Join Pastor Greg Laurie for a time of encouragement, worship, and Bible study.
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Harvest with Pastor Greg Laurie | Greg Laurie - Facing Your Giants | January 10, 2025
- Greg laurie: your battle that you're fighting,
- 00:00:04.180 --> 00:00:06.182
- Your challenges that you're facing,
- 00:00:06.182 --> 00:00:08.585
- Your temptations that you're experiencing, listen to this:
- 00:00:08.585 --> 00:00:12.455
- The battle belongs to the lord.
- 00:00:12.455 --> 00:00:15.191
- ♪ this is the day, the day where life begins ♪
- 00:00:18.962 --> 00:00:26.236
- ♪ this is the day, the day where life begins ♪♪
- 00:00:26.236 --> 00:00:36.246
- Greg: you know, we all have giants that we face in life.
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- What do i mean by a giant?
- 00:00:44.421 --> 00:00:46.456
- I mean what appears to be an insurmountable problem, issue,
- 00:00:46.456 --> 00:00:52.028
- Or difficulty; something that may be dark and sinister
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- Prowling around the perimeter of your life, or some challenge,
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- Or difficulty that you don't see ever been resolved.
- 00:01:02.672 --> 00:01:07.577
- There's all kinds of giants we face in life.
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- There's like the giant of fear,
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- Something that's frightening you right now.
- 00:01:13.349 --> 00:01:16.553
- Is there something like that, something that when you think
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- About it your heart just kind of grip with panic?
- 00:01:18.888 --> 00:01:22.058
- And maybe it's what's going to come your way,
- 00:01:22.058 --> 00:01:24.494
- Maybe it's problems you're having at home,
- 00:01:24.494 --> 00:01:26.396
- But there's something you're deeply afraid of.
- 00:01:26.396 --> 00:01:28.598
- Or maybe you're just sort of a worrywart.
- 00:01:28.598 --> 00:01:30.867
- "what if this happens?
- 00:01:30.867 --> 00:01:32.302
- What if that happens?"
- 00:01:32.302 --> 00:01:33.870
- It's not even a rational fear, but it's real nonetheless.
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- Or it might be a giant of some kind of a personal sin,
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- A certain area in your life where you are weak,
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- A sin that you fall into over and over and over again.
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- You'll have victory over it for a few weeks, sometimes
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- Even a month, but then it comes back with a vengeance.
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- It might be pride, or envy, or gluttony, or pornography,
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- Or drinking, or drugs, or something like that;
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- But it's a giant that taunts you day in and day out.
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- I want to tell you how you can overcome your giant, how you can
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- Defeat your giant; and to do that i'm going to
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- A very familiar story, the story of david and goliath.
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- Hebrews 11, look at that with me, if you would.
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- Verse 32, "what more can i say?
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- For the time would fail me to tell of gideon and barak and
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- Samson and jephthah, also of david and of samuel
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- And the prophets: who through faith subdued kingdoms,
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- Worked righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths
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- Of lions, quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge
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- Of the sword, out of weakness they were made strong,
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- And they became valiant in battle.
- 00:02:45.041 --> 00:02:47.177
- They turned to fight the armies of the aliens.
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- Women received their dead raised to life again."
- 00:02:50.180 --> 00:02:53.683
- David stands out in scripture.
- 00:02:53.683 --> 00:02:56.085
- Fascinating thing that not a lot of ink is given to david in
- 00:02:56.085 --> 00:03:00.390
- Hebrews 11, but in other passages there's so much
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- About him, especially in the old testament.
- 00:03:03.893 --> 00:03:06.296
- But also he's mentioned so many times in the new testament as
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- A point of reference, really remembered as the greatest king
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- In the history of israel, and it's worth noting that
- 00:03:13.970 --> 00:03:16.773
- Jesus christ himself said he was the son of david
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- On more than one occasion.
- 00:03:21.044 --> 00:03:23.947
- David, a man of contrasts.
- 00:03:23.947 --> 00:03:26.583
- He was a warrior, and he was a worshiper.
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- Sometimes people say, "i'm a lover, not a fighter."
- 00:03:30.220 --> 00:03:33.489
- David was both.
- 00:03:33.489 --> 00:03:34.958
- He was a fighter.
- 00:03:34.958 --> 00:03:36.426
- He was a lover.
- 00:03:36.426 --> 00:03:37.860
- He was a man after god's own heart.
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- He was a sinner.
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- We all know his story well.
- 00:03:41.064 --> 00:03:42.865
- 1 samuel chapter 17, we're going to start in verse 40
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- And read down to verse 51.
- 00:03:47.303 --> 00:03:49.505
- And by the way, i'm reading from the new living translation.
- 00:03:49.505 --> 00:03:53.443
- Verse 40, "he picked up five smooth stones from a stream
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- And put them in his shepherd's bag.
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- Then armed with his shepherd's staff and sling,
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- He started across to fight goliath.
- 00:04:03.486 --> 00:04:05.722
- Goliath walked out toward david with his shield bearer ahead
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- Of him, sneering in contempt at the ruddy-faced boy.
- 00:04:08.625 --> 00:04:12.629
- He roared at david,
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- 'am i a dog that you come at me with a stick?'
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- And he cursed david by the names of his gods.
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- Goliath yelled, 'come over here,
- 00:04:20.270 --> 00:04:22.071
- And i'll give your flesh to the birds and wild animals.'"
- 00:04:22.071 --> 00:04:25.108
- I love david's response.
- 00:04:25.108 --> 00:04:26.876
- "david shouted in reply, 'you come to me with a sword
- 00:04:26.876 --> 00:04:30.780
- And a spear and a javelin, but i come to you in the name
- 00:04:30.780 --> 00:04:33.516
- Of the lord god almighty, the god of the armies of israel,
- 00:04:33.516 --> 00:04:36.386
- Whom you have defied.'"
- 00:04:36.386 --> 00:04:38.321
- Now look at david's faith.
- 00:04:38.321 --> 00:04:39.889
- "today the lord will conquer you, and i will kill you
- 00:04:39.889 --> 00:04:42.392
- And cut off your head.
- 00:04:42.392 --> 00:04:44.127
- Then i'll give the dead bodies of your men to the birds and
- 00:04:44.127 --> 00:04:46.929
- Wild animals, and the whole world will know there is a god
- 00:04:46.929 --> 00:04:49.866
- In israel and everyone will know the lord does not need weapons
- 00:04:49.866 --> 00:04:53.303
- To rescue his people.
- 00:04:53.303 --> 00:04:54.937
- It's his battle, not ours.
- 00:04:54.937 --> 00:04:57.106
- The lord will give you to us."
- 00:04:57.106 --> 00:04:59.242
- Now notice, "as--goliath moved closer to attack,
- 00:04:59.242 --> 00:05:03.513
- David quickly ran out to meet him."
- 00:05:03.513 --> 00:05:06.416
- Notice that. he ran out to meet him.
- 00:05:06.416 --> 00:05:09.419
- Verse 49, "reaching into his shepherd's bag and taking out
- 00:05:09.419 --> 00:05:12.755
- A stone, he hurled it from his sling and hit the philistine
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- In the forehead.
- 00:05:16.459 --> 00:05:18.094
- The stone sank in and goliath stumbled, and he fell face
- 00:05:18.094 --> 00:05:21.164
- Downward on the ground."
- 00:05:21.164 --> 00:05:22.899
- So now david finishes the job.
- 00:05:22.899 --> 00:05:25.001
- Verse 50, "so david triumphed over the philistine giant
- 00:05:25.001 --> 00:05:30.573
- With only a stone and a sling.
- 00:05:30.573 --> 00:05:33.409
- And since he had no sword he ran over and pulled goliath's sword
- 00:05:33.409 --> 00:05:36.045
- From its sheath, used it to kill the giant and cut off his head.
- 00:05:36.045 --> 00:05:40.249
- When the philistines saw their champion was dead,
- 00:05:40.249 --> 00:05:42.852
- They turned and ran."
- 00:05:42.852 --> 00:05:45.488
- Wow, what a story and what a victory.
- 00:05:45.488 --> 00:05:48.024
- The will of the philistines was broken.
- 00:05:48.024 --> 00:05:51.160
- The will of the israelis or the israelites was reinvigorated.
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- So what do we learn in this story about
- 00:05:55.131 --> 00:05:57.133
- Facing our giants in life?
- 00:05:57.133 --> 00:05:59.302
- If you're taking notes, here's point number one.
- 00:05:59.302 --> 00:06:01.771
- We all have giants.
- 00:06:01.771 --> 00:06:04.741
- We all have obstacles.
- 00:06:04.741 --> 00:06:06.509
- We all have problems.
- 00:06:06.509 --> 00:06:08.111
- We all have challenges.
- 00:06:08.111 --> 00:06:09.846
- We all have threats.
- 00:06:09.846 --> 00:06:11.347
- We have things that we face that; well, they're just
- 00:06:11.347 --> 00:06:14.150
- A lot bigger than us, but i want you to know that whatever
- 00:06:14.150 --> 00:06:17.620
- You're facing right now you're not the first one
- 00:06:17.620 --> 00:06:20.823
- Nor will you be the last one to face it.
- 00:06:20.823 --> 00:06:23.359
- In fact, over in 1 corinthians 10:13 it says, "remember
- 00:06:23.359 --> 00:06:26.462
- The temptations that come into your life are no different from
- 00:06:26.462 --> 00:06:29.899
- What others experience, and god is faithful and he'll keep
- 00:06:29.899 --> 00:06:33.603
- The temptation from becoming so strong
- 00:06:33.603 --> 00:06:36.272
- That you can't stand up against it.
- 00:06:36.272 --> 00:06:38.274
- When you are tempted, he'll show you a way out
- 00:06:38.274 --> 00:06:40.810
- So you will not give in to it."
- 00:06:40.810 --> 00:06:43.379
- Everybody has giants.
- 00:06:43.379 --> 00:06:45.448
- So having said that, let me also add this.
- 00:06:45.448 --> 00:06:47.984
- Though everyone has giants, it is also true
- 00:06:47.984 --> 00:06:51.053
- That every giant is defeatable.
- 00:06:51.053 --> 00:06:54.490
- Every giant is defeatable.
- 00:06:54.490 --> 00:06:56.826
- And by the way, goliath was not always a giant.
- 00:06:56.826 --> 00:07:00.263
- Remember, when we say giant, we just mean a really big dude.
- 00:07:00.263 --> 00:07:03.833
- Okay? nine feet six inches.
- 00:07:03.833 --> 00:07:06.302
- He was kind of a freak of nature.
- 00:07:06.302 --> 00:07:08.237
- There weren't a lot of people his size,
- 00:07:08.237 --> 00:07:10.306
- But he was a human being and that means he was probably
- 00:07:10.306 --> 00:07:13.342
- The biggest baby you've ever seen; right?
- 00:07:13.342 --> 00:07:16.446
- And, man, when it came time to change goliath's diaper,
- 00:07:16.446 --> 00:07:19.248
- I don't think anyone wanted--
- 00:07:19.248 --> 00:07:21.083
- You know, the dad would say, "i'm not--i did it last time.
- 00:07:21.083 --> 00:07:23.486
- It traumatized me.
- 00:07:23.486 --> 00:07:24.887
- You do it," you know.
- 00:07:24.887 --> 00:07:26.422
- And then one day the little--the giant baby
- 00:07:26.422 --> 00:07:28.724
- Became a giant toddler.
- 00:07:28.724 --> 00:07:31.194
- Man, i would have hated to have seen goliath
- 00:07:31.194 --> 00:07:33.129
- In his terrible twos, right?
- 00:07:33.129 --> 00:07:35.131
- And then the toddler turned into a young man, and then he
- 00:07:35.131 --> 00:07:38.234
- Became an adolescent, and now he's an adult, a massive man.
- 00:07:38.234 --> 00:07:43.339
- And i bring that up because giants start small
- 00:07:43.339 --> 00:07:46.542
- And then they get big.
- 00:07:46.542 --> 00:07:49.145
- Sometimes there are things that we think we're managing
- 00:07:49.145 --> 00:07:52.448
- In our life.
- 00:07:52.448 --> 00:07:54.317
- Let's take alcohol as an example.
- 00:07:54.317 --> 00:07:56.652
- You know, maybe you like to have a drink; you know,
- 00:07:56.652 --> 00:08:00.656
- A beer with the boys, a glass of wine with dinner.
- 00:08:00.656 --> 00:08:02.925
- It's no big issue for you.
- 00:08:02.925 --> 00:08:04.727
- You said you have the liberty. it's great.
- 00:08:04.727 --> 00:08:07.396
- But then you found that well, you know, when you get home from
- 00:08:07.396 --> 00:08:10.633
- Work you need a drink to kind of relax and unwind and then fast
- 00:08:10.633 --> 00:08:15.371
- Forward a little bit while you--now you kind of need
- 00:08:15.371 --> 00:08:17.173
- A drink to kind of get up and go in the morning and, well, now
- 00:08:17.173 --> 00:08:20.109
- You need a drink to get through the day, and one day
- 00:08:20.109 --> 00:08:23.513
- You wake up and you have a problem with alcohol.
- 00:08:23.513 --> 00:08:26.716
- In fact, you are a functioning alcoholic, maybe not even
- 00:08:26.716 --> 00:08:29.886
- Functioning so well, and you're saying, "how did this start?
- 00:08:29.886 --> 00:08:32.855
- How did this take place?"
- 00:08:32.855 --> 00:08:35.291
- And it's become a giant.
- 00:08:35.291 --> 00:08:37.360
- So it's a problem, and i'll tell you what.
- 00:08:37.360 --> 00:08:39.595
- It's a big problem because i've seen a lot of lives
- 00:08:39.595 --> 00:08:43.199
- Ruined by alcohol.
- 00:08:43.199 --> 00:08:44.767
- I mean, you all know i was raised in an alcoholic home.
- 00:08:44.767 --> 00:08:46.869
- Frankly i've never seen one good thing come from drinking.
- 00:08:46.869 --> 00:08:50.473
- Okay, not one good thing, but i've seen a lot of bad things.
- 00:08:50.473 --> 00:08:53.843
- I saw all the marriages of my mom destroyed.
- 00:08:53.843 --> 00:08:56.445
- I know what it's like to be raised in an alcoholic home.
- 00:08:56.445 --> 00:08:58.981
- I know what it's like to find my mother passed out on the floor
- 00:08:58.981 --> 00:09:01.851
- Night after night and have to care for her.
- 00:09:01.851 --> 00:09:04.320
- I've seen this stuff up close and personal, but not just in
- 00:09:04.320 --> 00:09:07.390
- My childhood but as an adult.
- 00:09:07.390 --> 00:09:09.458
- You know, and a pastor i've talked to people
- 00:09:09.458 --> 00:09:11.627
- Who've had issues with this.
- 00:09:11.627 --> 00:09:13.529
- It's become a problem.
- 00:09:13.529 --> 00:09:15.031
- I know of two pastors in particular that lost their
- 00:09:15.031 --> 00:09:18.301
- Ministry because they ended up with a drinking problem.
- 00:09:18.301 --> 00:09:21.971
- This is something we have to take seriously
- 00:09:21.971 --> 00:09:24.807
- And be very careful of, and here's my approach to it.
- 00:09:24.807 --> 00:09:28.077
- I don't want to be under the control of anyone
- 00:09:28.077 --> 00:09:31.347
- Or anything but jesus christ.
- 00:09:31.347 --> 00:09:34.617
- Nothing else.
- 00:09:34.617 --> 00:09:37.787
- The bible says don't be drunk with wine, where there
- 00:09:39.388 --> 00:09:42.124
- Can be excess, but be filled with the holy spirit.
- 00:09:42.124 --> 00:09:45.428
- So we don't need the spirits, we need the spirit in our life.
- 00:09:45.428 --> 00:09:50.199
- But maybe a little thing like that has become
- 00:09:50.199 --> 00:09:52.168
- A big thing right now.
- 00:09:52.168 --> 00:09:54.236
- "oh, i can handle it," you said.
- 00:09:54.236 --> 00:09:56.072
- "it'll never get the best of me."
- 00:09:56.072 --> 00:09:57.640
- Well, now it has the best of you and that little problem
- 00:09:57.640 --> 00:10:00.176
- Just became a giant.
- 00:10:00.176 --> 00:10:02.511
- Or you might be facing a giant of another kind like a
- 00:10:02.511 --> 00:10:05.481
- Non-believing husband, wife, or child and you've almost given up
- 00:10:05.481 --> 00:10:10.286
- Hope because you've prayed and you've shared with them
- 00:10:10.286 --> 00:10:13.856
- And you've, well, nagged them and you've pressured them
- 00:10:13.856 --> 00:10:17.360
- And you've done everything you can and they seem to be getting
- 00:10:17.360 --> 00:10:20.229
- Worse and further from the lord and you wonder are they ever
- 00:10:20.229 --> 00:10:23.466
- Going to come to christ.
- 00:10:23.466 --> 00:10:24.867
- So we all have giants, number one.
- 00:10:24.867 --> 00:10:26.369
- Number two, david knew the battle belong to the lord.
- 00:10:26.369 --> 00:10:30.573
- Do you know that?
- 00:10:30.573 --> 00:10:32.041
- Your battle that you're fighting, your challenges that
- 00:10:32.041 --> 00:10:35.111
- You're facing, your temptations that you're experiencing,
- 00:10:35.111 --> 00:10:38.814
- Listen to this.
- 00:10:38.814 --> 00:10:40.216
- The battle belongs to the lord.
- 00:10:40.216 --> 00:10:46.055
- Greg: do you know certain friends that you like to
- 00:10:50.126 --> 00:10:52.328
- Hang out with that you get along with very well
- 00:10:52.328 --> 00:10:54.430
- But they don't get along well with each other?
- 00:10:54.430 --> 00:10:57.033
- So if you're having a dinner you say, "well, we can invite that
- 00:10:57.033 --> 00:11:00.169
- Person, but if we invite them we can't find a--invite that other
- 00:11:00.169 --> 00:11:02.872
- Person because, you know, they always have a conflict."
- 00:11:02.872 --> 00:11:05.741
- That's how faith and fear are.
- 00:11:05.741 --> 00:11:09.512
- If faith is present, fear is gone.
- 00:11:09.512 --> 00:11:12.915
- If fear is present, faith is gone.
- 00:11:12.915 --> 00:11:15.251
- When one walks in, the other walks out.
- 00:11:15.251 --> 00:11:17.853
- So every day we have a choice.
- 00:11:17.853 --> 00:11:19.722
- Are we going to live by faith or are we going to live by fear?
- 00:11:19.722 --> 00:11:23.693
- The children of israel came to the brink of the promised land.
- 00:11:23.693 --> 00:11:26.896
- They were poised to enter in, but decided--
- 00:11:26.896 --> 00:11:29.265
- They decided to send in 12 spies.
- 00:11:29.265 --> 00:11:31.967
- I don't think any of them were 007, though.
- 00:11:31.967 --> 00:11:34.570
- And ten came back, the majority, with a very scary report.
- 00:11:34.570 --> 00:11:38.974
- "the people are huge in the land.
- 00:11:38.974 --> 00:11:40.843
- Our adversaries are giant.
- 00:11:40.843 --> 00:11:42.545
- We'll be killed."
- 00:11:42.545 --> 00:11:44.280
- And then the minority, that was joshua and caleb,
- 00:11:44.280 --> 00:11:46.649
- Came back and just said, "everything's big there.
- 00:11:46.649 --> 00:11:48.851
- Check out these grapes that we brought back.
- 00:11:48.851 --> 00:11:50.820
- But the lord will give us the land."
- 00:11:50.820 --> 00:11:53.122
- The people chose to believe the majority report.
- 00:11:53.122 --> 00:11:56.826
- The people chose fear over faith.
- 00:11:56.826 --> 00:11:59.595
- Look, today you're going to have decisions.
- 00:11:59.595 --> 00:12:02.231
- You can react in fear or you can react in faith.
- 00:12:02.231 --> 00:12:05.601
- God is bigger than your problem.
- 00:12:05.601 --> 00:12:08.137
- And the bible says god has not given us a spirit of fear
- 00:12:08.137 --> 00:12:11.941
- But of power, love, and a sound mind.
- 00:12:11.941 --> 00:12:15.010
- Something to think about.
- 00:12:15.010 --> 00:12:16.679
- Greg: verse 47, david said to goliath,
- 00:12:20.549 --> 00:12:22.151
- "it's his battle, not ours.
- 00:12:22.151 --> 00:12:24.053
- So the lord will give you to us."
- 00:12:24.053 --> 00:12:26.422
- That's why giants defeat us again and again because
- 00:12:26.422 --> 00:12:29.558
- We face them in our own strength and we lose.
- 00:12:29.558 --> 00:12:33.229
- You know, in ephesians 6 it talks about the armor of god.
- 00:12:33.229 --> 00:12:36.832
- So we can prevail in spiritual warfare, talks about a helmet
- 00:12:36.832 --> 00:12:41.003
- Of salvation, breastplate of righteousness, a shield of
- 00:12:41.003 --> 00:12:44.974
- Faith, a sword of the spirit, and so forth.
- 00:12:44.974 --> 00:12:47.543
- But before a word is mentioned about armor, we're told this in
- 00:12:47.543 --> 00:12:51.981
- Verse 10: "finally, my brothers, be strong in the lord
- 00:12:51.981 --> 00:12:54.650
- And in the power of his might."
- 00:12:54.650 --> 00:12:56.519
- In other words, before you do anything else you need
- 00:12:56.519 --> 00:12:58.854
- To lean on the lord, you need to trust in the lord.
- 00:12:58.854 --> 00:13:01.690
- Alexander maclaren, a great bible commentator, made this
- 00:13:01.690 --> 00:13:04.894
- Statement, and i quote: "he who has the holy spirit in his heart
- 00:13:04.894 --> 00:13:08.798
- And the scripture in his hands has all he needs."
- 00:13:08.798 --> 00:13:12.568
- Do you have your bible with you? grab your bible right now.
- 00:13:12.568 --> 00:13:15.104
- Grab it. hold it in your hand.
- 00:13:15.104 --> 00:13:16.672
- "he that has the holy spirit in his heart and the scripture
- 00:13:16.672 --> 00:13:20.042
- In his hands," he writes, "has all he needs."
- 00:13:20.042 --> 00:13:24.079
- You have all you need.
- 00:13:24.079 --> 00:13:25.447
- God will never give you more than you can handle.
- 00:13:25.447 --> 00:13:28.050
- You'll never be tempted above your capacity
- 00:13:28.050 --> 00:13:31.554
- Or capicity, whatever that is--above your capicity
- 00:13:31.554 --> 00:13:36.192
- Or capacity to resist.
- 00:13:36.192 --> 00:13:40.362
- So it's god's strength that we need to lean on,
- 00:13:40.362 --> 00:13:43.833
- And david cites it in verse 47.
- 00:13:43.833 --> 00:13:46.001
- "so everyone will know the lord does not need weapons
- 00:13:46.001 --> 00:13:48.671
- To rescue his people.
- 00:13:48.671 --> 00:13:50.072
- It's his battle, not ours.
- 00:13:50.072 --> 00:13:51.507
- The lord will give you to us."
- 00:13:51.507 --> 00:13:54.243
- Listen, we're in a spiritual battle, and if you want to win
- 00:13:54.243 --> 00:13:58.214
- The spiritual battle you got to use spiritual weapons.
- 00:13:58.214 --> 00:14:01.083
- You got to fight fire with fire.
- 00:14:01.083 --> 00:14:03.319
- You say, "well, what do you mean?"
- 00:14:03.319 --> 00:14:04.653
- Well, look, we have two secret weapons in our arsenal
- 00:14:04.653 --> 00:14:07.223
- As christians that we rarely use.
- 00:14:07.223 --> 00:14:09.758
- What do you think they are?
- 00:14:09.758 --> 00:14:11.727
- "boycott and protest." no.
- 00:14:11.727 --> 00:14:14.797
- "register and vote."
- 00:14:14.797 --> 00:14:16.198
- There is a place for that for sure, but that's not even it.
- 00:14:16.198 --> 00:14:19.268
- How about this?
- 00:14:19.268 --> 00:14:20.636
- Pray and preach.
- 00:14:20.636 --> 00:14:22.638
- Pray and preach. pray and preach the gospel.
- 00:14:22.705 --> 00:14:26.308
- So here's the thing.
- 00:14:26.308 --> 00:14:28.010
- You--maybe you have fear.
- 00:14:28.010 --> 00:14:29.445
- You're overwhelmed.
- 00:14:29.445 --> 00:14:30.880
- "i don't know how we're going to deal with this."
- 00:14:30.880 --> 00:14:32.214
- Pray about it.
- 00:14:32.214 --> 00:14:33.682
- Turn your worries into prayers.
- 00:14:33.682 --> 00:14:36.886
- The bible says in philippians don't worry about anything but
- 00:14:36.886 --> 00:14:40.489
- Pray about everything, and the peace of god that passes
- 00:14:40.489 --> 00:14:43.626
- All human understanding will guard your heart and mind
- 00:14:43.626 --> 00:14:46.929
- In christ jesus.
- 00:14:46.929 --> 00:14:48.497
- So this is how you approach a giant.
- 00:14:48.497 --> 00:14:50.900
- And by a giant, again, an obstacle, a problem,
- 00:14:50.900 --> 00:14:53.302
- A challenge, a temptation, an addiction, whatever.
- 00:14:53.302 --> 00:14:55.704
- Look at it in the light of god.
- 00:14:55.704 --> 00:14:58.173
- Don't look at god in the light of your giant, look at your
- 00:14:58.173 --> 00:15:00.910
- Giant in the light of god.
- 00:15:00.910 --> 00:15:02.311
- Guess what?
- 00:15:02.311 --> 00:15:03.679
- God's bigger than your giant and god can defeat
- 00:15:03.679 --> 00:15:06.649
- Your giant because greater is he that is in you
- 00:15:06.649 --> 00:15:09.251
- Than he that is in this world.
- 00:15:09.251 --> 00:15:13.522
- In the lord's prayer, which is really a template for all
- 00:15:13.522 --> 00:15:16.592
- Prayer, jesus said, "after this manner therefore pray."
- 00:15:16.592 --> 00:15:20.729
- In other words, this isn't just a great prayer to pray,
- 00:15:20.729 --> 00:15:23.165
- Though it is.
- 00:15:23.165 --> 00:15:24.566
- There's nothing wrong at all with praying,
- 00:15:24.566 --> 00:15:26.702
- "our father who art in heaven, hallowed be your name.
- 00:15:26.702 --> 00:15:29.004
- Your kingdom come," and so forth.
- 00:15:29.004 --> 00:15:30.873
- But really it's a model for prayer.
- 00:15:30.873 --> 00:15:32.841
- So jesus says, "when you pray, pray this way.
- 00:15:32.841 --> 00:15:36.278
- Our father who art in heaven, hallowed be your name.
- 00:15:36.278 --> 00:15:38.781
- Your kingdom come.
- 00:15:38.781 --> 00:15:40.182
- Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven."
- 00:15:40.182 --> 00:15:43.218
- Then he says, "and pray, 'give us this day our daily bread.'"
- 00:15:43.218 --> 00:15:46.855
- Now, if we wrote the lord's prayer, it would be, "our
- 00:15:46.855 --> 00:15:48.958
- Father who art in heaven, give us this day our daily bread.
- 00:15:48.958 --> 00:15:51.226
- God, how are you doing?
- 00:15:51.226 --> 00:15:52.828
- Good to see you. here's what i need."
- 00:15:52.828 --> 00:15:54.697
- But jesus says, no, don't pray that way.
- 00:15:54.697 --> 00:15:57.666
- When you pray, stop and contemplate
- 00:15:57.666 --> 00:15:59.802
- The awesomeness of god.
- 00:15:59.802 --> 00:16:01.770
- Stop and worship the lord.
- 00:16:01.770 --> 00:16:03.772
- Get your problems into perspective.
- 00:16:03.772 --> 00:16:06.141
- Big god, small problems.
- 00:16:06.141 --> 00:16:08.444
- Big problems, small god or a small view of god?
- 00:16:08.444 --> 00:16:13.315
- "my father who art in heaven, hallowed or honored
- 00:16:13.315 --> 00:16:17.219
- Or glorified be your name.
- 00:16:17.219 --> 00:16:18.687
- Your kingdom come.
- 00:16:18.687 --> 00:16:20.222
- Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
- 00:16:20.222 --> 00:16:22.624
- My god in heaven, who happens to be my father, who is
- 00:16:22.624 --> 00:16:26.328
- In control of all things, who is sovereign, now here's my need."
- 00:16:26.328 --> 00:16:30.632
- Well, immediately it'll change my perspective because
- 00:16:30.632 --> 00:16:34.169
- I'm looking at god in his greatness and thus i'm seeing
- 00:16:34.169 --> 00:16:37.740
- My problem in its smallness.
- 00:16:37.740 --> 00:16:40.909
- So it's prayer and it's preaching
- 00:16:40.909 --> 00:16:42.978
- To proclaiming the gospel.
- 00:16:42.978 --> 00:16:45.280
- In a way it's sort of attack mode.
- 00:16:45.280 --> 00:16:47.983
- You know, when we preach the gospel, we are attacking.
- 00:16:47.983 --> 00:16:51.453
- You know, we look at our culture and it's so dark and we say,
- 00:16:51.453 --> 00:16:55.157
- "how do we change culture?"
- 00:16:55.157 --> 00:16:56.859
- You change culture one person at a time, and that happens through
- 00:16:56.859 --> 00:17:01.497
- Something called conversion.
- 00:17:01.497 --> 00:17:03.832
- It happened to you, it happened to me, and it can happen for
- 00:17:03.832 --> 00:17:06.835
- Others where they can become completely different people.
- 00:17:06.835 --> 00:17:09.838
- That's why we're so committed to proclaiming the gospel
- 00:17:09.838 --> 00:17:12.875
- Here at harvest.
- 00:17:12.875 --> 00:17:15.010
- And david attacked his giant.
- 00:17:15.010 --> 00:17:16.412
- That's point number three.
- 00:17:16.412 --> 00:17:18.080
- Attack your giants.
- 00:17:18.080 --> 00:17:20.249
- You know, earlier in the story in chapter 17, verse 25,
- 00:17:20.249 --> 00:17:24.520
- One of the israelites says, "have you seen this man
- 00:17:24.520 --> 00:17:27.623
- Goliath who has come up?"
- 00:17:27.623 --> 00:17:29.925
- In other words, goliath now had crossed the ravine
- 00:17:29.925 --> 00:17:32.995
- And now was on israel's side.
- 00:17:32.995 --> 00:17:35.631
- So it's not like goliath was just standing in the valley
- 00:17:35.631 --> 00:17:38.233
- Of elah saying, "come on down here and fight me."
- 00:17:38.233 --> 00:17:40.302
- He was marching right up into the camp of israel and bringing
- 00:17:40.302 --> 00:17:44.039
- It right in front of them, and that's how it happens.
- 00:17:44.039 --> 00:17:48.710
- If you tolerate a goliath, he'll take over your territory.
- 00:17:48.710 --> 00:17:52.314
- He'll get right up on your doorstep.
- 00:17:52.314 --> 00:17:55.651
- He'll get in your grill, as hans likes to say.
- 00:17:55.651 --> 00:17:59.488
- So here's the deal.
- 00:17:59.488 --> 00:18:01.256
- Here's how you deal with giants.
- 00:18:01.256 --> 00:18:03.425
- You don't back off, you don't compromise,
- 00:18:03.425 --> 00:18:05.561
- You don't make deals, you attack them.
- 00:18:05.561 --> 00:18:08.297
- You attack your giants.
- 00:18:08.297 --> 00:18:10.432
- Look at verse 48.
- 00:18:10.432 --> 00:18:12.067
- "as goliath moved closer to attack, david ran out quickly
- 00:18:12.067 --> 00:18:15.637
- To meet him."
- 00:18:15.637 --> 00:18:17.639
- So you say, "okay, this sounds very nice and spiritual,
- 00:18:17.639 --> 00:18:21.210
- But i don't really know what this means."
- 00:18:21.210 --> 00:18:23.679
- Okay, let's get practical for a moment.
- 00:18:23.679 --> 00:18:25.414
- Let's say you have a problem with drinking,
- 00:18:25.414 --> 00:18:28.750
- Or drugs, or pornography.
- 00:18:28.750 --> 00:18:32.721
- Deal with it.
- 00:18:32.721 --> 00:18:34.356
- So it starts by saying, "i have a problem."
- 00:18:34.356 --> 00:18:36.925
- See, as long as you're hiding it,
- 00:18:36.925 --> 00:18:38.560
- You're never going to deal with it.
- 00:18:38.560 --> 00:18:40.062
- You have to come out and say this to someone you love,
- 00:18:40.062 --> 00:18:41.997
- Your husband, your wife, your mom, your dad, your pastor,
- 00:18:41.997 --> 00:18:45.467
- A trusted friend, "i have a problem with drinking.
- 00:18:45.467 --> 00:18:48.137
- I have a problem with drugs."
- 00:18:48.137 --> 00:18:49.938
- These are not autobiographical statements, by the way.
- 00:18:49.938 --> 00:18:53.475
- Someone's going to edit this and just put it out in the internet
- 00:18:53.475 --> 00:18:56.311
- Somewhere just saying that and--with no explanation.
- 00:18:56.311 --> 00:18:59.615
- Okay, so are--you know, "i have this issue."
- 00:18:59.615 --> 00:19:02.851
- Okay, call it what it is. it's not just a problem.
- 00:19:02.851 --> 00:19:05.754
- That's a sin. you're dealing with this sin.
- 00:19:05.754 --> 00:19:08.223
- You're under the power of this sin.
- 00:19:08.223 --> 00:19:10.259
- So you need to bring it into the light of day
- 00:19:10.259 --> 00:19:12.528
- So you can start being dealt with.
- 00:19:12.528 --> 00:19:14.863
- Get it out of the shadows of darkness where it is lurked into
- 00:19:14.863 --> 00:19:18.066
- The light of day, and that brings into point number four.
- 00:19:18.066 --> 00:19:20.836
- Finish your giant off.
- 00:19:20.836 --> 00:19:22.971
- So you attack your giant and you finish him off.
- 00:19:22.971 --> 00:19:26.108
- Though goliath fell, he was still alive.
- 00:19:26.108 --> 00:19:28.844
- Now think about this.
- 00:19:28.844 --> 00:19:30.746
- David comes out with his sling, kind of like a slingshot.
- 00:19:30.746 --> 00:19:34.550
- Really a sling that he had really learned how to use
- 00:19:34.550 --> 00:19:38.253
- Because he would fight off predators with it.
- 00:19:38.253 --> 00:19:41.056
- He'd put a stone and start swinging it around and get a lot
- 00:19:41.056 --> 00:19:44.426
- Of momentum, and then when he released it it was like a guided
- 00:19:44.426 --> 00:19:47.462
- Missile, in a way like a bullet.
- 00:19:47.462 --> 00:19:50.032
- And it hits goliath, but goliath is a big guy
- 00:19:50.032 --> 00:19:52.334
- And he has a helmet on.
- 00:19:52.334 --> 00:19:54.136
- But he's done, boom.
- 00:19:54.136 --> 00:19:55.804
- And it's interesting he doesn't fall backwards,
- 00:19:55.804 --> 00:19:57.839
- He falls forward and he's lying there.
- 00:19:57.839 --> 00:20:00.275
- Now, think of how many movies or tv shows you've seen
- 00:20:00.275 --> 00:20:03.879
- Where the hero kills the bad guy.
- 00:20:03.879 --> 00:20:07.516
- He kills him.
- 00:20:07.516 --> 00:20:09.017
- The bad guy is dead, then the hero turns his back
- 00:20:09.017 --> 00:20:12.554
- To the bad guy; right?
- 00:20:12.554 --> 00:20:14.156
- And he's like calling someone or doing something and then--
- 00:20:14.156 --> 00:20:17.226
- You know the scene; right?
- 00:20:17.226 --> 00:20:18.760
- And all of a sudden the guy just stands up.
- 00:20:18.760 --> 00:20:21.096
- He's in the frame all of a sudden, you know, with a knife.
- 00:20:21.096 --> 00:20:23.465
- We go, "look behind you, you idiot," you know.
- 00:20:23.465 --> 00:20:25.934
- David had seen all those movies.
- 00:20:25.934 --> 00:20:29.805
- So he's down, but he's not dead.
- 00:20:29.805 --> 00:20:33.508
- So he takes it to the next level, and what does he do?
- 00:20:33.508 --> 00:20:36.578
- He goes over, verse 51, grabs his sword from its sheath
- 00:20:36.578 --> 00:20:42.150
- And kills the giant and cuts off his head.
- 00:20:42.150 --> 00:20:46.021
- David really knew how to get ahead in life, didn't he?
- 00:20:46.021 --> 00:20:49.124
- No, seriously.
- 00:20:49.124 --> 00:20:50.525
- Okay, now think about this.
- 00:20:50.525 --> 00:20:51.960
- Goliath was big.
- 00:20:51.960 --> 00:20:53.328
- He had a big neck, and he had a big sword.
- 00:20:53.328 --> 00:20:55.664
- So david pulls it up probably with both hands.
- 00:20:55.664 --> 00:20:58.767
- Goes over him and he probably--it didn't just come
- 00:20:58.767 --> 00:21:01.403
- Off all at once.
- 00:21:01.403 --> 00:21:02.771
- He probably had to chop.
- 00:21:02.771 --> 00:21:05.540
- You saying, "greg, this is so sickening."
- 00:21:05.540 --> 00:21:09.444
- It's in the bible.
- 00:21:09.444 --> 00:21:13.215
- He had to chop his head off.
- 00:21:13.215 --> 00:21:16.785
- Here's your choice.
- 00:21:16.785 --> 00:21:18.954
- Kill your giant or your giant will kill you.
- 00:21:18.954 --> 00:21:22.557
- Marginalize it, justify it so you can handle it.
- 00:21:22.557 --> 00:21:25.894
- That giant's coming back for more, man.
- 00:21:25.894 --> 00:21:28.997
- So cut its head off.
- 00:21:28.997 --> 00:21:30.899
- You kill them or they'll kill you.
- 00:21:30.899 --> 00:21:33.769
- And david used goliath's sword to kill goliath.
- 00:21:33.769 --> 00:21:37.306
- There would be no comebacks for goliath.
- 00:21:37.306 --> 00:21:39.641
- So what does this mean?
- 00:21:39.641 --> 00:21:41.510
- Practically it means you burn your bridges.
- 00:21:41.510 --> 00:21:44.279
- Let's say you have a problem with drinking.
- 00:21:44.279 --> 00:21:46.381
- What do you do?
- 00:21:46.381 --> 00:21:47.849
- Take the booze and pour it down the stinking drain, and don't
- 00:21:47.849 --> 00:21:51.286
- Buy any more, and don't hang around people that are drinking,
- 00:21:51.286 --> 00:21:54.956
- And don't go to places where you're going to be tempted
- 00:21:54.956 --> 00:21:57.426
- Because you know you're vulnerable.
- 00:21:57.426 --> 00:21:58.960
- If you have drugs, get rid of them.
- 00:21:58.960 --> 00:22:00.762
- "i have a lot of drugs. that's bad stewardship.
- 00:22:00.762 --> 00:22:02.898
- I'll sell them."
- 00:22:02.898 --> 00:22:04.266
- No. do not sell them.
- 00:22:04.266 --> 00:22:06.802
- You will be arrested as a drug dealer.
- 00:22:06.802 --> 00:22:10.072
- Get rid of them.
- 00:22:10.072 --> 00:22:11.573
- Throw them out. burn your bridges.
- 00:22:11.573 --> 00:22:14.876
- What about if you have an issue with pornography?
- 00:22:14.876 --> 00:22:16.912
- Well, if you're viewing it online, you need to take
- 00:22:16.912 --> 00:22:18.714
- Practical steps.
- 00:22:18.714 --> 00:22:22.684
- Maybe get an internet filter, but those sometimes don't work
- 00:22:22.684 --> 00:22:25.854
- As well as one would hope.
- 00:22:25.854 --> 00:22:27.756
- Hey, if necessary, get rid of your stinking computer,
- 00:22:27.756 --> 00:22:30.625
- You know, seriously.
- 00:22:30.625 --> 00:22:32.060
- You know, jesus said, "if your right eye offend you pluck it
- 00:22:32.060 --> 00:22:35.163
- Out, for it's better to enter into the kingdom of god
- 00:22:35.163 --> 00:22:37.866
- With one eye than to be thrown into hell with two.
- 00:22:37.866 --> 00:22:41.970
- And if your right arm offends you cut it off, for it's better
- 00:22:41.970 --> 00:22:44.506
- To enter into god's kingdom with one arm than
- 00:22:44.506 --> 00:22:46.742
- To be thrown into hell with two."
- 00:22:46.742 --> 00:22:48.844
- Now, of course, you know that's not literal, right?
- 00:22:48.844 --> 00:22:51.747
- There's a guy with one arm and eye missing going, "don't--"
- 00:22:51.747 --> 00:22:54.149
- No, i'm just kidding.
- 00:22:54.149 --> 00:22:55.784
- But this is a picture he uses to show that we must take
- 00:22:55.784 --> 00:23:01.089
- Radical measures.
- 00:23:01.089 --> 00:23:02.657
- In that culture, the right arm or hand was thought of as
- 00:23:02.657 --> 00:23:05.527
- The best hand and the right eye was thought of as the best eye.
- 00:23:05.527 --> 00:23:08.563
- So here's what it means.
- 00:23:08.563 --> 00:23:10.098
- Do whatever you need to do to get rid of that sin
- 00:23:10.098 --> 00:23:13.368
- In your life.
- 00:23:13.368 --> 00:23:14.936
- And so if it literally meant you're not going to carry
- 00:23:14.936 --> 00:23:16.972
- A smartphone around 'cause you view junk on it, then get
- 00:23:16.972 --> 00:23:20.242
- An old school phone that actually just makes phone calls.
- 00:23:20.242 --> 00:23:23.445
- What an evolutionary thought.
- 00:23:23.445 --> 00:23:24.980
- I mean, there might be practical steps.
- 00:23:24.980 --> 00:23:26.581
- Hey, if you're married, tell your wife what your passwords
- 00:23:26.581 --> 00:23:29.718
- Are so she can access your account.
- 00:23:29.718 --> 00:23:31.753
- Be upfront about it.
- 00:23:31.753 --> 00:23:34.189
- Make yourself accountable to someone.
- 00:23:34.189 --> 00:23:35.824
- If you're single, say, "i have a--i've struggled here.
- 00:23:35.824 --> 00:23:38.627
- You can look at my phone.
- 00:23:38.627 --> 00:23:40.195
- You can look on my computer anytime you want.
- 00:23:40.195 --> 00:23:42.597
- Hold me to account."
- 00:23:42.597 --> 00:23:44.566
- You have to deal with these issues in a practical,
- 00:23:44.566 --> 00:23:47.068
- Upfront way.
- 00:23:47.068 --> 00:23:49.738
- And so david did that exactly, and he cut off the head of
- 00:23:49.738 --> 00:23:53.275
- His giant and this gave courage to the rest of the israeli army
- 00:23:53.275 --> 00:23:59.314
- That then attacked their enemies.
- 00:23:59.314 --> 00:24:02.217
- And, you know, in the same way that they shared in the victory
- 00:24:02.217 --> 00:24:06.254
- Of david, we share in the victory of jesus.
- 00:24:06.254 --> 00:24:11.860
- Greg: maybe god has spoken
- 00:24:15.464 --> 00:24:17.599
- To your heart and you have seen your need for jesus christ.
- 00:24:17.599 --> 00:24:22.370
- Jesus christ is the son of god who came from heaven
- 00:24:22.370 --> 00:24:26.308
- To this earth.
- 00:24:26.308 --> 00:24:27.809
- He was born in a manger, he died on cross,
- 00:24:27.809 --> 00:24:31.179
- He rose again from the dead; why?
- 00:24:31.179 --> 00:24:33.448
- Because he loves you and he wants a relationship with you.
- 00:24:33.448 --> 00:24:37.085
- Listen, i'm not talking about religion.
- 00:24:37.085 --> 00:24:39.154
- I don't wanna be a religious person,
- 00:24:39.154 --> 00:24:41.156
- I don't think you wanna be one either,
- 00:24:41.156 --> 00:24:43.091
- I'm talking about relationship with god.
- 00:24:43.091 --> 00:24:46.428
- Jesus who died and rose again stands at the door of your life
- 00:24:46.428 --> 00:24:50.999
- And he knocks and he says, "if you'll hear his voice
- 00:24:50.999 --> 00:24:53.802
- And open the door, he will come in."
- 00:24:53.802 --> 00:24:56.004
- Question:
- 00:24:56.004 --> 00:24:57.506
- Have you asked jesus christ to come and live inside of you?
- 00:24:57.506 --> 00:25:00.242
- You might say, "well, i think so, i'm not sure."
- 00:25:00.242 --> 00:25:02.410
- Hey, if someone moved into your house in the middle
- 00:25:02.410 --> 00:25:04.613
- Of the night, do you think you would be aware of it?
- 00:25:04.613 --> 00:25:07.516
- I'm sure you would.
- 00:25:07.516 --> 00:25:09.251
- And in the same way, if christ has come to live inside of you,
- 00:25:09.251 --> 00:25:12.087
- You will know, and if you don't know,
- 00:25:12.087 --> 00:25:14.656
- Maybe he has not come in yet, he's just a prayer away.
- 00:25:14.656 --> 00:25:18.460
- All you need to do is say, "jesus, i want this relationship
- 00:25:18.460 --> 00:25:22.030
- With you, i want you to forgive me of my sin,
- 00:25:22.030 --> 00:25:24.866
- I wanna go to heaven when i die."
- 00:25:24.866 --> 00:25:27.402
- Would you like to do that?
- 00:25:27.402 --> 00:25:28.970
- Would you like christ to come into your life?
- 00:25:28.970 --> 00:25:30.906
- If so, why don't you just pray the simple prayer with me.
- 00:25:30.906 --> 00:25:34.242
- You can pray it out loud or you can pray it in the quietness
- 00:25:34.242 --> 00:25:37.512
- Of your heart.
- 00:25:37.512 --> 00:25:38.847
- But this is a prayer where you're asking jesus christ
- 00:25:38.847 --> 00:25:41.316
- To be your savior and lord, pray this with me now.
- 00:25:41.316 --> 00:25:44.853
- "lord jesus, i know that i'm a sinner,
- 00:25:44.853 --> 00:25:48.123
- But i know that you're the savior.
- 00:25:48.123 --> 00:25:50.525
- Who died on the cross for my sin and rose again from the dead.
- 00:25:50.525 --> 00:25:54.729
- Now come into my life.
- 00:25:54.729 --> 00:25:56.998
- I choose to follow you from this moment forward.
- 00:25:56.998 --> 00:26:01.336
- Thank you for hearing this prayer
- 00:26:01.336 --> 00:26:03.872
- And answering this prayer.
- 00:26:03.872 --> 00:26:05.707
- In jesus's name, amen."
- 00:26:05.707 --> 00:26:08.109
- Did you just pray that prayer with me?
- 00:26:08.109 --> 00:26:10.812
- If so, i want you to know in the authority of scripture that
- 00:26:10.812 --> 00:26:13.882
- Christ himself has come to live inside of you.
- 00:26:13.882 --> 00:26:17.152
- And i would love to send to you, at no charge,
- 00:26:17.152 --> 00:26:19.621
- "the new believer's bible." it's a very friendly translation of
- 00:26:19.621 --> 00:26:23.592
- The new testament you'll find very understandable, and it's
- 00:26:23.592 --> 00:26:26.995
- Filled with hundreds of notes that i wrote that will encourage
- 00:26:26.995 --> 00:26:30.832
- You in this commitment you've just made to follow jesus.
- 00:26:30.832 --> 00:26:34.235
- And let me be the first to say to you, "congratulations
- 00:26:34.235 --> 00:26:37.138
- And welcome to the family of god."
- 00:26:37.138 --> 00:26:41.409
- Greg: harvest has a special gift for you today: an
- 00:26:45.480 --> 00:26:48.350
- Opportunity to set up a will or a living trust
- 00:26:48.350 --> 00:26:52.320
- Completely free of charge.
- 00:26:52.320 --> 00:26:54.556
- Here's how you can learn more.
- 00:26:54.556 --> 00:26:56.891
- Greg: i'm excited to announce that here at harvest
- 00:26:56.958 --> 00:26:59.294
- We partnered with our friends at freewill.
- 00:26:59.294 --> 00:27:02.797
- Freewill is an easy to use estate planning tool
- 00:27:02.797 --> 00:27:05.600
- That allows you to make planned gifts to organizations
- 00:27:05.600 --> 00:27:08.803
- Of your choice.
- 00:27:08.803 --> 00:27:10.271
- It's a creative opportunity to support the work we're doing
- 00:27:10.271 --> 00:27:13.508
- Here at harvest ministries.
- 00:27:13.508 --> 00:27:15.210
- So as you make your plans, i hope you'll consider
- 00:27:15.210 --> 00:27:18.079
- Investing in this ministry so we can continue
- 00:27:18.079 --> 00:27:21.116
- To preach the gospel and teach the word of god
- 00:27:21.116 --> 00:27:23.752
- For years to come.
- 00:27:23.752 --> 00:27:25.086
- You can learn more at
- 00:27:25.086 --> 00:27:29.010