His heart was only evil continuously."
- 00:04:44.098 --> 00:04:49.269
- In other words, all of mankind 24/7,
- 00:04:49.269 --> 00:04:55.309
- Evil was on their heart, the whole world generation,
- 00:04:55.309 --> 00:05:02.349
- After generation, after generation.
- 00:05:02.349 --> 00:05:05.519
- Birth, life, marriage, children, grandchildren, death.
- 00:05:05.519 --> 00:05:14.862
- And now evil was on the heart of everybody and everywhere.
- 00:05:11.892 --> 00:05:18.232
- How did this happen? genesis tells us.
- 00:05:18.232 --> 00:05:21.735
- I'm gonna say it simply, seth people married cain people.
- 00:05:21.735 --> 00:05:33.480
- That's it.
- 00:05:33.781 --> 00:05:35.649
- Say, "what, what in the world is that"?
- 00:05:35.649 --> 00:05:38.018
- Seth people represent the lineage of god-fearing people.
- 00:05:38.018 --> 00:05:44.892
- Cain represents the lineage of godless,
- 00:05:44.892 --> 00:05:50.097
- Fleshly, secular people.
- 00:05:50.097 --> 00:05:52.466
- And what happened was, through all of these series
- 00:05:52.466 --> 00:05:55.502
- Of generation, seth people, god-fearing people,
- 00:05:55.502 --> 00:06:00.908
- Marrying secular, non-god-fearing people,
- 00:06:00.908 --> 00:06:04.077
- And it went on for generation after generation.
- 00:06:04.077 --> 00:06:06.647
- By the way, you call this compromise.
- 00:06:06.647 --> 00:06:11.452
- And they ended up until the whole world was decadent,
- 00:06:11.452 --> 00:06:16.957
- Was evil, had no hope, no future.
- 00:06:16.957 --> 00:06:22.796
- Boy, that's really something, isn't it?
- 00:06:22.796 --> 00:06:27.868
- I would guess that half the people here,
- 00:06:27.868 --> 00:06:31.939
- 30 and over who've been married, have been divorced, half.
- 00:06:31.939 --> 00:06:38.545
- That's just the way it is.
- 00:06:38.545 --> 00:06:40.914
- And i would tell you that the cause,
- 00:06:40.914 --> 00:06:43.984
- Many causes of divorce basically goes back to the same cause
- 00:06:43.984 --> 00:06:52.259
- That happened there in genesis right from the beginning,
- 00:06:52.259 --> 00:06:55.829
- The early stage of humanity.
- 00:06:55.829 --> 00:06:58.198
- Seth people married cain people, god-fearing folks married
- 00:06:58.198 --> 00:07:05.939
- Secular folks, and they had children,
- 00:07:05.939 --> 00:07:09.443
- And it was watered down the faith,
- 00:07:09.443 --> 00:07:11.545
- And they had children.
- 00:07:11.545 --> 00:07:12.913
- Oh, a few turning to god, and they had children
- 00:07:12.913 --> 00:07:15.082
- Until finally in time, the whole world was lost,
- 00:07:15.082 --> 00:07:20.120
- And decadent, and evil.
- 00:07:20.120 --> 00:07:22.789
- What's wrong with america?
- 00:07:22.789 --> 00:07:26.560
- Any thoughtful analogy will tell you it is the destruction
- 00:07:26.560 --> 00:07:31.732
- Of marriage and the family.
- 00:07:31.732 --> 00:07:35.502
- And it comes from, as everyone here can witness who've been
- 00:07:36.670 --> 00:07:39.940
- Through the horrific experience of divorce as i have close
- 00:07:39.940 --> 00:07:43.610
- And deep in my own family, will tell you it's basically
- 00:07:43.610 --> 00:07:47.781
- Seth person marrying a cana person.
- 00:07:47.781 --> 00:07:52.452
- Now you say, "well you know, he's a christian.
- 00:07:52.452 --> 00:07:54.588
- He's a member of the church. he's good, he's gonna be fine."
- 00:07:54.588 --> 00:07:58.959
- You know, he prays when we sit down and have a meal together.
- 00:07:58.959 --> 00:08:02.663
- I mean, you know, i think he's just a good christian boy,
- 00:08:02.663 --> 00:08:06.366
- But there was no real evidence of worship and obedience to god
- 00:08:06.366 --> 00:08:11.605
- In christ, and therefore, you have an unequal yoke.
- 00:08:11.605 --> 00:08:17.144
- That's the way it is. that's where we are.
- 00:08:17.144 --> 00:08:20.914
- And that kept on, that compromise,
- 00:08:20.914 --> 00:08:22.983
- Compromise, compromise.
- 00:08:22.983 --> 00:08:24.885
- "well, she'll come along, he'll come along."
- 00:08:24.885 --> 00:08:27.254
- Compromise, compromise until finally the diagnosis was clear
- 00:08:27.254 --> 00:08:31.692
- Made by god almighty saying, "there's no hope,
- 00:08:31.692 --> 00:08:36.063
- There's no future."
- 00:08:36.063 --> 00:08:38.065
- People get upset at god destroying sodom and gomorrah.
- 00:08:38.065 --> 00:08:41.234
- "oh, what a mean, vengeful god!"
- 00:08:41.234 --> 00:08:43.837
- Let me tell you something, god was showing mercy
- 00:08:43.837 --> 00:08:47.674
- And grace on sodom and gomorrah on the unborn generations
- 00:08:47.674 --> 00:08:50.911
- Because to be brought in that kind of decadent,
- 00:08:50.911 --> 00:08:54.548
- Immoral climate, a child would not have a chance to have a life
- 00:08:54.548 --> 00:08:59.019
- That would be pleasing to god or a life that was worth--that was
- 00:08:59.019 --> 00:09:02.155
- God's grace in that judgment, and it was god's grace
- 00:09:02.155 --> 00:09:07.828
- Right here because the people on the earth,
- 00:09:07.828 --> 00:09:10.130
- Even it flowed to all the animals,
- 00:09:10.130 --> 00:09:11.999
- All of creation was fallen, and there was no hope.
- 00:09:11.999 --> 00:09:16.937
- Now, we have five facts.
- 00:09:16.937 --> 00:09:22.042
- I want us to look at 'em as quick as zig-zag lightning.
- 00:09:22.042 --> 00:09:26.580
- That's pretty fast.
- 00:09:26.580 --> 00:09:28.782
- First, genesis 6, verse 8, "but noah found favor
- 00:09:28.782 --> 00:09:35.989
- In the eyes of the lord.
- 00:09:35.989 --> 00:09:38.692
- These are the records of the generation of noah,
- 00:09:38.692 --> 00:09:42.329
- And noah was a righteous man, blameless in his time.
- 00:09:42.329 --> 00:09:46.233
- Noah walked with god."
- 00:09:46.233 --> 00:09:49.302
- I hear a lot of people on television say,
- 00:09:49.302 --> 00:09:51.571
- "well, i found favor with god."
- 00:09:51.571 --> 00:09:54.641
- It sounds like they've rolled the die--and god has said,
- 00:09:54.641 --> 00:09:57.344
- "oh, i'm gonna show partiality to that one."
- 00:09:57.344 --> 00:10:00.614
- No, that's not the way it worked.
- 00:10:00.614 --> 00:10:02.749
- God shows favor to everybody who walks with him.
- 00:10:02.749 --> 00:10:08.255
- That's the requirement.
- 00:10:08.255 --> 00:10:10.323
- It's not capricious, it's those who walk with god.
- 00:10:10.323 --> 00:10:14.261
- And this verse says something about noah, guess what.
- 00:10:14.261 --> 00:10:17.097
- Noah walked with god.
- 00:10:17.097 --> 00:10:19.966
- Somebody said, "boy, being a christian is sure a tough thing.
- 00:10:19.966 --> 00:10:22.969
- I'm telling you, there's so much to understand.
- 00:10:22.969 --> 00:10:25.338
- It's so complicated.
- 00:10:25.338 --> 00:10:27.007
- Man, i don't know all the bible!"
- 00:10:27.007 --> 00:10:28.608
- Listen, it's very simple, walk with god, that's it.
- 00:10:28.608 --> 00:10:34.981
- Walk with god, receive christ, seek his leadership.
- 00:10:34.981 --> 00:10:39.019
- Doesn't mean we're perfect, doesn't mean we get our wings.
- 00:10:39.019 --> 00:10:41.855
- We just seek to walk with him, and we may get some hinds feet
- 00:10:41.855 --> 00:10:44.958
- Along the way so we can ascend and go in places
- 00:10:44.958 --> 00:10:48.729
- That he wants us to go, but just walk with god.
- 00:10:48.729 --> 00:10:51.164
- Noah didn't have an iq of 180.
- 00:10:51.164 --> 00:10:55.135
- Noah wasn't 6 feet 8, handsome, muscular.
- 00:10:55.135 --> 00:10:59.940
- He didn't have a big, strong voice of leadership.
- 00:10:59.940 --> 00:11:04.511
- He wasn't necessarily ambitious.
- 00:11:04.511 --> 00:11:08.048
- When god was going to destroy the world he didn't say,
- 00:11:08.048 --> 00:11:10.350
- "oh god, let me be the remnant, just keep me and my family."
- 00:11:10.350 --> 00:11:15.122
- No, no, no, noah just walked with god.
- 00:11:15.122 --> 00:11:17.691
- That's all it is, folks.
- 00:11:17.691 --> 00:11:19.860
- It's in view of everybody.
- 00:11:19.860 --> 00:11:21.294
- It's very flat there, just walk with god.
- 00:11:21.294 --> 00:11:24.030
- He's a farmer, maybe did a little carpentry work,
- 00:11:24.030 --> 00:11:27.901
- I don't know.
- 00:11:27.901 --> 00:11:30.137
- Had this midlife crisis after living about 500 years,
- 00:11:30.137 --> 00:11:36.409
- And god says something special to noah,
- 00:11:36.409 --> 00:11:41.214
- But first of all, the qualification was,
- 00:11:41.214 --> 00:11:44.217
- He just walked with god.
- 00:11:44.217 --> 00:11:45.552
- That's all we have to do.
- 00:11:45.552 --> 00:11:47.120
- Don't have to worry about big, little, small, important,
- 00:11:47.120 --> 00:11:50.123
- Prestigious, rich, poor, doesn't matter what i do.
- 00:11:50.123 --> 00:11:52.926
- It's just walk with god. that's all noah did.
- 00:11:52.926 --> 00:11:56.830
- You know, that'd be a good tv thing, "winning walk."
- 00:11:56.830 --> 00:11:58.999
- I mean, noah had a winning walk.
- 00:11:58.999 --> 00:12:04.838
- He, first thing, first fact, noah walked with god.
- 00:12:04.838 --> 00:12:08.875
- Second fact, mind you now, there's not a lot of feeling
- 00:12:08.875 --> 00:12:12.379
- Here, just bang, bang, bang, here are the facts.
- 00:12:12.379 --> 00:12:15.816
- Here's the second fact, then god, verse 13,
- 00:12:15.816 --> 00:12:18.985
- Said to noah, "the end of all flesh has come before me,
- 00:12:18.985 --> 00:12:23.123
- For the earth is filled with violence because of them,
- 00:12:23.123 --> 00:12:26.326
- And behold, i'm about to destroy them with the earth.
- 00:12:26.326 --> 00:12:29.996
- Make for yourself an ark."
- 00:12:29.996 --> 00:12:33.466
- Noah built an ark.
- 00:12:33.466 --> 00:12:35.468
- Noah built a boat.
- 00:12:35.468 --> 00:12:37.337
- He walked with god.
- 00:12:37.337 --> 00:12:39.706
- The fact was that god said, "build a boat," and noah said,
- 00:12:39.706 --> 00:12:43.343
- "right on.
- 00:12:43.343 --> 00:12:45.312
- I'll build a boat!"
- 00:12:45.312 --> 00:12:47.280
- And god gave him, if you read it very carefully,
- 00:12:47.280 --> 00:12:50.517
- Specific instructions for building a boat.
- 00:12:50.517 --> 00:12:54.321
- He said, "i want you to build this boat 450 feet long,"
- 00:12:54.321 --> 00:12:59.626
- That's about a football field and a half.
- 00:12:59.626 --> 00:13:02.562
- "i want you to build it 75 feet wide,
- 00:13:02.562 --> 00:13:06.399
- 45 feet high, build a boat."
- 00:13:06.399 --> 00:13:11.938
- Noah started to build a boat.
- 00:13:11.938 --> 00:13:14.541
- Do you know how long it took him to build the ark?
- 00:13:14.541 --> 00:13:17.911
- A hundred and twenty years.
- 00:13:17.911 --> 00:13:21.715
- And can you imagine, he was building that ark
- 00:13:21.715 --> 00:13:24.551
- Hundreds of miles from any large body of water,
- 00:13:24.551 --> 00:13:28.622
- What his neighbors were saying?
- 00:13:28.622 --> 00:13:30.924
- "noah, what in the world are you doing"?
- 00:13:30.924 --> 00:13:34.060
- "i'm building a boat."
- 00:13:34.060 --> 00:13:35.695
- "my, a boat this big?
- 00:13:35.695 --> 00:13:37.230
- My glory, what a boat.
- 00:13:37.230 --> 00:13:39.065
- We'd have no place to sail that boat."
- 00:13:39.065 --> 00:13:41.201
- He said, "we'll have a flood because god's gonna judge
- 00:13:41.201 --> 00:13:43.837
- All the wickedness that's in the lives of people."
- 00:13:43.837 --> 00:13:47.474
- "ah, my goodness, god, yeah, that's--you're just crazy.
- 00:13:47.474 --> 00:13:52.846
- You, you're a fundamentalist.
- 00:13:52.846 --> 00:13:54.581
- You, you, you--"
- 00:13:54.581 --> 00:13:56.249
- "no, god told me to build a boat, that's all i know.
- 00:13:56.249 --> 00:13:57.951
- He told me the size to build it."
- 00:13:57.951 --> 00:13:59.986
- And can you imagine, all these years, noah, his wife,
- 00:13:59.986 --> 00:14:06.426
- Three sons, their wives, people looking and says,
- 00:14:06.426 --> 00:14:09.629
- "there's that crazy noah, building that big ole' boat.
- 00:14:09.629 --> 00:14:15.669
- He says we're gonna have a flood.
- 00:14:15.669 --> 00:14:18.905
- It's gonna reach us way over here, the water.
- 00:14:18.905 --> 00:14:21.741
- Nah, no way."
- 00:14:21.741 --> 00:14:23.510
- And they just laughed at him.
- 00:14:23.510 --> 00:14:25.779
- Let me tell you what that boat was.
- 00:14:25.779 --> 00:14:27.781
- That boat was a living sermon, wasn't it?
- 00:14:27.781 --> 00:14:31.351
- It was reminding everybody here was noah who was a righteous man
- 00:14:31.351 --> 00:14:35.588
- Who had a righteous family, and that was a witness
- 00:14:35.588 --> 00:14:40.627
- To all of those who were living those decadent, ungodly lives.
- 00:14:40.627 --> 00:14:44.564
- Ladies and gentlemen, your life or my life can be
- 00:14:44.564 --> 00:14:47.500
- That same kind of witness in this broken world.
- 00:14:47.500 --> 00:14:51.838
- That boat was a physical witness to everybody who looked at it.
- 00:14:51.838 --> 00:14:57.944
- Can't you imagine?
- 00:14:57.944 --> 00:14:59.346
- You'd go visit he'd say, "you gotta go see my neighbor's boat!
- 00:14:59.346 --> 00:15:02.549
- Heh, heh, heh, heh, football field and a half long."
- 00:15:02.549 --> 00:15:08.555
- Went on for 120 years.
- 00:15:08.555 --> 00:15:14.394
- Noah built a boat, fact.
- 00:15:14.394 --> 00:15:17.497
- Second fact, noah got in the boat, once again,
- 00:15:17.497 --> 00:15:21.701
- Instructed by god.
- 00:15:21.701 --> 00:15:23.036
- Excuse me, third fact.
- 00:15:23.036 --> 00:15:24.671
- "then the lord said to noah, 'enter the ark,
- 00:15:24.671 --> 00:15:26.940
- You and all your household, for you alone has seen to be
- 00:15:26.940 --> 00:15:30.343
- Righteous before me at this time."
- 00:15:30.343 --> 00:15:32.512
- And so, noah got in with all the animals.
- 00:15:32.512 --> 00:15:36.416
- By the way, you say, "well, that's impossible."
- 00:15:36.416 --> 00:15:38.685
- No, no, no, they've calculated you can put 50,000
- 00:15:38.685 --> 00:15:42.088
- Smaller animals in that ark by that dimension.
- 00:15:42.088 --> 00:15:45.058
- By the way, it's pretty close, the dimensions of one of these
- 00:15:45.058 --> 00:15:47.727
- Big, big liners that many of you go on and take cruises on.
- 00:15:47.727 --> 00:15:54.100
- I don't do that.
- 00:15:54.100 --> 00:15:55.635
- I get seasick taking a bath, but many of you've done that.
- 00:15:55.635 --> 00:16:01.775
- That's sort of the dimensions.
- 00:16:01.775 --> 00:16:03.343
- I mean, they put thousands on, so there you see it.
- 00:16:03.343 --> 00:16:06.479
- And so, we have-- they entered the boat.
- 00:16:06.479 --> 00:16:11.151
- And then, how long do you think there were out there
- 00:16:11.151 --> 00:16:14.988
- On the water?
- 00:16:14.988 --> 00:16:18.792
- First of all, they went in for seven days before it rained.
- 00:16:18.792 --> 00:16:22.695
- That was a good one.
- 00:16:22.695 --> 00:16:24.697
- God said, "get in the boat. we're gonna have a flood."
- 00:16:24.697 --> 00:16:26.866
- Monday, tuesday, wednesday, no rain.
- 00:16:26.866 --> 00:16:29.469
- Thursday, friday, and most people believe the world
- 00:16:29.469 --> 00:16:32.338
- Had never seen rain.
- 00:16:32.338 --> 00:16:33.673
- They'd seen mist.
- 00:16:33.673 --> 00:16:35.475
- And no rain, and finally can't you see his son saying,
- 00:16:35.475 --> 00:16:38.244
- "hey dad, um, you know, we don't want to stay in a boat
- 00:16:38.244 --> 00:16:41.881
- With all these animals in here.
- 00:16:41.881 --> 00:16:44.117
- It's already getting pretty tough.
- 00:16:44.117 --> 00:16:45.752
- Are you sure--"
- 00:16:45.752 --> 00:16:46.986
- "yeah, god says, get in the boat."
- 00:16:46.986 --> 00:16:50.723
- In fact, he put his faith on the fact of what god had said,
- 00:16:50.723 --> 00:16:55.728
- Very simple.
- 00:16:55.728 --> 00:16:57.530
- Then the seventh day, little sprinkling.
- 00:16:57.530 --> 00:17:01.734
- Before long, there was a deluge, there was a flood,
- 00:17:01.734 --> 00:17:05.672
- A flood, a once-in-the-history-of-the-world
- 00:17:05.672 --> 00:17:08.641
- Flood, and it flooded everything.
- 00:17:08.641 --> 00:17:10.376
- It flooded over the highest of mountains.
- 00:17:10.376 --> 00:17:13.446
- And a year and 17 days, they were at sea in that box-like
- 00:17:13.446 --> 00:17:19.686
- Coffin with all the animals, and with that one family
- 00:17:19.686 --> 00:17:24.924
- Which was a godly remnant that was left alive.
- 00:17:24.924 --> 00:17:31.197
- Boy, can you imagine how they felt?
- 00:17:31.197 --> 00:17:35.435
- Can you imagine the emotions involved until they said,
- 00:17:35.435 --> 00:17:39.072
- "you know, maybe god's forgotten us."
- 00:17:39.072 --> 00:17:41.207
- But you got a great little verse in here that i really love.
- 00:17:41.207 --> 00:17:46.713
- It's found over here in the 8th chapter,
- 00:17:46.713 --> 00:17:49.182
- Verse 1, "but god remembered noah."
- 00:17:49.182 --> 00:17:51.584
- "lord, i'm glad you remembered me.
- 00:17:51.584 --> 00:17:53.720
- I thought you'd forgotten me.
- 00:17:53.720 --> 00:17:55.155
- Everything's dead, everything's destroyed.
- 00:17:55.155 --> 00:17:57.090
- The whole world is flooded.
- 00:17:57.090 --> 00:17:58.458
- We've been bouncing around here."
- 00:17:58.458 --> 00:18:00.026
- By the way, the word "remember" there in hebrew,
- 00:18:00.026 --> 00:18:03.129
- It doesn't mean to recall.
- 00:18:03.129 --> 00:18:05.398
- The word "remember" here means to renew.
- 00:18:05.398 --> 00:18:09.402
- God was renewing the world as we're gonna discover, to renew.
- 00:18:09.402 --> 00:18:15.141
- Fresh new beginning, a new start, a clean slate,
- 00:18:15.141 --> 00:18:18.545
- Everything wiped out, everything now just bright,
- 00:18:18.545 --> 00:18:22.482
- And clean, and sparkling, and pure.
- 00:18:22.482 --> 00:18:25.552
- Think about it, it's the garden of eden 2, in one sense.
- 00:18:25.552 --> 00:18:30.490
- And then, we see the other fourth fact about noah.
- 00:18:30.490 --> 00:18:33.860
- And god spoke to noah saying, "go out of the ark,
- 00:18:33.860 --> 00:18:39.399
- And your wife, and your sons, and with you."
- 00:18:39.399 --> 00:18:41.734
- And so they, now finally, they have stopped.
- 00:18:41.734 --> 00:18:45.305
- They sent out the raven and the doves,
- 00:18:45.305 --> 00:18:48.241
- And now the boat is stopped.
- 00:18:48.241 --> 00:18:51.311
- And now they get out of the ark.
- 00:18:51.311 --> 00:18:54.681
- What do you think the first thing jonah did?
- 00:18:54.681 --> 00:18:57.951
- Now, remind you, whole new world--whole--did i say jonah?
- 00:18:57.951 --> 00:19:04.591
- I'm getting jonah and noah, both of 'em had a problem
- 00:19:04.591 --> 00:19:07.260
- In the ocean, that's all i know.
- 00:19:07.260 --> 00:19:11.698
- Man, after three times, they're almost interchangeable.
- 00:19:11.698 --> 00:19:22.342
- So, noah and his family get out of the big boat,
- 00:19:22.342 --> 00:19:27.413
- And now the whole world is brand-new,
- 00:19:27.413 --> 00:19:31.084
- New creation, new life, the animals go out
- 00:19:31.084 --> 00:19:33.820
- To the natural habitat, and boy, it's a whole new beginning.
- 00:19:33.820 --> 00:19:37.223
- And by the way, you read it carefully, it's almost like
- 00:19:37.223 --> 00:19:40.159
- The garden of eden 2, but not really.
- 00:19:40.159 --> 00:19:42.395
- Things have changed.
- 00:19:42.395 --> 00:19:44.530
- Capital punishment is introduced for murder,
- 00:19:44.530 --> 00:19:46.933
- Which is still valid today, by the way.
- 00:19:46.933 --> 00:19:50.470
- And, the relationship between man and animals,
- 00:19:50.470 --> 00:19:53.139
- And all of this moves on, but what is
- 00:19:53.139 --> 00:19:55.875
- The first thing noah did?
- 00:19:55.875 --> 00:19:58.311
- You know what he did?
- 00:19:58.311 --> 00:20:00.380
- Built an altar, came out of the ark,
- 00:20:00.380 --> 00:20:02.982
- Built an altar, why?
- 00:20:02.982 --> 00:20:05.318
- It's the first altar that's built
- 00:20:05.318 --> 00:20:06.719
- In all the bible right there.
- 00:20:06.719 --> 00:20:09.355
- And he worshipped.
- 00:20:09.355 --> 00:20:10.990
- You see, god remembered noah, and then noah remembered god.
- 00:20:10.990 --> 00:20:16.729
- Isn't that beautiful?
- 00:20:16.729 --> 00:20:18.531
- He built an altar.
- 00:20:18.531 --> 00:20:19.999
- And what's the next thing he did?
- 00:20:19.999 --> 00:20:21.567
- And by the way, this is a question that's not asked,
- 00:20:21.567 --> 00:20:24.737
- But it is asked because it's an answer.
- 00:20:24.737 --> 00:20:28.908
- Noah said, "what am i gonna do with the ark?
- 00:20:28.908 --> 00:20:34.113
- Do i need to keep it?
- 00:20:34.113 --> 00:20:35.682
- It's a pretty big ole' guy."
- 00:20:35.682 --> 00:20:38.951
- Much, much bigger than this room, by the way.
- 00:20:38.951 --> 00:20:41.921
- "what am i going to do about the ark?" said noah.
- 00:20:41.921 --> 00:20:45.625
- God said, "you're not gonna need it.
- 00:20:45.625 --> 00:20:49.896
- Nobody's ever gonna need it."
- 00:20:49.896 --> 00:20:51.464
- And now we have the fifth thing involving noah,
- 00:20:51.464 --> 00:20:55.201
- And that is a covenant is made.
- 00:20:55.201 --> 00:20:58.705
- This is the fifth fact i want us to see very,
- 00:20:58.705 --> 00:21:02.742
- Very clearly here.
- 00:21:02.742 --> 00:21:04.677
- It says, verse 13, "i set my bow in the cloud,
- 00:21:04.677 --> 00:21:07.847
- And it shall be for a sign of a covenant between me
- 00:21:07.847 --> 00:21:10.516
- And the earth.
- 00:21:10.516 --> 00:21:12.218
- It shall come about when i bring a cloud over the earth that the
- 00:21:12.218 --> 00:21:15.922
- Bow will be seen in the cloud, and i will remember my covenant,
- 00:21:15.922 --> 00:21:20.560
- Which is between me and you and every living creature
- 00:21:20.560 --> 00:21:24.030
- Of all flesh, and never again shall the water become a flood
- 00:21:24.030 --> 00:21:27.567
- To destroy all flesh."
- 00:21:27.567 --> 00:21:31.404
- A covenant is established now with noah.
- 00:21:31.404 --> 00:21:36.209
- God says, "here it is.
- 00:21:36.209 --> 00:21:40.613
- If you, you're a part of it, except with noah's covenant
- 00:21:40.613 --> 00:21:45.385
- And he makes--it is a unilateral covenant.
- 00:21:45.385 --> 00:21:49.522
- He says, "this i will do with all humanity.
- 00:21:49.522 --> 00:21:52.325
- You don't have to worry about me destroying the world again.
- 00:21:52.325 --> 00:21:55.261
- The world may be destroyed, but man will do it.
- 00:21:55.261 --> 00:21:58.030
- God will not do it."
- 00:21:58.030 --> 00:21:59.632
- And we look in the sky, we see that bow,
- 00:21:59.632 --> 00:22:01.200
- That rainbow up there.
- 00:22:01.200 --> 00:22:03.202
- And by the way, you notice something very interesting here.
- 00:22:03.202 --> 00:22:06.606
- When you look at the sky, it doesn't remind us
- 00:22:06.606 --> 00:22:09.142
- Of that covenant.
- 00:22:09.142 --> 00:22:12.011
- The bible says, read it carefully.
- 00:22:12.011 --> 00:22:14.580
- I read it over it says, "god remembers."
- 00:22:14.580 --> 00:22:19.819
- Isn't that something?
- 00:22:19.819 --> 00:22:21.487
- So, we look and see the rainbow.
- 00:22:21.487 --> 00:22:23.022
- We say, "god remembers this covenant that he has placed
- 00:22:23.022 --> 00:22:27.527
- Over you and over all humanity."
- 00:22:27.527 --> 00:22:30.163
- And then we look up and we say, "now we remember that
- 00:22:30.163 --> 00:22:33.633
- We are secure, and we're under this covenant of the rainbow."
- 00:22:33.633 --> 00:22:36.903
- Let me show you something.
- 00:22:36.903 --> 00:22:40.706
- The cross of jesus christ is the new rainbow, see?
- 00:22:40.706 --> 00:22:46.412
- It's the new promise.
- 00:22:46.412 --> 00:22:48.648
- It is the new covenant in which we confess and we receive,
- 00:22:48.648 --> 00:22:53.152
- And we know that god so loved us in christ,
- 00:22:53.152 --> 00:22:56.622
- He initiated that love.
- 00:22:56.622 --> 00:22:58.624
- Let me tell you how much he loves us.
- 00:22:58.624 --> 00:23:00.293
- While you and i were still living in garbage,
- 00:23:00.293 --> 00:23:02.462
- He died for us.
- 00:23:02.462 --> 00:23:04.831
- The one who is just became the justifier.
- 00:23:04.831 --> 00:23:09.068
- The one who knew no sin took all of our sin upon him,
- 00:23:09.068 --> 00:23:13.773
- And he makes that promise to us.
- 00:23:13.773 --> 00:23:18.044
- Because he lives, we too shall live.
- 00:23:18.044 --> 00:23:20.680
- And we've picked up a lot of nonsense
- 00:23:20.680 --> 00:23:24.484
- That we attribute to the bible.
- 00:23:24.484 --> 00:23:26.219
- We say, "god will always meet you halfway."
- 00:23:26.219 --> 00:23:28.721
- Would you show me that scripture?
- 00:23:28.721 --> 00:23:34.360
- You see, a lot of things, god is already there
- 00:23:34.360 --> 00:23:38.097
- With his love before we ever get there.
- 00:23:38.097 --> 00:23:41.200
- See, love is risky.
- 00:23:41.200 --> 00:23:44.036
- God took that risk when his son entered this world.
- 00:23:44.036 --> 00:23:48.241
- What a great risk of love.
- 00:23:48.241 --> 00:23:51.344
- You tell somebody you love 'em, first time, i remember,
- 00:23:51.344 --> 00:23:54.881
- Jo beth and i were on a date.
- 00:23:54.881 --> 00:23:56.582
- We dated a while.
- 00:23:56.582 --> 00:23:57.917
- She got in the car, and i didn't pull away from her house,
- 00:23:57.917 --> 00:24:00.653
- And i said, "jobie, i don't like you anymore."
- 00:24:00.653 --> 00:24:03.322
- And she looked at me and she said--i said, "i love you."
- 00:24:03.322 --> 00:24:09.595
- That's a great risk.
- 00:24:09.595 --> 00:24:11.964
- That's a big risk, isn't it guys?
- 00:24:11.964 --> 00:24:14.033
- You don't know.
- 00:24:14.033 --> 00:24:15.401
- You can't tell, but that's what god has done.
- 00:24:15.401 --> 00:24:18.538
- God has taken that risk, and he has died for us on the cross.
- 00:24:18.538 --> 00:24:23.543
- He took all of our garbage upon him before we even knew it.
- 00:24:23.543 --> 00:24:28.114
- It was already there for us, a love that will never let us go,
- 00:24:28.114 --> 00:24:32.652
- Amazing, staggering.
- 00:24:32.652 --> 00:24:36.722
- So therefore, one day we'll unpack all the truth behind
- 00:24:36.722 --> 00:24:39.859
- The promise of the rainbow because the arch there is like
- 00:24:39.859 --> 00:24:48.334
- The body of jesus christ on that cross, and in revelation,
- 00:24:48.334 --> 00:24:53.439
- It tells us that around the throne of god almighty
- 00:24:53.439 --> 00:24:58.010
- In jesus christ, there is a complete bow,
- 00:24:58.010 --> 00:25:01.747
- A complete rainbow.
- 00:25:01.747 --> 00:25:03.950
- A rainbow is beautiful.
- 00:25:03.950 --> 00:25:05.518
- It reminds us of the beauty of god we have in jesus christ.
- 00:25:05.518 --> 00:25:10.957
- Ed: there's something about being on top of a mountain.
- 00:25:12.091 --> 00:25:15.328
- On top of a mountain, it's awe-inspiring.
- 00:25:15.328 --> 00:25:19.899
- On top of a mountain, somehow we feel a sense of reverence,
- 00:25:19.899 --> 00:25:25.137
- And are closest to the almighty that we perhaps feel
- 00:25:25.137 --> 00:25:28.841
- No other place on the planet.
- 00:25:28.841 --> 00:25:31.577
- Male announcer: in his series, "made to climb,"
- 00:25:31.577 --> 00:25:33.245
- Dr. young leads us up the most essential mountains
- 00:25:33.245 --> 00:25:35.948
- Of the bible.
- 00:25:35.948 --> 00:25:37.283
- We'll discover that we're not made to sit in the valley,
- 00:25:37.283 --> 00:25:40.119
- But to ascend to the mountaintops
- 00:25:40.119 --> 00:25:42.588
- Where god can show us how to truly live.
- 00:25:42.588 --> 00:25:46.025
- To get your copy of the series "made to climb," call
- 00:25:46.025 --> 00:25:49.161
- The number on your screen or go online at
- 00:25:49.161 --> 00:25:53.099
- It's our gift to you for your financial support
- 00:25:53.099 --> 00:25:55.735
- Of this ministry.
- 00:25:55.735 --> 00:25:57.603
- Ed: we're made to climb. we're supposed to climb.
- 00:25:57.603 --> 00:26:02.208
- We, as human beings, are called to climb the mountains.
- 00:26:02.208 --> 00:26:11.250
- ♪♪♪
- 00:26:11.517 --> 00:26:22.228
- Ed: i'm always amazed when i see a rainbow.
- 00:26:22.228 --> 00:26:25.197
- You see, god places rainbows in the sky as a reminder
- 00:26:25.197 --> 00:26:28.601
- Of his presence and of his provision.
- 00:26:28.601 --> 00:26:31.904
- It means that god has not forgotten you and he knows
- 00:26:31.904 --> 00:26:34.740
- When you are in a storm and your life is filled with difficulty.
- 00:26:34.740 --> 00:26:38.911
- God knows and god always provides for his children
- 00:26:38.911 --> 00:26:43.683
- Before, during, and following any storms
- 00:26:43.683 --> 00:26:47.019
- They encounter in life.
- 00:26:47.019 --> 00:26:49.088
- Are you experiencing a storm in your life right now?
- 00:26:49.088 --> 00:26:53.926
- Call the number on your screen, right now.
- 00:26:53.926 --> 00:26:57.229
- We want to pray for you and help guide you through
- 00:26:57.229 --> 00:26:59.498
- Whatever storm you're facing.
- 00:26:59.498 --> 00:27:02.601
- Remember, he loves you and keeps his promises every single time,
- 00:27:02.601 --> 00:27:07.606
- No exceptions.
- 00:27:07.606 --> 00:27:09.375
- And thank you for watching today.
- 00:27:09.375 --> 00:27:11.010
- Be sure to tune in next week for "the winning walk."
- 00:27:11.010 --> 00:27:15.781
- ♪♪♪
- 00:27:16.048 --> 00:27:30.000