Join Pastor Greg Laurie for a time of encouragement, worship, and Bible study.
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Harvest with Pastor Greg Laurie | Greg Laurie - How To Deal With Trials and Temptation | January 1, 2025
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- 00:00:00.633 --> 00:00:01.338
- ♪♪♪
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- Greg laurie: okay, question: where does temptation come from?
- 00:00:05.109 --> 00:00:09.913
- Our default answer would probably be, "well, the devil."
- 00:00:10.014 --> 00:00:12.616
- There's truth to that, but it's not all of it.
- 00:00:12.716 --> 00:00:14.918
- It comes from us, too.
- 00:00:15.819 --> 00:00:17.154
- We play a key role in our own temptation.
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- ♪ this is the day, the day when life begins. ♪
- 00:00:24.294 --> 00:00:31.235
- ♪ this is the day, the day when life begins. ♪♪
- 00:00:31.235 --> 00:00:39.109
- Greg: maybe i'm talking to somebody going through a fiery
- 00:00:42.613 --> 00:00:45.082
- Trial right now.
- 00:00:45.082 --> 00:00:47.051
- Seemingly out of nowhere, the bottom just dropped out, and
- 00:00:47.051 --> 00:00:51.789
- You're facing problem after problem, and you don't know why
- 00:00:51.789 --> 00:00:55.325
- This is happening to you.
- 00:00:55.325 --> 00:00:57.361
- You're saying, "what's wrong with me?
- 00:00:57.361 --> 00:00:59.663
- What have i done to deserve this?"
- 00:00:59.663 --> 00:01:01.498
- Let me have you look at it a little differently.
- 00:01:01.498 --> 00:01:04.501
- Instead of asking, "what's wrong with me," maybe you should ask,
- 00:01:04.501 --> 00:01:08.038
- "what's right with me?"
- 00:01:08.038 --> 00:01:10.040
- Because the reason you're being attacked is because you are a
- 00:01:10.040 --> 00:01:14.845
- Threat to satan and his kingdom, and the devil wants to stop you.
- 00:01:14.845 --> 00:01:20.350
- So god's allowing these trials in your life for a purpose.
- 00:01:20.350 --> 00:01:23.854
- It's been said, christians are a lot like teabags; you don't know
- 00:01:23.854 --> 00:01:27.391
- What they're made of until you put them in hot water.
- 00:01:27.391 --> 00:01:31.361
- Maybe you're in the hot water of temptation right now.
- 00:01:31.361 --> 00:01:34.798
- Are you going through a big trial?
- 00:01:34.798 --> 00:01:36.400
- But someone else would say, "well, i'm not going through
- 00:01:36.400 --> 00:01:39.236
- Any trials.
- 00:01:39.236 --> 00:01:40.571
- I haven't had any hardships, and i can't remember the last time i
- 00:01:40.571 --> 00:01:43.540
- Was tempted."
- 00:01:43.540 --> 00:01:44.908
- Oh, you just admitted you're basically worthless.
- 00:01:44.908 --> 00:01:48.779
- Ever hear the expression, 'you don't need to kick a
- 00:01:48.779 --> 00:01:51.148
- Dead horse?'
- 00:01:51.148 --> 00:01:52.516
- See, the devil doesn't need to waste his time with an
- 00:01:52.516 --> 00:01:55.652
- Immobilized, compromised christian.
- 00:01:55.652 --> 00:01:58.622
- Instead, he's gonna focus his energies and his attacks on
- 00:01:58.622 --> 00:02:02.459
- Those who are a threat to the kingdom.
- 00:02:02.459 --> 00:02:04.495
- But here's the good news.
- 00:02:04.495 --> 00:02:05.829
- Jesus said, the gates of hell will not prevail against us.
- 00:02:05.829 --> 00:02:10.501
- Have you ever wondered what that means?
- 00:02:10.501 --> 00:02:12.669
- See, think of it this way.
- 00:02:12.669 --> 00:02:14.037
- Have you ever seen one of those movies where an army is storming
- 00:02:14.037 --> 00:02:17.407
- A castle, and they close the gate, and, as the army gets
- 00:02:17.407 --> 00:02:20.577
- Closer, they pour boiling oil over the side, right?
- 00:02:20.577 --> 00:02:24.381
- But then, what does the army do?
- 00:02:24.381 --> 00:02:25.949
- They pull out their battering ram, and they push it through
- 00:02:25.949 --> 00:02:29.219
- The gate, and finally the gate breaks, and they go inside.
- 00:02:29.219 --> 00:02:32.823
- So, when jesus says, "the gates of hell will not prevail against
- 00:02:32.823 --> 00:02:35.926
- You," we're the invading army.
- 00:02:35.926 --> 00:02:38.195
- We've got the battering ram of the gospel, and we're breaking
- 00:02:38.195 --> 00:02:41.932
- Through the gates, and we're going to break through those
- 00:02:41.932 --> 00:02:44.434
- Gates, and those gates will not prevail against us because we're
- 00:02:44.434 --> 00:02:48.272
- On the winning side with the message of jesus christ.
- 00:02:48.272 --> 00:02:51.175
- That's what that means.
- 00:02:51.175 --> 00:02:55.445
- But, if you choose to live that way, you will be opposed.
- 00:02:55.445 --> 00:03:00.350
- But that's good news; that's confirmation you're on the
- 00:03:00.350 --> 00:03:03.320
- Right track.
- 00:03:03.320 --> 00:03:04.655
- All right, so back to the book of james.
- 00:03:04.655 --> 00:03:05.989
- This was written to the jewish people who had been scattered;
- 00:03:05.989 --> 00:03:10.194
- The 12 tribes of israel were flung far and wide.
- 00:03:10.194 --> 00:03:13.997
- They were no longer ruling their own nation as they had in the
- 00:03:13.997 --> 00:03:16.800
- Past with kings like david and solomon.
- 00:03:16.800 --> 00:03:20.037
- Now they're under the rule of the occupying force of rome and
- 00:03:20.037 --> 00:03:24.341
- Caesar, and it's a hard time for them, and they're suffering.
- 00:03:24.341 --> 00:03:28.645
- And maybe i'm talking to someone that's suffering right now.
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- If so, this book is for you.
- 00:03:31.515 --> 00:03:33.750
- The book of james was written by the half-brother of
- 00:03:33.750 --> 00:03:37.454
- Jesus, james.
- 00:03:37.454 --> 00:03:38.822
- Now let me explain half-brother.
- 00:03:38.822 --> 00:03:41.558
- The mother of james was mary; the father of james was joseph,
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- But his half-brother, if you will, was jesus because the
- 00:03:47.064 --> 00:03:50.367
- Mother of jesus was mary, but the father of jesus was god the
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- Father, and he, his son was supernaturally conceived in the
- 00:03:54.738 --> 00:03:58.709
- Womb of mary.
- 00:03:58.709 --> 00:04:00.344
- Mary was not sinless.
- 00:04:00.344 --> 00:04:02.879
- Jesus was not born of what is sometimes called
- 00:04:02.879 --> 00:04:05.415
- Immaculate conception.
- 00:04:05.415 --> 00:04:07.451
- Mary was a sinner like everyone else, yet she was hand-picked by
- 00:04:07.451 --> 00:04:12.289
- God to have this great privilege of being the mother of
- 00:04:12.289 --> 00:04:16.126
- The messiah.
- 00:04:16.126 --> 00:04:17.461
- But joseph was a stepfather and clearly an earthly father figure
- 00:04:17.461 --> 00:04:21.999
- For jesus, and i think he was a great dad.
- 00:04:21.999 --> 00:04:24.935
- And we talk a lot about mary and her life, but we shouldn't
- 00:04:24.935 --> 00:04:28.538
- Forget joseph because, of all the men god could have chosen,
- 00:04:28.538 --> 00:04:32.476
- He said, "i want that man to be the father figure to my son."
- 00:04:32.476 --> 00:04:37.147
- And so jesus had siblings because sometimes we hear it
- 00:04:37.147 --> 00:04:40.183
- Said jesus had no brothers and sisters.
- 00:04:40.183 --> 00:04:42.486
- No, he had brothers and sisters, and james was one of
- 00:04:42.486 --> 00:04:45.889
- Those brothers.
- 00:04:45.889 --> 00:04:47.691
- But you would think they all believed in him.
- 00:04:47.691 --> 00:04:49.826
- I mean, who was a better kid than jesus?
- 00:04:49.826 --> 00:04:53.363
- He always did all of his chores, no rebellion, no back talk.
- 00:04:53.363 --> 00:04:58.935
- He was the perfect young man, the perfect teenager, the
- 00:04:58.935 --> 00:05:03.240
- Perfect young adult.
- 00:05:03.240 --> 00:05:05.509
- He was the greatest example of all time.
- 00:05:05.509 --> 00:05:07.744
- Yet we read that his own family did not believe in him.
- 00:05:07.744 --> 00:05:12.049
- In fact, they came to take him home on one occasion because
- 00:05:12.049 --> 00:05:15.185
- They had, they thought he was crazy.
- 00:05:15.185 --> 00:05:17.387
- And so that brings me to my first point, if you're
- 00:05:17.387 --> 00:05:19.556
- Taking notes.
- 00:05:19.556 --> 00:05:20.924
- Even living a perfect christian life will not convince
- 00:05:20.924 --> 00:05:23.794
- Some people.
- 00:05:23.794 --> 00:05:26.029
- Even living a perfect christian life will not convince
- 00:05:26.029 --> 00:05:29.733
- Some people.
- 00:05:29.733 --> 00:05:31.101
- Who lived a more perfect life than christ himself?
- 00:05:31.101 --> 00:05:33.804
- He never lied, he never stole, he never lost his temper.
- 00:05:33.804 --> 00:05:37.908
- He never even sinned inwardly.
- 00:05:37.908 --> 00:05:40.711
- Do you think mary ever lectured the other siblings and said,
- 00:05:40.711 --> 00:05:44.214
- "kids, why can't you be more like your big brother jesus?
- 00:05:44.214 --> 00:05:47.984
- He's such a great example.
- 00:05:47.984 --> 00:05:49.319
- In fact, joseph was out in the shop, and he made these little
- 00:05:49.319 --> 00:05:51.555
- Wooden bracelets, wwjd.
- 00:05:51.555 --> 00:05:54.424
- Wear these.
- 00:05:54.424 --> 00:05:56.560
- Ask yourself the question, 'what would jesus do?'"
- 00:05:56.560 --> 00:06:00.030
- Well, i don't think that ever happened, but he was a
- 00:06:00.030 --> 00:06:02.799
- Perfect example.
- 00:06:02.799 --> 00:06:04.735
- But yet they did not believe.
- 00:06:04.735 --> 00:06:06.336
- In fact, matthew 13 says he went to his own hometown of nazareth
- 00:06:06.336 --> 00:06:10.340
- Where he was raised, he performed miracles.
- 00:06:10.340 --> 00:06:12.876
- Their reaction was, "hey, isn't this the carpenter's son?
- 00:06:12.876 --> 00:06:16.747
- Isn't his mother's name mary and his brothers james,
- 00:06:16.747 --> 00:06:19.750
- Joseph, simon, and judas?"
- 00:06:19.750 --> 00:06:22.319
- And they took offense at him, and christ said,
- 00:06:22.319 --> 00:06:24.654
- "a prophet is not without honor except in his own country."
- 00:06:24.654 --> 00:06:28.925
- And he did not do many miracles there,
- 00:06:28.925 --> 00:06:31.561
- The bible says, because of their unbelief.
- 00:06:31.561 --> 00:06:34.164
- Listen, the hardest people to reach are the ones closest to
- 00:06:34.164 --> 00:06:37.234
- You, hardest people to reach, kids,
- 00:06:37.234 --> 00:06:40.036
- Are your parents, hardest people to reach,
- 00:06:40.036 --> 00:06:42.739
- Parents, are your kids.
- 00:06:42.739 --> 00:06:44.441
- The hardest people to reach are your siblings or your friends
- 00:06:44.441 --> 00:06:48.445
- That go all the way back to your school days,
- 00:06:48.445 --> 00:06:50.814
- And you'll tell them how christ has changed your life,
- 00:06:50.814 --> 00:06:53.116
- And they'll be suspicious.
- 00:06:53.116 --> 00:06:54.651
- Don't give up on them, keep praying for them,
- 00:06:54.651 --> 00:06:58.422
- But it just shows even jesus really didn't have his own
- 00:06:58.422 --> 00:07:02.125
- Family believe in him until he was crucified and resurrected.
- 00:07:02.125 --> 00:07:06.863
- But look how james starts his epistle, james chapter 1, verse
- 00:07:06.863 --> 00:07:10.434
- 1, "james, a bondservant of god and of the lord jesus christ, to
- 00:07:10.434 --> 00:07:16.373
- The twelve tribes that are scattered abroad: greetings, my
- 00:07:16.373 --> 00:07:19.743
- Brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials,
- 00:07:19.743 --> 00:07:23.246
- Knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.
- 00:07:23.246 --> 00:07:26.950
- But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be
- 00:07:26.950 --> 00:07:30.187
- Perfect and complete, lacking nothing."
- 00:07:30.187 --> 00:07:33.590
- Okay, point number one, even living a perfect christian life
- 00:07:33.590 --> 00:07:37.093
- Will not convince some people.
- 00:07:37.093 --> 00:07:38.829
- Point number two.
- 00:07:38.829 --> 00:07:40.530
- Make a choice to rejoice when you go through times of trial.
- 00:07:40.530 --> 00:07:47.237
- Look at verse 2, "my brethren, count it all joy when you fall
- 00:07:47.237 --> 00:07:51.174
- Into various trials," or another translation puts it this way,
- 00:07:51.174 --> 00:07:55.078
- "count it pure, unmixed, complete, and total joy."
- 00:07:55.078 --> 00:08:01.218
- What kind of weird thing is that to say to a suffering person?
- 00:08:01.218 --> 00:08:05.922
- Here's what he isn't saying.
- 00:08:05.922 --> 00:08:07.924
- He's not saying enjoy it when you suffer.
- 00:08:07.924 --> 00:08:11.194
- I don't think any of us enjoy suffering.
- 00:08:11.194 --> 00:08:14.231
- He's not saying that the trials themselves are joy because they
- 00:08:14.231 --> 00:08:17.834
- Are not; in fact, hebrews 12:11 says, "no discipline seems
- 00:08:17.834 --> 00:08:21.905
- Pleasant at the time, but painful."
- 00:08:21.905 --> 00:08:24.674
- What james is saying is consider it pure joy, or, as i said, make
- 00:08:24.674 --> 00:08:30.013
- A choice to rejoice.
- 00:08:30.013 --> 00:08:32.415
- You see, it's a matter of will, not emotions.
- 00:08:32.415 --> 00:08:35.619
- The more we rejoice in our testings, the more we realize
- 00:08:35.619 --> 00:08:40.190
- They're not liabilities but privileges, ultimately helpful,
- 00:08:40.190 --> 00:08:44.995
- Not harmful, no matter how severe they may appear.
- 00:08:44.995 --> 00:08:49.966
- There are times in life that we go through hardship, but we make
- 00:08:49.966 --> 00:08:53.336
- A choice to rejoice.
- 00:08:53.336 --> 00:08:54.671
- Take jesus as the ultimate example.
- 00:08:54.671 --> 00:08:57.307
- It says in hebrews 12, "for the joy that was set before him, he
- 00:08:57.307 --> 00:09:01.011
- Endured the cross, despising the shame, and now has set down at
- 00:09:01.011 --> 00:09:05.115
- The right hand of god."
- 00:09:05.115 --> 00:09:06.483
- Wait, what joy?
- 00:09:06.483 --> 00:09:07.817
- Jesus had been scourged 39 times.
- 00:09:07.817 --> 00:09:11.254
- Jesus had his beard ripped from his face.
- 00:09:11.254 --> 00:09:14.124
- He had been struck repeatedly with fists.
- 00:09:14.124 --> 00:09:17.527
- He had a crown of thorns pressed down on his head.
- 00:09:17.527 --> 00:09:20.630
- He had lost a tremendous amount of blood.
- 00:09:20.630 --> 00:09:23.066
- And he's carrying this massive cross.
- 00:09:23.066 --> 00:09:25.602
- And yet the joy set before him.
- 00:09:25.602 --> 00:09:29.005
- What joy?
- 00:09:29.005 --> 00:09:30.740
- That joy was you.
- 00:09:30.740 --> 00:09:33.443
- That joy was me.
- 00:09:33.443 --> 00:09:35.512
- That joy was us because he knew what the cross would accomplish.
- 00:09:35.512 --> 00:09:39.849
- Jesus did not come to this earth to be a good example.
- 00:09:39.849 --> 00:09:43.820
- He came to be a suffering savior, to die in our place on
- 00:09:43.820 --> 00:09:48.658
- The cross and to bear our sins, and then to rise again from
- 00:09:48.658 --> 00:09:53.063
- The dead.
- 00:09:53.063 --> 00:09:54.397
- But the joy set before him, you see?
- 00:09:54.397 --> 00:09:56.833
- Point number three.
- 00:09:56.833 --> 00:09:58.702
- Trials happen to make us stronger in every way.
- 00:09:58.702 --> 00:10:02.205
- Verse 3, "knowing that the testing of your faith
- 00:10:02.205 --> 00:10:05.241
- Produces patience.
- 00:10:05.241 --> 00:10:07.243
- But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be
- 00:10:07.243 --> 00:10:10.380
- Perfect and complete, lacking nothing."
- 00:10:10.380 --> 00:10:12.549
- Okay, so, the word patience is probably not the best
- 00:10:12.549 --> 00:10:16.019
- Translation, and i'm using the new king james version here.
- 00:10:16.019 --> 00:10:19.422
- It comes from a greek word that translates out to toughness,
- 00:10:19.422 --> 00:10:23.660
- Fortitude, endurance, or staying power.
- 00:10:23.660 --> 00:10:28.832
- So it's implying something different than simple patience.
- 00:10:28.832 --> 00:10:32.068
- A modern translation of james, verses 3 and 4, say, "let
- 00:10:32.068 --> 00:10:36.973
- It grow.
- 00:10:36.973 --> 00:10:38.308
- Don't try to squirm out of your problems; for when your patience
- 00:10:38.308 --> 00:10:41.378
- Is in full blown--" in full bloom, rather--"you're ready
- 00:10:41.378 --> 00:10:44.781
- For anything, strong in character, full and complete."
- 00:10:44.781 --> 00:10:48.518
- It's like going to the gym and working out.
- 00:10:48.518 --> 00:10:51.655
- How many of you go to a gym or a health club, raise your hand?
- 00:10:51.655 --> 00:10:54.691
- Okay, a few more of you might think about it, just saying.
- 00:10:54.691 --> 00:11:02.265
- How many of you that go to the gym like to go to the gym?
- 00:11:02.265 --> 00:11:05.301
- You enjoy it; you love the release of endorphins.
- 00:11:05.301 --> 00:11:07.837
- Okay, you--i hope you're not on steroids, sir, i don't know.
- 00:11:07.837 --> 00:11:13.209
- Okay, you are; no more coffee for this man over here.
- 00:11:13.209 --> 00:11:19.449
- So, hey, i admire anybody that enjoys working out.
- 00:11:19.449 --> 00:11:23.386
- I go to the gym; i don't like it; my favorite time is when
- 00:11:23.386 --> 00:11:27.390
- It's done.
- 00:11:27.390 --> 00:11:28.725
- But here's the funny thing.
- 00:11:28.725 --> 00:11:30.093
- I'll make up every excuse as to why i don't wanna go, even when
- 00:11:30.093 --> 00:11:33.263
- I'm there, "i don't wanna do this."
- 00:11:33.263 --> 00:11:34.864
- But then, once i'm done, i'm glad i did it.
- 00:11:34.864 --> 00:11:38.134
- Not because i enjoyed it, but it actually energizes me when i
- 00:11:38.134 --> 00:11:44.007
- Complete it.
- 00:11:44.007 --> 00:11:45.375
- You see, that's what trials are like.
- 00:11:45.375 --> 00:11:47.177
- A lot of people find themselves feeling tired and lethargic.
- 00:11:47.177 --> 00:11:50.847
- They say, "well, i'm just getting old."
- 00:11:50.847 --> 00:11:53.083
- That, that's maybe true; but you might be out of shape.
- 00:11:53.083 --> 00:11:56.653
- Well, you're in a shape; you're in the shape of a pear; that's
- 00:11:56.653 --> 00:11:59.689
- Not a good shape.
- 00:11:59.689 --> 00:12:01.991
- People even call you the lord's pear, and you don't like it.
- 00:12:01.991 --> 00:12:07.764
- So you can't fight age, you can't stop age, but you can do
- 00:12:07.764 --> 00:12:14.504
- The best you can with your body and stay strong and get
- 00:12:14.504 --> 00:12:18.408
- Stronger physically.
- 00:12:18.408 --> 00:12:19.976
- The same can be true spiritually as well.
- 00:12:19.976 --> 00:12:23.246
- You might say, "well, i don't feel any spiritual energy.
- 00:12:23.246 --> 00:12:26.583
- I feel tired and drained, but i'm still reading my bible.
- 00:12:26.583 --> 00:12:31.321
- I'm praying. i'm going to church.
- 00:12:31.321 --> 00:12:32.655
- I'm even in a harvest small group.
- 00:12:32.655 --> 00:12:34.324
- And i feel this lethargy."
- 00:12:34.324 --> 00:12:36.793
- Well, here's my advice to you.
- 00:12:36.793 --> 00:12:39.562
- Get off your fat--lazy boy recliner.
- 00:12:39.562 --> 00:12:43.333
- What did you think i was gonna say?
- 00:12:43.333 --> 00:12:46.202
- Wow, where are your heads at today?
- 00:12:46.202 --> 00:12:49.539
- No, get off your lazy boy recliner and do something.
- 00:12:49.539 --> 00:12:53.910
- You see, the spiritual life is taking in, but it's also
- 00:12:53.910 --> 00:12:57.514
- Giving out.
- 00:12:57.514 --> 00:12:58.882
- And, if i only take in, and i don't give out, i am gonna reach
- 00:12:58.882 --> 00:13:02.118
- A state of spiritual lethargy.
- 00:13:02.118 --> 00:13:05.655
- The bible says, "give and it shall be given unto you, pressed
- 00:13:05.655 --> 00:13:08.424
- Down, shaken together, running over.
- 00:13:08.424 --> 00:13:10.493
- With the same measure you give, it shall be given back to you."
- 00:13:10.493 --> 00:13:15.098
- So trials, trials are like god's gym, where we're broken down in
- 00:13:15.098 --> 00:13:19.669
- Order to be built up, where we take our faith from the realm of
- 00:13:19.669 --> 00:13:24.174
- Theory to reality so we can start living out our faith in
- 00:13:24.174 --> 00:13:27.811
- The real world.
- 00:13:27.811 --> 00:13:29.212
- You'll always have trials in this life.
- 00:13:29.212 --> 00:13:32.682
- They won't stop until you get to heaven.
- 00:13:32.682 --> 00:13:36.319
- But, god will be with you through every single one.
- 00:13:36.319 --> 00:13:40.156
- Verse 2 says, "count it all joy when you go through these
- 00:13:40.156 --> 00:13:43.526
- Various trials," it's not 'if,' it's 'when;' you're going to go
- 00:13:43.526 --> 00:13:48.398
- Through them.
- 00:13:48.398 --> 00:13:50.033
- Greg: hey, everybody, greg laurie here with
- 00:13:54.003 --> 00:13:55.338
- Some thoughts about anxiety.
- 00:13:55.338 --> 00:13:57.173
- Well, there's a lot of things to be anxious about
- 00:13:57.173 --> 00:13:59.909
- Right now, aren't there?
- 00:13:59.909 --> 00:14:01.945
- All the turmoil in our country, all the fighting,
- 00:14:01.945 --> 00:14:04.981
- Which hasn't gotten better, it's actually gotten worse.
- 00:14:04.981 --> 00:14:08.084
- Can i make a couple of recommendations?
- 00:14:08.084 --> 00:14:10.420
- Maybe don't watch the news for hours on end.
- 00:14:10.420 --> 00:14:14.357
- Maybe don't spend all your time on twitter and fighting with
- 00:14:14.357 --> 00:14:18.862
- People on social media, et cetera.
- 00:14:18.862 --> 00:14:20.763
- And i'm not saying don't be uninformed 'cause we need to be
- 00:14:20.763 --> 00:14:23.366
- Aware of what's going on so we know how to pray intelligently,
- 00:14:23.366 --> 00:14:27.070
- But take time to fill your mind with the word of god,
- 00:14:27.070 --> 00:14:31.641
- Take time to focus on your relationship with god.
- 00:14:31.641 --> 00:14:36.512
- We all know this verse very well that says,
- 00:14:36.512 --> 00:14:39.148
- "don't worry about anything, pray about everything,
- 00:14:39.148 --> 00:14:42.619
- And the peace of god will guard your
- 00:14:42.619 --> 00:14:44.954
- Heart and mind in christ jesus."
- 00:14:44.954 --> 00:14:46.289
- Scripture also says, "thou will keep him in perfect peace who's
- 00:14:46.289 --> 00:14:50.260
- Mind is stayed on thee because he trusteth in thee."
- 00:14:50.260 --> 00:14:53.830
- So if you find yourself in turmoil and anguish and if you
- 00:14:53.830 --> 00:14:57.500
- Find yourself filled with anxiety,
- 00:14:57.500 --> 00:14:59.269
- Put your mind on the lord, turn your thoughts toward the lord,
- 00:14:59.269 --> 00:15:04.674
- Fill your life with the word of god,
- 00:15:04.674 --> 00:15:07.343
- With worship music, with good bible teaching.
- 00:15:07.343 --> 00:15:10.413
- We have a podcast, and there's a lot of great things out there,
- 00:15:10.413 --> 00:15:13.449
- But we have a podcast you can listen to,
- 00:15:13.449 --> 00:15:15.451
- But listen, look to jesus right now and let's keep praying for
- 00:15:15.451 --> 00:15:19.856
- Our nation that god's will, will be done,
- 00:15:19.856 --> 00:15:23.393
- But let's also pray that he will give us personal peace.
- 00:15:23.393 --> 00:15:27.864
- ♪ this is the day, the day when life begins. ♪♪
- 00:15:27.931 --> 00:15:35.805
- Greg: point number four.
- 00:15:36.372 --> 00:15:37.707
- It is through trials that we learn great wisdom.
- 00:15:37.707 --> 00:15:41.110
- So they not only make us stronger spiritually, but,
- 00:15:41.110 --> 00:15:44.247
- Through trials, we learn things that we would not have
- 00:15:44.247 --> 00:15:46.816
- Otherwise learned.
- 00:15:46.816 --> 00:15:48.184
- Look at verse 5, "if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of
- 00:15:48.184 --> 00:15:51.254
- God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it
- 00:15:51.254 --> 00:15:54.991
- Will be given to him.
- 00:15:54.991 --> 00:15:56.326
- But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts
- 00:15:56.326 --> 00:15:59.095
- Is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind.
- 00:15:59.095 --> 00:16:02.298
- Let not that man suppose he will receive anything from the lord;
- 00:16:02.298 --> 00:16:06.536
- He's a double-minded man, unstable in all of his ways."
- 00:16:06.536 --> 00:16:10.440
- You know, we live in a time where we can get information
- 00:16:10.440 --> 00:16:13.876
- On demand.
- 00:16:13.876 --> 00:16:15.211
- All you have to do is say, "hey, siri, what's the
- 00:16:15.211 --> 00:16:17.747
- Temperature today?"
- 00:16:17.747 --> 00:16:19.382
- "hey, google, what about this?"
- 00:16:19.382 --> 00:16:21.651
- "hey, alexa--" you ask her a question, and you talk to this
- 00:16:21.651 --> 00:16:25.455
- Artificial intelligence, and, in many ways, we have knowledge
- 00:16:25.455 --> 00:16:30.126
- That's a mile wide, but an inch deep.
- 00:16:30.126 --> 00:16:33.129
- We have knowledge without wisdom.
- 00:16:33.129 --> 00:16:35.198
- Through knowledge, we've learned how to travel faster than sound.
- 00:16:35.198 --> 00:16:39.135
- But we show our lack of wisdom by going faster in the
- 00:16:39.135 --> 00:16:42.472
- Wrong direction.
- 00:16:42.472 --> 00:16:44.107
- See, what we need is wisdom.
- 00:16:44.107 --> 00:16:45.475
- Knowledge is good; we want knowledge.
- 00:16:45.475 --> 00:16:46.843
- We need biblical knowledge; we need other kinds of knowledge.
- 00:16:46.843 --> 00:16:50.046
- But we need wisdom.
- 00:16:50.046 --> 00:16:51.914
- And the bible says, "if any man lack wisdom, let him ask
- 00:16:51.914 --> 00:16:54.984
- Of god."
- 00:16:54.984 --> 00:16:56.319
- And he'll give it generously, but, when you ask, don't doubt.
- 00:16:56.319 --> 00:16:59.655
- So this is one of those prayers that, when you pray it, you know
- 00:16:59.655 --> 00:17:03.192
- God will answer it.
- 00:17:03.192 --> 00:17:04.961
- It's praying for the will of god.
- 00:17:04.961 --> 00:17:06.662
- A lot of times, when we sit down to have a meeting or we make
- 00:17:06.662 --> 00:17:10.366
- Some plans for the future, we'll pray, "lord, give us wisdom.
- 00:17:10.366 --> 00:17:14.137
- You've told us in your word, if any man lacks wisdom, let him
- 00:17:14.137 --> 00:17:17.073
- Ask of you, and you'll give it generously.
- 00:17:17.073 --> 00:17:19.142
- Lord, we need that wisdom right now."
- 00:17:19.142 --> 00:17:21.210
- That's a good prayer to pray.
- 00:17:21.210 --> 00:17:23.613
- We need to know his will, especially on the biggest
- 00:17:23.613 --> 00:17:26.616
- Decisions of life, one being who you're gonna marry, or maybe god
- 00:17:26.616 --> 00:17:31.687
- Won't have you get married.
- 00:17:31.687 --> 00:17:33.122
- But you need wisdom to know.
- 00:17:33.122 --> 00:17:35.258
- You wanna make the right decision there.
- 00:17:35.258 --> 00:17:37.827
- What career path you may choose, what ministry opportunities you
- 00:17:37.827 --> 00:17:43.066
- May respond to.
- 00:17:43.066 --> 00:17:44.400
- You need this wisdom, and, when you pray, believe you will
- 00:17:44.400 --> 00:17:47.770
- Receive it.
- 00:17:47.770 --> 00:17:49.138
- Point number five.
- 00:17:49.138 --> 00:17:50.473
- God will enable us to endure and get through times of temptation.
- 00:17:50.473 --> 00:17:54.610
- God will enable us to endure and get through times of temptation.
- 00:17:54.677 --> 00:18:01.384
- James 1, verse 12, "blessed is he who endures temptation; for
- 00:18:01.384 --> 00:18:05.855
- When he has been approved, he'll receive the crown of life which
- 00:18:05.855 --> 00:18:08.658
- The lord has promised to those who love him.
- 00:18:08.658 --> 00:18:10.827
- But let no one say when he is tempted, 'i'm tempted by god;'
- 00:18:10.827 --> 00:18:13.896
- For god cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he himself
- 00:18:13.896 --> 00:18:17.366
- Tempt anyone."
- 00:18:17.366 --> 00:18:18.734
- Look at this part; don't miss these final verses.
- 00:18:18.734 --> 00:18:21.003
- "each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires
- 00:18:21.003 --> 00:18:25.341
- And is enticed.
- 00:18:25.341 --> 00:18:26.676
- And then, when desire has conceived, he gives birth to
- 00:18:26.676 --> 00:18:29.145
- Sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death."
- 00:18:29.145 --> 00:18:34.317
- Okay, question: where does temptation come from?
- 00:18:34.317 --> 00:18:39.188
- Our default answer would probably be, "well, the devil."
- 00:18:39.188 --> 00:18:41.891
- There's truth to that, but it's not all of it.
- 00:18:41.891 --> 00:18:45.094
- It comes from us, too.
- 00:18:45.094 --> 00:18:46.462
- We play a key role in our own temptation.
- 00:18:46.462 --> 00:18:50.166
- Where there's no desire on our part, there's no temptation.
- 00:18:50.166 --> 00:18:54.704
- In fact, in these verses, we have the five steps
- 00:18:54.704 --> 00:19:00.877
- To temptation.
- 00:19:00.877 --> 00:19:02.245
- Number one, the temptation itself; verse 14, "everyone is
- 00:19:02.245 --> 00:19:06.182
- Tempted when they're drawn away by their own desires," which by
- 00:19:06.182 --> 00:19:10.086
- The way are common to man.
- 00:19:10.086 --> 00:19:13.389
- So, whatever you're being tempted to do, you're not the
- 00:19:13.389 --> 00:19:15.892
- Only one because sometimes we may think, "oh, man, how could
- 00:19:15.892 --> 00:19:19.996
- That thought have come into my mind?
- 00:19:19.996 --> 00:19:21.831
- What is wrong with me?"
- 00:19:21.831 --> 00:19:23.432
- Doesn't mean anything's wrong with you.
- 00:19:23.432 --> 00:19:25.134
- Listen, it's not a sin to be tempted.
- 00:19:25.134 --> 00:19:28.137
- The sin of temptation is not the bait; it's the bite.
- 00:19:28.137 --> 00:19:32.074
- If you don't take the bait, you haven't sinned; you have to bite
- 00:19:32.074 --> 00:19:37.180
- At it.
- 00:19:37.180 --> 00:19:38.514
- So, just because a thought comes to your mind doesn't mean
- 00:19:38.514 --> 00:19:41.617
- You're evil.
- 00:19:41.617 --> 00:19:42.985
- It just means you're being tempted by evil.
- 00:19:42.985 --> 00:19:46.589
- The bible calls it, king james, "the fiery darts of the
- 00:19:46.589 --> 00:19:50.326
- Wicked one."
- 00:19:50.326 --> 00:19:51.894
- Years ago, when i was a young preacher, i think i was maybe 18
- 00:19:51.894 --> 00:19:54.864
- Or 19 when i gave one of my first sermons, was at a
- 00:19:54.864 --> 00:19:57.667
- Christian camp.
- 00:19:57.667 --> 00:19:59.001
- Chuck smith was there.
- 00:19:59.001 --> 00:20:00.336
- I wanted to impress everyone.
- 00:20:00.336 --> 00:20:02.305
- And so i was speaking on ephesians 6 about
- 00:20:02.305 --> 00:20:05.074
- Spiritual warfare.
- 00:20:05.074 --> 00:20:06.542
- And, instead of talking about the fiery darts of the wicked
- 00:20:06.542 --> 00:20:10.046
- One, i instead said the diary farts of the wicked one.
- 00:20:10.046 --> 00:20:15.084
- It's kind of an embarrassing moment, but, they're not diary
- 00:20:15.084 --> 00:20:20.456
- Farts, so it--really, a better translation would be flaming
- 00:20:20.456 --> 00:20:24.327
- Arrows, okay, flaming arrows.
- 00:20:24.327 --> 00:20:26.596
- So, you know, maybe you're worshiping the lord, and your
- 00:20:26.596 --> 00:20:29.632
- Thoughts are on heavenly things, and, all of a sudden--
- 00:20:29.632 --> 00:20:32.201
- Phth phth phth--that's the sound of an arrow.
- 00:20:32.201 --> 00:20:35.438
- That sound like an arrow?
- 00:20:35.438 --> 00:20:37.039
- There it is.
- 00:20:37.039 --> 00:20:38.407
- Okay, all of a sudden, weird, bizarre thought,
- 00:20:38.407 --> 00:20:40.343
- Horrible thought.
- 00:20:40.343 --> 00:20:41.711
- Oh, and the devil says, "how could you think that in church?"
- 00:20:41.711 --> 00:20:45.481
- Well, these are temptations.
- 00:20:45.481 --> 00:20:47.450
- You just say, "i reject that.
- 00:20:47.450 --> 00:20:48.951
- That is not from god."
- 00:20:48.951 --> 00:20:50.286
- Okay, so, the temptation itself, we're all going to be tempted.
- 00:20:50.286 --> 00:20:53.856
- Number two.
- 00:20:53.856 --> 00:20:55.191
- But maybe you're interested in it.
- 00:20:55.191 --> 00:20:56.726
- So everyone is drawn away by their own desire.
- 00:20:56.726 --> 00:21:00.363
- See, "there's, i could have been," "i won't do it, but show
- 00:21:00.363 --> 00:21:04.767
- Me what you're offering," you know.
- 00:21:04.767 --> 00:21:07.770
- It's like that test drive.
- 00:21:07.770 --> 00:21:09.105
- You're looking at that car.
- 00:21:09.105 --> 00:21:10.473
- "let's take it out for a spin."
- 00:21:10.473 --> 00:21:11.807
- Oh, "no."
- 00:21:11.807 --> 00:21:13.175
- They go, "come on now."
- 00:21:13.175 --> 00:21:14.510
- Why are they doing that?
- 00:21:14.510 --> 00:21:15.878
- Because you will be locked in a car with a person that will try
- 00:21:15.878 --> 00:21:18.814
- To close that deal and make that sale.
- 00:21:18.814 --> 00:21:22.585
- Or the free sample.
- 00:21:22.585 --> 00:21:24.487
- You know, i was in a farmer's market yesterday walking along,
- 00:21:24.487 --> 00:21:27.623
- And they were offering free samples, and some guy said, "i
- 00:21:27.623 --> 00:21:30.459
- Have free sample," and it's soup.
- 00:21:30.459 --> 00:21:31.961
- I'm like, "i don't want soup."
- 00:21:31.961 --> 00:21:34.130
- What, who even wants to eat soup?
- 00:21:34.130 --> 00:21:37.233
- How can anyone make a meal from soup?
- 00:21:37.233 --> 00:21:40.303
- Soup to me is like salad.
- 00:21:40.303 --> 00:21:41.937
- It's what i eat to warm up for real food, right?
- 00:21:41.937 --> 00:21:44.907
- "try this."
- 00:21:44.907 --> 00:21:46.242
- "nah, it's okay."
- 00:21:46.242 --> 00:21:47.610
- "no, try it."
- 00:21:47.610 --> 00:21:48.944
- "okay, whatever."
- 00:21:48.944 --> 00:21:50.313
- I take a little sip of his tiny little cup.
- 00:21:50.313 --> 00:21:51.647
- "i'll have it now.
- 00:21:51.647 --> 00:21:53.015
- How much is it?"
- 00:21:53.015 --> 00:21:54.350
- It was great soup.
- 00:21:54.350 --> 00:21:55.718
- It was really hearty with turkey in it and all kinds of things.
- 00:21:55.718 --> 00:21:58.054
- So i bought this bag of frozen soup.
- 00:21:58.054 --> 00:22:00.690
- Cathe's buying vegetables.
- 00:22:00.690 --> 00:22:02.692
- Look what i bought.
- 00:22:02.692 --> 00:22:04.026
- It's like, "why?"
- 00:22:04.026 --> 00:22:05.394
- "i don't know.
- 00:22:05.394 --> 00:22:06.729
- It was good."
- 00:22:06.729 --> 00:22:08.097
- It started with a free sample.
- 00:22:08.097 --> 00:22:09.432
- So the devil says, "okay, okay, i know you would never do this
- 00:22:09.432 --> 00:22:12.101
- Because you're such a godly person.
- 00:22:12.101 --> 00:22:14.770
- But just take this thought for a spin.
- 00:22:14.770 --> 00:22:18.808
- Just take a little nibble; it'll be fun.
- 00:22:18.808 --> 00:22:21.210
- You would never act on it."
- 00:22:21.210 --> 00:22:22.545
- But that's the whole strategy of temptation.
- 00:22:22.545 --> 00:22:25.448
- It starts in the realm of your mind.
- 00:22:25.448 --> 00:22:28.050
- Now you're almost hooked.
- 00:22:28.050 --> 00:22:29.852
- Verse 14 of james 1, "you're drawn away by your own desires."
- 00:22:29.852 --> 00:22:33.689
- There's still a way out.
- 00:22:33.689 --> 00:22:35.324
- But you're thinking, you're processing, you're considering,
- 00:22:35.324 --> 00:22:38.928
- And the hook is now set, and you bite.
- 00:22:38.928 --> 00:22:41.130
- Verse 15, "when desire is conceived, it gives birth
- 00:22:41.130 --> 00:22:43.966
- To sin."
- 00:22:43.966 --> 00:22:45.301
- And so you've acted on the evil thought, and there's maybe the
- 00:22:45.301 --> 00:22:49.271
- Momentary pleasure that can come from certain sins.
- 00:22:49.271 --> 00:22:54.243
- But then immediately, if your conscience is working, guilt
- 00:22:54.243 --> 00:22:57.380
- Kicks in, regret, remorse, that spiritual deadness.
- 00:22:57.380 --> 00:23:04.086
- Thank god you can say, "lord, i'm sorry, i repent," and he'll
- 00:23:04.086 --> 00:23:07.923
- Forgive you.
- 00:23:07.923 --> 00:23:09.258
- But you know the effects of sin that can happen in your life.
- 00:23:09.258 --> 00:23:12.495
- And then the effects of sin, number five, kick in; verse 15,
- 00:23:12.495 --> 00:23:16.399
- "sin, when it's full-grown, brings forth death."
- 00:23:16.399 --> 00:23:20.035
- The bible says, "the soul that sins shall surely die."
- 00:23:20.035 --> 00:23:23.839
- It also says, "the wages of sin are death."
- 00:23:23.839 --> 00:23:26.942
- You're now separated from god.
- 00:23:26.942 --> 00:23:28.911
- So now i wanna blame someone.
- 00:23:28.911 --> 00:23:30.479
- This is not my fault.
- 00:23:30.479 --> 00:23:32.581
- The devil made me do it.
- 00:23:32.581 --> 00:23:33.916
- No, he didn't.
- 00:23:33.916 --> 00:23:35.284
- Devil can't make you do anything.
- 00:23:35.284 --> 00:23:36.619
- He can tempt you.
- 00:23:36.619 --> 00:23:37.987
- You have to cooperate.
- 00:23:37.987 --> 00:23:39.388
- "well, this other person, they, it's their fault; they
- 00:23:39.388 --> 00:23:42.591
- Tempted me."
- 00:23:42.591 --> 00:23:43.926
- Well, maybe they did, but you're still responsible for your
- 00:23:43.926 --> 00:23:47.029
- Own actions.
- 00:23:47.029 --> 00:23:48.631
- That's what adam did; he blamed eve.
- 00:23:48.631 --> 00:23:51.200
- And eve played a role in it, but, ultimately, it was adam's
- 00:23:51.200 --> 00:23:54.170
- Decision to eat of that forbidden fruit.
- 00:23:54.170 --> 00:23:56.772
- Okay, here's another thought.
- 00:23:56.772 --> 00:23:58.107
- We're almost done here.
- 00:23:58.107 --> 00:23:59.475
- When does temptation generally come?
- 00:23:59.475 --> 00:24:01.510
- This might surprise you.
- 00:24:01.510 --> 00:24:03.245
- When does it generally come?
- 00:24:03.245 --> 00:24:06.048
- After times of great blessing.
- 00:24:06.048 --> 00:24:09.351
- Remember jesus was baptized by his cousin john the baptist.
- 00:24:09.351 --> 00:24:15.458
- And then you remember that the father spoke from heaven and
- 00:24:15.458 --> 00:24:19.061
- Said, "this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased."
- 00:24:19.061 --> 00:24:22.965
- And the spirit of god came upon jesus in the form of a dove.
- 00:24:22.965 --> 00:24:26.836
- What a moment, what a blessing.
- 00:24:26.836 --> 00:24:29.638
- And what do we read then?
- 00:24:29.638 --> 00:24:31.006
- Immediately after that, jesus went into the wilderness to be
- 00:24:31.006 --> 00:24:34.176
- Tested and tempted by the devil.
- 00:24:34.176 --> 00:24:37.146
- After the dove came the devil; after the blessing came
- 00:24:37.146 --> 00:24:42.384
- The temptation.
- 00:24:42.384 --> 00:24:43.853
- So it might happen after church.
- 00:24:43.853 --> 00:24:45.387
- Oh, i love that.
- 00:24:45.387 --> 00:24:46.755
- Great time of worship, so so sermon.
- 00:24:46.755 --> 00:24:49.158
- But, still, you're in your car; someone cuts you off, "you
- 00:24:49.158 --> 00:24:54.096
- Stinking oof!"
- 00:24:54.096 --> 00:24:56.432
- You start fighting with your wife in front of your kids.
- 00:24:56.432 --> 00:24:59.502
- Something else happens.
- 00:24:59.502 --> 00:25:00.836
- Wait, what's going on?
- 00:25:00.836 --> 00:25:02.204
- Yeah, well, attacks often come after times of blessing.
- 00:25:02.204 --> 00:25:04.907
- So brace yourself for that.
- 00:25:04.907 --> 00:25:06.942
- Be aware of that, and that's what's going to happen in life.
- 00:25:06.942 --> 00:25:13.182
- But god always has a way out for us, and every temptation can
- 00:25:13.182 --> 00:25:17.486
- Be resisted.
- 00:25:17.486 --> 00:25:18.854
- And listen to this; i love that verse, "blessed is the man that
- 00:25:18.854 --> 00:25:22.124
- Endures temptation; for when he has been tried, he'll receive
- 00:25:22.124 --> 00:25:25.394
- The crown of life."
- 00:25:25.394 --> 00:25:31.934
- Greg: there are so many things to be worried about right now,
- 00:25:36.171 --> 00:25:38.574
- Aren't there?
- 00:25:38.574 --> 00:25:39.909
- The worrying about terrorism, worry about your personal
- 00:25:39.909 --> 00:25:42.611
- Safety, violent crime, the economy, the list goes on.
- 00:25:42.611 --> 00:25:46.515
- Here's what the bible says, "don't worry about anything.
- 00:25:46.515 --> 00:25:50.185
- Pray about everything."
- 00:25:50.185 --> 00:25:52.655
- Turn your panic into prayer.
- 00:25:52.721 --> 00:25:55.524
- Jesus said, "come unto me, all of you that are laboring and are
- 00:25:55.591 --> 00:25:58.894
- Heavy laden.
- 00:25:58.894 --> 00:26:00.229
- I will give you rest."
- 00:26:00.229 --> 00:26:01.597
- Give your burdens, give your problems over to god, and let
- 00:26:01.597 --> 00:26:05.935
- Him give you his peace in your heart.
- 00:26:05.935 --> 00:26:10.105
- Let me send to you, at no charge, what i call a new
- 00:26:10.172 --> 00:26:13.642
- Believer's bible to help you grow in a relationship with god
- 00:26:13.642 --> 00:26:19.014
- And learn how to turn your panic into prayer and your worry
- 00:26:19.014 --> 00:26:23.152
- Into worship.
- 00:26:23.152 --> 00:26:26.655
- Greg: you know, the bible says: "a good person
- 00:26:30.593 --> 00:26:33.596
- Leaves an inheritance for their children's children."
- 00:26:33.596 --> 00:26:37.533
- God encourages all of us as christians to manage
- 00:26:37.533 --> 00:26:41.203
- Our money well so we can be a blessing to our families
- 00:26:41.203 --> 00:26:45.007
- And to others.
- 00:26:45.007 --> 00:26:46.342
- Harvest has a special gift for you today, an opportunity
- 00:26:46.342 --> 00:26:50.079
- To set up a will or a living trust completely free of charge.
- 00:26:50.079 --> 00:26:55.484
- Here's how you can learn more.
- 00:26:55.484 --> 00:26:57.553
- Greg: i'm excited to announce that here at harvest
- 00:26:57.620 --> 00:26:59.955
- We partnered with our friends at freewill.
- 00:26:59.955 --> 00:27:03.459
- Freewill is an easy to use estate planning tool
- 00:27:03.459 --> 00:27:06.261
- That allows you to make planned gifts to organizations
- 00:27:06.261 --> 00:27:09.465
- Of your choice.
- 00:27:09.465 --> 00:27:10.933
- It's a creative opportunity to support the work we're doing
- 00:27:10.933 --> 00:27:14.169
- Here at harvest ministries.
- 00:27:14.169 --> 00:27:15.871
- So as you make your plans, i hope you'll consider
- 00:27:15.871 --> 00:27:18.741
- Investing in this ministry so we can continue
- 00:27:18.741 --> 00:27:21.777
- To preach the gospel and teach the word of god
- 00:27:21.777 --> 00:27:24.413
- For years to come.
- 00:27:24.413 --> 00:27:25.748
- You can learn more at
- 00:27:25.748 --> 00:27:29.685